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72 Cards in this Set

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Fertilization is what? at day #?
Once sperm/egg membranes fuse at Day 0
called a zygote after what?
first division
after 8 cell stage, cells become tightly associated w/ ea. other, followed by formation of blastocyst/blastocyst cavity
16 cell zygote is called...
a morula
58 cell zygote called
blastocyst-which implants in uterine lining
What part of the blastocyst makes up the embryo?
the inner cell mass (aka embryoblasts, ES cells) they are totipotent
What is required for the implantation into the Uterine wall?
The zona pelludica has to degnerate/blastocyst "hatches"
Embryonic pole is what? what does it do?
the inner cell mass. implants first into the uterus
When does implantation take place?
days 5-7
when does the fetal heart start beating?
21-22 days
what is syncytiotrophoblast made from? what does it do?
-made from trophoblast cells, multinucleated

-penetrates epithelium, invades endometrial stroma, accesses nutrients for the embryo
When does the beginning of embryonic communication begin?
Around day 9
When do primary villi appear? what are they made of?
around day 9, made of tropohoblasts
When do secondary chorionic villi appear? What are they made of?
day 11-12, made of trophoblasts and extraembryonic mesoderm cells (look like red arrows)
What is the extraembryonic mesoderm formed from?
formed from endoderm, have become migratory
Most Common Ectopic Pregnancy happen where? What causes them?
in the uterine tube/fallopian tube.
-zona pellucida degenerates too quickly or infection/mucosal adhesions block passage of zygote
Describe how birth control works/morning after pill
progresterone/estrogen makes uterus "not ready" for implantation.

-can delay/prohibit ovulation, alter transport of sperm/egg altering fertizlization
transgenic mice. describe.
but promoter with a gene you want to express

ex.) limb promoter with FGF gene=FGF expressed only in the limbs
Describe gene-targeted/knockout mice.
replacing/mutating endogenous DNA sequence to look at function of that DNA/gene.
-put the DNA into ES cells--->millions of cells
-inject cell into blastocust cell in inner cell mass=can be seen in phenotype

-if phenotypically passed to next generation=changes have been incorporated into germ line
Week 2 Mneumonic. Name them.
Week of 2s.

amniotic/chorionic cavities
extraembryonic coelom/extraembryonic mesoderm
Week of 3. Name them.
3 Germ Layers. Embryonic Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm
HCG is produced by what?
Synctiotrophoblasts which maintain corpus leuteum and form basis for pregnancy tests (blood 8 days, urine 10 days)
Lucunae in syncytiotrophoblasts do what?
mix with maternal blood via diffusion="communication" with mom to absorb nutrients

day 10
What does the prechordal plate eventually turn into?
the mouth, crainal/head region

is a circular area of columnar cells
2 parts of the bilateral germ disc in prechordal plate
hypoblast and epiblast
What does Low HCG or High HCG suggest?
Low: spontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy

high: multiple pregnancies, hydatidiform mole or trophoblastic neoplasia=
Hydatidiform Mole (complete and partial)
Complete: only paternal chromosomes present, pregnancy without embryo or polyspermia=spontaneous abortion

partial=tripoidy, polyspermia=spontaneous abortion
Gastrulation is the process by which...

what do cells undergo?
by which bilaminar embryonic membrane is converted to TRIlaminare embryonic disc=beginning of morphogenesis

cells undergo Epi-Mesenchymal Transformation/invaginate btw epi/hypoblast along primitive streak
Epi-mesenchymal transformation=epi/hypoblasts invaginate (breast-stroke) along the primitive streak, mesoderm fills in all areas save the oropharyngeal membrance (mouth) and cholacal membran (anus)
Epiblast gives rise to...
ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
mesenchymal cell displace ____ and become _____ via _____
displace the hypoblast and become embryonic endoderm via invagination

all cells initially come from the epiblast
What must happen for cells epiblast cells to become mesenchymal cells?
The cell junctions (desmosomes, tight junction etc.) must degenerate
Msesnchymal cells are____ meaning they are very_____
fibroblastic, mobile
What is the notochord? 6 things to know
1) defines premordial axis/gives rigidity
2) serves as BASIS for axial skeleton (doesn't form head/vertebrae bones, just the basis for them)
3) future site of vertebral bodies
4)IMPORTANT-induces overlying ectoderm to thicken and form the neural plate
5) Forms Nucleus Pulposus in Adults
6) Specifies cells in ventral aspect of neural tube
Neural Crest Derivatives to Know:
Ganglia-cranial nerves, dorsal root. autonomic NS
Schwann Cells-ensheathing cells of peripheral NS
Enteric (Gut) Nervous System
Chromaffin cells (adrenal medulla)
Parafollicular C Cells of Thyroid
Melanocytes-pigment cells of dermis
Aortiopulmonary septum-development of septum btw aortic and pulmonary valves
Pharyngeal arch sketel components-muscles, connection tissue, bone
Bones of Neurocranium-skull
The Crest of crown of the King had gangles, swans, Guts, Adrenaline, Skulls, Gills, Melons

