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215 Cards in this Set

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birth defect (congenital malformation, congenital anomaly)
synonymous terms used to describe structural, behavioral, functional, and metabolic disorders present at birth or soon after
teratology and dysmorphology
terms used to describe the study of birth defects
percent of infants with physical anomalies
4 to 6% total, with 2-3 at birth and 2-3 before 5
mortality rate
~21% of infant death, same among different races
causes of birth defects
obvious genetic factors (chromosome abnormalities, mutant genes)-15%
environmental factors-10%
genetic+environmental factors-20-25%
minor anomalies
occur in approx. 15% of newborns, are structural abnormalities, such as microtia (small ears), pigmented spots and short palpebral fissures, not detrimental to health but may be associated with larger defects
1 minor anomaly-3% chance of a major malformation
2 minor anomalies-10% chance
3 minor anomalies-20% chance
during organogenesis (3rd-8th week), normally caused by environmental and/or genetic factors acting independently or in concert, complete or partial absence of a structure or in alterations of its normal configuration
result in morphological alterations of already formed structures and are due to destructive processes (ex: vascular accidents -> bowel atresias)
due to mechanical forces that mold a part of the fetus over a prolonged period, may be reversible postnatally, affects mostly musculoskeletal system, clubfeet (due to compression in the amniotic cavity)
a group of anomalies occurring together that have a specific common cause, means a diagnosis is made
nonrandom appearance of two or more anomalies that occur together more frequently than by chance alone but whose cause has not been determined, ex: VACTERL association (vertebral, anal, cardiac, trachoesophageal, renal and limb anomalies), do not constitute diagnosis
genetic factors of birth defects and spontaneous abortions
numerical chromosomal abnormalities
structural chromosomal abnormalities
gene mutations
occurs when chromosomes do not separate from each other and a cell gets either and extra copy or short a copy
meiotic: 22 or 24 gametes -> trisomy 47 or monosomy 45
mitotic: mosaicism (some have nondisjunction and some not)
balanced (non-phenotypical because no critical genetic material is lost) or unbalanced (phenotypcial, loss of critical genetic material causing a change in phenotype), common in chromosome 13, 14, 15, 21, 22 because they cluster during meiosis, when pieces of chromosome break and attach to another
examples of numerical chromosomal abnormalities
trisomy 21 (downs), 18 or 13
klinefelter Syndrome
Turner Syndrome
Trisomy 21
features: growth and mental retardation, craniofocal abnormalities, upward slanting eyes, epicanthal folds, flat facies and small ears, cardiac defects, hypotonia
cause: 95% is because of meiotic nondisjunction, 4% unbalanced translocation between chromosome 21 and 13, 14, or 15, 1% mosaicism
incidence: 1/2000 (<25 years old), 1/300 (35 years old), 1/100 (40 years old)
trisomy 18
features: mental retardation, congenital heart defects, low-set ears, flexation of finger and hands, micrognathia (small jaw), renal anomalies, syndactylyl (webbing of fingers), malformation of skeletal system
incidence: 1/5000 newborns
mortality: 85% lost between 10 weeks and term, those born live die < 2 months
trisomy 13
features: mental retardation, holoprosencephaly (single forebrain hemisphere), congenital heart defects, deafness, cleft lip, palate and eye defects (small eyes, absence of the globe, or optic fissure fails to close)
incidence: 1/20 000 newborns
mortality: 90% infants die < 1 month
Klinefelter Syndrome
features: males, sterility, testicular atrophy, hyalinization of seminiferous tubules, and gynecomastia (enlarged breasts)
karyotype: 47: XXY or 48: XXXY
cause: nondisjunction of XX homologues
Turner Syndrome
features: female-looking, gonadal desgenesis (absence of ovaries), short stature, webbed neck, lymphedema of the extremities, skeletal deformities, broad chest with widely spaced nipples
