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19 Cards in this Set

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What percent of sperm make it to the oocyte
Where is the site of fertilization
The Ampulla region
What are the 3 periods of pregnancy, how long do they last and what is formed in these periods
1. Germinal Period- first 2 weeks of development and forms the germ layers
2. Embryonic Period- weeks 2-8 and the organ systems develop
3. Fetal Period- last 30 weeks, organ system grow and mature
What are the 3 layers of the oocyte
1. Corona Radiata- granulosis celks
2. Zona Pellucida- clear glycoprotein membrane
3. Plasma membrane
What reaction is caused by the sperm binding to the ZP3?
The acrosomal reaction where digestive enzymes are released
What does the sperm bind to in order to cause a depolarization?
Integrin alpha 6 beta 1
After the depolarization of the oocyte what occurs so that only one sperm can enter the nucleus
Fast Block to Polyspermy- charged elector potential shocks away any other sperm from attaching
Slow Block to Polyspermy- calcium ions are released which causes an exocytosis of calcium and water. The loss of water causes the oocyte to shrink , which causes the zone pellucida to denature as we'll as the ZP#
How many mitotic divisions does the oocyte undergo before it is the female pronucleus?
When the two pronucleus join what is the new diploid cell called?
What pushes the zygote down the uterine tubes toward the uterus?
How long does the fire division of the zygote take to occur
18-36 hours
What are the 2 types of cells in the zygote/ morulla and what can they become
Totipotent- can become any type of cell
Pleuripotent- can become a smaller number of different types of cells
When has the morulla been formed?
After the zygote is more than 12 cells
What is the fluid cavity called inside the blastocyst?
The blastocele
What does the inner cell mass eventually become?
The embryo proper
What is the thin layer of cells that surround the blastocele called?
Trophoblast cells
What cells are formed after implantation?
Cytotrophoblast cells and syncytiotrophoblast cells
What is the difference between dizygotic twins and monozygotic twins?
Dizygotic twins are formed when two oocytes are released
Monozygotic twins are formed when one cell is released and after it is fertilized it splits into two cells
If the zygote splits after 8 days what is likely to be formed?
conjoined twins