karyotype: 45: X, only viable monosomy
causes: meiotic nondisjunction of X in male or female gametes, or mitotic nondisjunction leading to mosaicism
chromosomal structural abnormalities
caused by chromosome breakage, caused by environmental factors (viruses), radiation or drugs
Angelman syndrome
a maternal microdeletion on the long arm of chromosome 15, mentally retarded, cannot speak, poor motor development, unprovoked and prolonged laughter
Prader-willi Syndrome
a paternal microdeltion on the long arm of chromosome 15, hypotonia, obesity, mental retardation, hypogonadism, cryptochidism
genomic imprinting
occurs when there is a difference in gene expression between the maternal and paternal alleles
gene mutations and malformation
8% of all human malformation from single gene mutations, can be dominant or recessive
what determines the susceptibility of environmental factors on a fetus (aka principles of teratology)
1. genotype of the conceptus + interaction between genes and environment + maternal genome (drug metabolism, resistance to infection)
2. exposure time: most sensitive during the 3rd-8th stage, but there is no safe time
3. dose and duration
4. mechanisms of teratogens to initiate pathogenesis (abnormal embryogenesis)
5. manifestations of abnormal development are death, malformation, growth retardation and functional disorders
factors that cause birth defects
infectious agents
viruses: either directly or by fever (pyrogenic)
ex: toxoplasmosis and syphilis, leading to cerebral calcifications
other ex: rubella (~85% of women now immune), cytomegalovirus (deadly), herpes, HIV
viruses are pyrogenic
leads to elevated body temperature (which is teratogenic), defects that can result are anencephaly, spina bifida, mental retardation, microphtalmia, cleft lip, limb deficiencies, omphalocele, and cardiac abnormalities
killing of rapidly proliferating cells producing virtually any type of birth defect depending upon the dose and stage of exposure, mutagenic leading to genetic alterations of germ cells
chemical agents
difficult to assess because the studies are retrospective (based on the mother’s memory) and pregnant women take a large number of pharmaceutical drugs
examples of chemical agents
thalidomide, alcohol, smoking, anticonvulsants, antipsychotic drugs, antianxiety drugs, anticoagulant drugs, antihypertensive agents, aspirin, streptomycin, tetracycline, social drugs, isotretinoin)
an antinauseant and sleeping pill, its use led to Amelia and meromelia (total or partial absencec of the extremities), phocomelia (loss of long bones for short limbs)
can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol related neurodevelopmental disorder, leading cause of mental retardation
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
any alcohol related defects
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
represents the severe end of the spectrum and includes structural defects, growth deficiency, and mental reatardation
alcohol related neurodevelopment disorder (ARND)
represents a less severe example of alcohol-related abnormalities
smoking and birth defects
not linked to major birth defects, but intrauterine growth retardation and premature delivery, may cause behavioral disturbances
ex: diphenylhydantion (phenytoin), valptoic acid, trimethadione
normally used by epileptic women, led to trimethadione and fetal hydantoin syndromes (facial clefts)
antipsychotic drugs
ex: phenothiazine and lithium
produces various congenital malformations
antianxiety drugs
ex: meprobamate, chlrodiazepoxide, diazepam (valium)
produces various congenital malformations, cleft lip
ex: warfarin
antihypertensive agents
ex: angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE inhibitors)
produce growth retardation, renal dysfunction, fetal death and oligohydramnios
usually need to take it in large doses
can cause deafness
can cause bone and tooth anomoalies
social drugs
ex: LSD, PCP, cocaine
can cause limb abnormalities and malformation of the CNS in large doses of LSD, need large doses to make any noticeable affect, otherwise not considered a teratogen
used to treat acne, an analogue of vitamin A that causes isotretinoin embryopathy, can cause any type of abnormality, must only take a moderate amount of vitamins (25,000 IU)
androgenic agents: masculinization of the genitalia in female embryos (bigger clit)
oral contraceptives: contain estrogen and progesterone, low teratogenic potential
cortisone: cleft palate
environmental hormones: endocrine disruptors, interfere with estrogen to cause abnormalities of the CNS (masculinization and feminization of female and male) and reproductive tract
maternal diabetes
cause a high incidence of stillbirth, neonatal deaths, abnormally large infants and congenital malformations (3-4X higher in diabetic mothers), if control blood sugar levels can decrease the occurrence of malformations
insulin and birth defects
hypoglycemic episodes and birth defects
even brief episodes of hypoglycemia are teratogenic, must be cautious of the diabetes control in mothers
maternal phenylketonuria (PKU)
mothers with PKU, phenylalanine hydroxylase is deficient resulting in high [Phe], leads to an increase risk of mental retardation, microcephaly, and cardiac defects in infants
how to prevent diabetes and PKU affecting fetuses
strict metabolic control prior to conception
iodine deficiency (nutritional deficiency)
can lead to endemic cretinism which causes mental retardation and bone deformities, prevent through supplementation iodine in salt and water
pregnancy obesity determined through BMI >30 kg/m^2, obesity causes a 2-3 fold increase risk for neural tube defects and heart defects
congenital herniation of viscera into the base of the umbilical cord with a covering membranous sac of peritoneum-amnion
low birth-weight
organic mercury in sea foods can lead to neurological defects similar to cerebral palsy
increase abortions, growth retardation and neurological disorders
male-mediated teratogenesis
anything that can damage the sperm, can lead to spontaneous abortion, low birth weight and various birth defects, advanced paternal age or younger paternal age (<20) is due to INC risk of limb and neural tube defects
used to determine age, birth defects, sex
maternal serum screening
detect alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels
INC-can mean omphalocele, gastroschisis, bladder exstrophy, amniotic vand syndrome, sacrococcygeal teratoma, intestinal atresia
DEC-down syndrome, trisomy 18, sex chromosome abnormalities
indication of intrusive tests
1. advanced maternal age (>= 35)
2. previous family history (downs, neural tube defects
3. presence of maternal diseases (diabetes, PKU)
4. abnormal ultrasound or serum test
a biochemical assay used for detecting chromosomal banding and genetic analysis, after 14 weeks bec. it requires removal of about 20-30 mL of amniotic fluid, has a 1% risk of loss of fetus
chorionic villus sampling
involves inserting a needle transabdominally or transvaginally into the placental mass and aspirating approx. 5 to 30 mg of villus tissue, must be analyzed immediately, survive only 2 to 3 days, risk of fetal loss is 2X greater than in amniocentesis and INC risk for limb reduction defects
fetal transfusion
used in fetal anemia, use ultrasound to guide needle
fetal medical treatment
in some cases, agents may be administered to the fetus directly, instead of the through the mother, by intramuscular injection into the gluteal region of via the umbilicial vein
fetal surgery
possible to operate of fetus, only performed when there are no other reasonable options
stem cell transplantation and gene therapy
fetus does not have any immunocompetecne before week 18, can transplant tissues or cells before this time without any rejection
three layers of mesoderm
paraxial, intermediate and lateral plate
paraxial mesoderm
forms a segmented series of tissue blocks on each side of the neural tube known as somitomeres in the head (cephalic) region and somites from the occipital region caudally (dorsally)
where does skeletal material come from
1. somites-vertebrae and ribs, skull behind the prochordal plate (rostral (cephalic, head) end)
2. neural crest cells-skull in front of prochordal plate and face bones
3. lateral plate mesoderm (somatic and splanchnic)-long bones, pelvic and shoulder girdles
what happens to somites as they differentiate
they cavitate and then differentiate under the influence of several proteins elaborated by gene expression into a dermatomyotome and a sclerotome
somite differentiation
into a ventromedial sclerotome and a dorsolateral dermomyotome
found dorsolaterally, consists of a dorsolateral and dorsomedial myotome regions and a dermatome in between the two
formed in the fourth week from sclerotome cells, embryonic connective tissue, they can migrate and differentiate in many ways (osteoblasts, chondroblasts, fibroblasts), dermal mesenchyme can differentiate into bone (intramembranous ossification)
intramembranous vs. endochondral ossification
intramembranous, the mesenchyme turn directly into osteoblasts (in flat bones of the skull), endochondral, uses a hyaline cartilage model first then lays down bone (long bones)
skull development division
neurocranium-forms a protective case around the brain
viscerocranium-forms the skeleton of the face
bones of the skull come from three different origins
1. neural crest cells: ectoderm, form face and frontal, sphenoid, hyoids and temporal bones
2. paraxial mesoderm (somites): form the back of the head bones, parietal, occipital, temporal
3. lateral plate mesoderm: form the laryngeals
what determines the division between neural crest derived and lateral plate derived skull bones
occurs at the rostal end of the notochord at the prechordal plate, there is no paraxial mesoderm in front of prechordal plate so we need neural crest cells
divisions of the neurocranium
1. the membranous part consisting of flat bones, which surround the brain as a vault, comes from type of ossification
2. the cartilaginous part, or chondrocranium, which forms bones of the base of the skull, inclused most of the sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, part of the temporal bone and occipital bone
derivation of the membranous neurocranium
derived from neural crest cells and paraxial mesoderm, mesenchyme invests the brain and undergoes membranous ossification creating bone characterized by needle-like bone spicules (which radiate from a primary ossification center), grows from bone growth on outside and osteoclast activity on the inside
sutures of the skull
connective tissue that separates the flat bones of the skull at birth, derived from neural crest cells (sagital) and paraxial mesoderm (coronal), can remain for a considerable time after birth, some even up until adulthood to compensate for growth
where more than two bones meet, wide sutures, can remain for a considerable time after birth
anterior fontanelle
most prominent of the fontanelles, found where the two parietal and two frontal bones meet, can give information as to whether ossification of the skull is proceeding normally and if pressure is normal with palpation
derivation of the cartilaginous neurocranium/chondrocarnium
initially consists of a number of separate cartilages, neural crest cells form the prechordal chondrocranium (rostral half, rostral to the sella turcica), paraxial mesoderm form the chordal chondrocranium (posterior half, posterior to the sella turcica), base of the skull is formed when these cartilages fuse and ossify by endochondral ossification
formed from the first two pharyngeal arches
first pharyngeal arch and viscerocranium formation
gives rise to a dorsal portion (maxillary process) which extends forward beneath the region of the eye and gives rise to the maxilla, the zygomatic bone and part of the temporal bone
second pharyngeal arch and viscerocranium formation
gives rise to a ventral portion (mandibular process), contains the Meckel cartilage
Meckel cartilage
mesenchyme around here condenses and ossifies by membranous ossification to give rise to the mandible, disappears except in the sphenomandibular ligament
dorsal tip of the mandible
gives rise to the incus, malleus and stapes, ossification of the three ossicles begins in the 4th month, making these the first bones to be ossified
where does the mesenchyme for the bones of the face come from?
derived from neural crest cells, including the nasal and lacrimal bones
why is the face so small compared to the neurocranium?
1. virtual absence of the paranasal air sinuses
2. small size of the bones, particularly the jaw
appearance of teeth and development of the air sinuses causes the face to lose its babyish characteristics
bones of cartilaginous neurocranium
lesser and greater wins and body of sphenoid, occipital
bones of membranous neurocranium
frontal and parietal bone
bones of cartilaginous viscerocranium
thyroid cartilage, hyoid, malleus, stapes, incus
bones of membranous viscerocranium
mandible, maxilla, nasal bone, squama temporalis
limb growth
occurs at the end of the 4th week when limb buds become visible as outpocketings from the ventrolateral body wall, lower limb development lags behind upper limb development, occurs proximodistally as cells furthest from the AER differentiate into cartilage and muscle, minus the clavicle, form by endochondral ossification from the somatic part of lateral plate mesoderm
characteristics of the outpocketings for limb growth
consist of a mesenchymal core derived from the somatic layer of lateral plate mesoderm that will form the bones and connective tissues of the limb, covered by a layer of cuboidal ectoderm
apical ectodermal ridge (AER)
occurs during the 5th week, thickening of the ectoderm at the distal border of the limb, exerts an inductive influence on adjacent mesenchyme causing it to remain as a population of undifferentiated, rapidly proliferating cells, the progress zone
hand and footplates
occurs during the 6th week, the terminal portion of the limb buds that flatten, separated from the proximal segment by a circular constriction, second constriction occurs dividing the proximal portion into two segments
cell death at the AER
responsible for forming toes and fingers, separates the ridge into five parts, further growth is dependent on further outgrowth, condensation of the mesenchyme to form cartilaginous digital rays and the death of intervening tissue between the rays
rotation found in the upper and lower limbs
upper limb rotates 90 degrees laterally, so extensor muscles lie on the lateral and posterior surface and the thumbs lie laterally, whereas the lower limb rotates approx. 90 degrees medially, placing the extensor muscles on the anterior surface and the big toe medially
hyaline cartilage models
first ones laid down by the sixth week of development, formed by chondrocytes which are derived from the mesenchyme
joint interzone
form joints, formed in the cartilaginous condensations when chondrogenesis is arrested, cells in this region increase in number and density and then a joint cavity is formed by cell death, surrounding cells differentiate into a joint capsule, thought that WNT14 is the inductive signal
endochondral ossification
begins by the end of the embryonic period, needs a hyaline cartilage model, at birth the diaphysis is normally completely ossified but the epiphyses are still cartilaginous
primary ossification centers
present in all long bones of the limbs by the 12th week
epiphyseal plates
plays an important role in growth in the length of the bones, endochondral ossification occurs on both sides of the plate, when reaches full length the plate disappears
molecular regulation of limb development
1. lateral plate mesoderm induces limb bud formation
2. the AER forms under the influence of BMP
3. the ridge maintains the progress zone by causing proliferation of mesenchymal cells in the vicinity
4. there is an ant (cephalic) and posterior (caudal) organization induced by the ZPA
5. there is also a dorsal-ventral organization important for nerve and muscle distribution
6. homeobox genes determine the shape and size of the bones
HOX genes
are homeobox genes that regulate the position of the limbs along the craniocaudal axis, expressed in overlapping patterns from head to tail, also responsible for determing the types and shapes of the bones of the limb, also responsible for the patterning and shapes of different vertebrae
TBX5 and FGF 10
initiate limb outgrowth, secreted by the lateral plate mesoderm cells
expressed in ventral ectoderm, induce formation of the AER by signaling thorugh the homeobox gene MSX2
radical fringe
expressed in the dorsal half of the limb ectoderm, restricts the location of the AER to the distal tip of the limbs
induced by radical fringe, found at the border between cells that are expressing radical fringe and those that are not
represses expression of radical fringe
FGF4 and FGF8
expressed after the ridge is established, maintain the progress zone, influence distal growth
zone of polarizing activity
regulate the anteroposterior axis of the limb, produce retinoic acid which initiates expression of sonic hedgehog that is responsible for regulating the anteroposterior axis, defects in ZPA causes mirror images of digits, SHH is the molecule secreted by ZPA resonponsible for this regulation
signals that influence scerlotome
sclerotome cells divide and expand under the influence of Noggin and SHH, migrate to form the vertebral column and the ribs
migration of sclerotome cells to form vertebrae
migrate ventrally to the notochord from the somite to form the vertebral body, they then migrate dorsally to form the spinous and transverse processes
vertebrae formation
form from the sclerotome portions of the somites, which are derived from paraxial mesoderm, occurs during the 4th week, notochord regresses into the vertebral bodies
sclerotome cells and vertebrae
sclerotome cells migrate around the spinal cord and notochord to merge with cells from the opposing somite on the other side of the neural tube
occurs at the sclerotome portion of each somite, occurs when the caudal half of each sclerotome grows into and fuses with the cephalic half of each subjacent sclerotome, forms each vertebrae from the cephalic and caudal halves of different sclerotomes fusing
HOX genes and vertebra
determine the patterning of the shapes of the different vertebrae
development of the vertebral column
each vertebra is formed by the lower and upper half of adjacent sclerotome condensations, moves the myotome into adjacent intervertebral regions and moves the artery into the middle of a vertebra, also gives ability to move the vertebral column
mesenchyme between the cephalic and cranial parts of the vertebrae
do not proliferate but fill the space between the two precartilaginous vertebral bodies, contribute to IV discs
formation of the nucleus pulposus
in the intervertebral regions the notochord hydrates and swells forming the nucleus pulposus, mesenchymal cells fill the space between the two precartilaginous vertebral bodies
rib formation
form from costal processes of thoracic vertebrae and thus are derived from the sclerotome portion of paraxial mesoderm, grow out the same sclerotome from their attachment point to the vertebra
sternum formation
develops independently in somatic mesoderm in the ventral body wall, two sternal bands are formed on either side of the midline and thse fuse to form cartilaginous models of the manubrium, sternebrae and xiphoid process
neural crest cells and disease
a target for teratogens as they leave the neuroectoderm
premature suture closure, found in 1/2500 births in >100 genetic syndromes
57% of the craniosynostosis, early closure of the sagittal suture, results in frontal and occipital expansion and skull becomes long and narrow
early closure of the coronal and lambdoid sutures, results in a short, high skull
what regulates suture closure
release of transforming growth factor (TGF-beta) and the role of FGF, mutations in FGF receptors causes various types of craniosynostosis and even dwarfism
FGFR1-promotes osteogenic differentiation
FGFR2-increase proliferation
most common form of dwarfism, affects long bones, inherited as an autosomal dominant trait
milder form of achondroplasia
thanatophoric dysplasia
most common form of lethal dwarfism, autosomal dominant, type I has short femurs, type II has severe cloverleaf skull
failure of the neurocranium to close due to a failure of the neural tube to close, brain tissue exposed to amniotic fluid degenerates and results in some type of anencephaly and the fetus is usually not viable
variant of cranioschisis, occurs when meninges herniates the skull
cranial meningocele
variant of cranioschisis, occurs when brain tissue herniates the skull
caused by congenital hyperpituitarism and excessive production of growth hormone, enlarged face, hands and feet, gigantism
usually an abnormality in which the brain fails to grow and the skull fails to expand, severe retardation
when is limb development most susceptible to teratogens
during the 4th-5th week
occurrence of limb defects
relatively rare except in cases of teratogenic defects, often associated with other more sever congenital defects involving the cardiovascular, genitourinary or cranial-facial systems, more common in the upper limb than the lower limb,
non-developmental defects of limbs
amputations caused by amniotic bands, possible adhesions or tears of the amnion that get wrapped around portions of the extremities
amniotic bands
may cause ring constrictions and amputations of the limbs or digits, believed to originate from tears in the amnion that detach and surround part of the fetus
bone age
can use ossification centers in hands and wrists to determine if a child has reached a proper maturation age
partial absence of one or more of the extremities
complete absence of one or more of the extremities
when long bones are absent and rudimentary hands and feet are attached to the trunk by small, irregularly shaped bones
all segments of the extremities are present but abnormally short
shortened digits
two or more fingers or toes fused, occurs when cell death that forms fingers is stopped
presence of extra fingers or toes, lack proper muscle connections, usually bilarteral
absence of a digit, occurs unilaterally
cleft hand and foot (lobster claw deformity)
consists of an abnormal cleft between the 2nd and 4th metacarpal bones and soft tissues
can be caused by having two successive vertebrae fuse asymmetrically or have half a vertebra missing
Klippel-Feil sequence
have fewer than normal cervical vertebrae, with some fused or abnormally shaped
spina bifida
result of imperfect fusion or nonunion of the vertebral arches, may involve only the bony vertebral arches leaving the spinal cord intact
spina bifida occulata
when the bony defect is covered by skin and no neurological defects occur, occurs in lumbar sacral region, marked by a patch of hair overlying the region
spina bifida cystica
neural tube fails to close, vertebral arches fail to form and neural tissue and/or meninges is exposed
a spina bifida where only fluid-filled meninges protrude through the defect
a spina bifida where neural tissue protrudes through the defect
a spina bifida where the neural folds do not elevate and remain as a flattened mass of neural tissue, tissue may become necrotic
development of the muscular system
develops from the mesodermal germ layer and consists of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle
skeletal muscle development
paraxial, which forms somites from the occipital to the sacral regions and somitomeres in the head, differentiates into dermatomyotome and sclerotome
smooth muscle development
from splanchnic mesoderm surrounding the gut and its derivatives and from ectoderm, pupillary, mammary gland and sweat gland muscles
cardiac muscle development
splanchnic mesoderm surrounding the heart tub
somites and muscle development
from the occipital region caudally, form and differentiate into the sclerotome, dermatome, and two muscle-forming regions, the two muscle forming regions extend beneath the dorsal epithelium to form the myotome (more so DML), myotome is ventrally extended and the dermatome cells lose their epithelial configuration and migrate to the overlying ectoderm to form dermis
differentiates into three components a DML, a dermatome (intermediate) and a VLL
ventrolateral lip (VLL)
one of the muscle forming regions from the somites, found on the prospective dermomyotome, cells from the VLL contribute to formation of the myotome and also provide progenitor cells for limb and body wall musculature, become hypomere
dorsomedial lip (DML)
the other muscle forming region from the somites, these cells migrate ventral to the prospective dermatome and also contribute to the formation of the myotome, will form the muscles of the back (epimeric, epaxial musculature), becomes epimere
muscle precursor cells, fuse and form long, multinucleated muscle fibers, soon appear in the cytoplasm and by the end of the third month, cross striations appear
somitomerese and muscle development
similar process to the somites, but somitomeres remain loosely organized structures, never segregate into sclerotome and dermomyotome segments
for the attachment of muscles to bones are derived from sclerotome cells lying adjacent to myotomes at the anterior and posterior borders of somites
regulates the development of these cells
BMP4 and FGF from lateral plate mesoderm and WNT from adjacent ectoderm signal VLL cells of the dermomytome to express the muscle-specific MYF4 and MYO-D, BMP4 from ectoderm cells induces WNT by the sdorsal neural tube and cause sonic hedgehog proteins to reach the DML cells of the dermomyotome, induce MYF5 and MYO-D and activate muscle development
SHH and noggin
secreted by the notochord and floor plate of the neural tube, cause the ventral part of the somite to form sclerotome and to express PAX1, which in turn controls chondrogenesis and vertebral formation, low SHH activates PAX3 which demarcates the dermomyotome, only plays a role in DML
control of muscle formation patterns
controlled by connective tissue into which myoblasts migrate, in head derived from neural crest cells, in the cervical and occipital regions, they differentiate from somitic mesoderm and in the body wall and limbs they originate from somatic mesoderm
found at the end of the fifth week, a small dorsal portion of muscle cells, formed from the dorsomedial cells of the somite that reorganized as myotomes, give rise to epaxial musculature (back muscles)
found a the end of the fifth week, a large ventral part fromed by migration of dorsolateral cells of the somite, gives rise to hypaxial muscles (limbs and anterior and lateral body wall)
dorsal primary ramus
innervate the epimere, remain with their original muscle attachment throughout migration
ventral primary ramus
innervate the hypomere, remain with their original muscle attachment throughout migration
signal for muscle migration
comes from the adjacent connective tissue, these migration patterns and dedicated nerve supplies are responsible for the dermatomal maps and the myotomal maps
extensor muscles of the vertebral column
formed from myoblasts of the epimeres
muscles of the limbs and body wall
formed from myoblasts of the hypomeres
scalene, geniohyoid and prevertebral muscles
formed from myoblasts from cervical hypomeres
external intercostal, internal intercostal and innermost intercostal
formed from myoblasts from thoracic segments, ribs cause these muscles to maintain segmentation
external oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominis
formed from myoblasts of the abdominal wall, walls of the abdominal wall fuse to form large sheets of muscle tissues
quadratus lumborum
formed from myoblasts from the hypoblast of lumbar segments
pelvic diaphragm and striated muscles of the anus
formed from myoblasts from the sacral and coccygeal regions
rectus abdominus muscle and the infrahyoid musculature
formed from a ventral longitudinal column that arises at the ventral tip of the hypomeres, rectus ab (abdominal region) and infrahyoid (cervical region)
sternalis muscle
formed from the longitudinal muscle in the thorax
voluntary head muscles
derived from paraxial mesoderm (somitomeres and somites) including musculature of the tongue, eye, and the pharyngeal arches (mastication, facial expression, larynx, pharynx and palate, and middle ear muscles) and ectoderm (muscles of the iris)
preotic somites
form muscle of the eye
postotic somites
form muscle of the tongue
first indication of limb musculature occurs when?
7th week as a condensation of mesenchyme (derived from the dorsolateral cells of the somites that migrate into the limb bud to form the muscles) near the base of the limb buds, once the buds form primary rami penetrate into the mesenchyme
what occurs to muscle when the limb bud elongates
the muscle tissue splits into flexor and extensor components, muscles of limbs are initially segmental, then fuse and are composed of muscle from different segments
upper limb bud
lie opposite the lower five cervical and upper two thoracic segments (C4-8, T1-2)
lower limb bud
lies opposite the lower four lumbar and upper two sacral segments (L1-5, S1-2)
radial nerve
supplies the extensor musculature, formed by a combination of the dorsal segmental branches
ulnar and median nerves
supply the flexor musculature, formed by a combination of the ventral branches
prerequisite of complete functional differentiation of muscle
need an early contact between the nerve and muscle cells
spinal nerves
play an important role in differentiation and motor innervation of the limb musculature, also provide sensory innervation for the dermatomes
intercalated discs
attachment point for cardiac myoblasts
develop as in skeletal muscle, but myoblasts do not fuse
Purkinje fibers
form the conducting system of the heart, occurs when a few special bundles of muscle cells with irregularly distributed myofibrils become visible, modified cardiac muscle fibers
smooth muscle for the dorsal aorta and large arteries
derived from lateral plate mesoderm and neural crest cells
smooth muscle in the coronary arteries
derive from proepicardial cells and neural crest cells
smooth muscle in the gut
derived from splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm that surrounds these structures
smooth muscle of the sphincter and dilator of the pupil and mammary and sweat gland muscle
derived from the ectoderm
serum response factor (SRF)
a transcription factor responsible for smooth muscle cell differentiation, upregulated by growth factors through kinase phosphorylation pathways
myocardin and myocardin-related transcription factors (MRTFs)
act as coactivators to enhance the activity of SRF, thereby initiating the genetic cascade responsible for smooth muscle development
Prune-belly syndrome
total or partial absence of abdominal musculature, a defect in the migrating myotomal cells, causes a distended abdomen from atrophy of abdominal wall musculature
Poland anomaly
total or partial absence of the pectoralis major