GGGASS=gangles, guts, gills, adrenaline, skulls, swans eating Melons
What effect does the Notochord have on the ectoderm?
Notochord tells the ectoderm to thicken and make the neural groove
processes involved in formation of neural plate and neural folds to form the neural tube
What are Neural Crest Cells?
are on top of the neural fold/pinch off to make neural fold via EMT

neuroectodermal cells along the crest of each neural fold via EMT

the little green cells on top of the neural crest
What is the purpose/function of Neural Crest Cells? NCCs
the migrate dorsolaterally around the neural tube to form the sensory ganglia of spinal/cranial nerves
The Primitive streak eventually ______ by forming______ and is gone by the ___ week
digresses, mesenchyme, 4th
The Neural Plate gives rise to the...
Neural Tube which eventually becomes the brain/spinal chord
The 3 components of the Mesoderm
Paraxial (thick longitudinal column), intermediate, lateral (thin layer)
Paraxial mesoderm differentiates and divides into _____
What do somites (that come from the paraxial mesoderm) give rise to?
Somites give rise to the axial skeleton (bones of cranium, vertebral column, ribs, sternum) and associated muscles and adj dermis of skin

• the paraxial mesoderm → the somites
• Somites form adjacent to the neural tube starting at about the center of the embryo, and progress caudally ONLY (i.e. NOT toward the oropharyngeal membrane)

Paraxial mesoderm (condensed mesenchyme) differentiates into:
o Dermotome – Dermis and blade of scapula
o Sclerotome – Axial skeleton: vertebrae and ribs, meninges and blood vessels
o Myotome – Muscle, back, limb, body wall
Somites have 2 lateral branches called ______ and _______
somatic mesoderm and splanchic mesoderm
Blood Islands:
First group of blood cells available to embryo from extraembryonic
mesoderm-lead to heart, circ system
MET used in formation of blood _____.

Transform what to what?

Leads to blood islands _________ to make larger ______
(reverse of EMT) used in formation of blood vessels

-transform mysychymal cells into epithelial vasculature=>

blood islands (pockets) COALESCING together to give larger vessels.
formation of blood vessels from hemangioblasts, cells that have differentiated from splanchnopleuric mesoderm
budding/sprouting of new vessels from existing angioblastic cords. Formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels
Cardiac cresent (cardiogenic plate) comes together to form the....?

Heart starts beating around ____ days.

?-directional blood flow, then______.

Blood flow from ______
heart tube

22 days

Uni-directional, , then loops to right

Blood flows from left to right
Primary Heart Field=
initial cardiac cresent

With the cresent moon I took my first (primary) heart in the field
Secondary Heart Field=behind______ Forms parts of _______
primary field

atria, right ventricle, outflow tract.

My second heart, however, was taken right out of the vent, and out of it flowed a tria
If you know the genes that regulate development of secondary heart field, you can track....
congenital defects in right ventricle and outflow tract.-can see if gene is mis-expressed in a family.
Internal sources of heart cells:
myocytes: myocardium, pjukinje system, AV conductive system

The AV guy, Pjunkinje, has CARD made of MYO and a sniper-SIGHT made of MYO for the "Heart Internal Source" convention.
Intrinisic embryonic stem cells come from...?
the cardiac cresent
The secondary chorionic villi appear on/around
day 16
first time you can tell cranial vs. caudal ends of the embryo is during the development of the ____?
Early blood formation in embryo:

The blood vessels of the ______ become the umbilical arteries and veins
Embryo contributes to its own blood supply at
5 weeks
The primitive steak should disappear by week
Which germ layer proliferates most rapidly?
o The ECTODERM proliferates much more rapidly than the mesoderm or endoderm, which is the basis of this folding in ALL planes
By Day 28, the _____ is starting to come about (within the ____ stalk)
umbilical cord, connecting
Endoderm Derivatives:
o Epithelial lining of:
• GI tract
• Trachea, bronchi, lungs
• Urinary bladder, male/female urethra, vagina
Mesoderm Derivatives
(all epithelium of circulatory system)
-Paraxial (axial skeleton, etc.)
-Intermediate (urogenital system, etc.)
-Lateral (primordial heart, blood cells, etc.)
Ectoderm Derivatives
-Surface ectoderm (epidermis, internal ear, lens of eye)
-Neural crest (head mesenchyme, conal ridges in heart)
-Neural tube (CNS, retina, posterior pituitary, etc.)
3 areas of embryo that helped in formation of blood cells for embryo prior to the embryo being able to do so itself: = BLOOD CELLS FOR EMBRYO – EXTRAEMBRYONIC SOURCES:
- yolk sac
- allantois
- chorion
At what gestational age have both ends of the neural tube closed in the normal fetus?
4 weeks
What ultimately gives rise to both the thalamus and hypothalamus?
Paraxial mesoderm gives rise to the
the diencephalon gives rise to the...
epithalmus, thalamus, hypothalamus, infundibulum

When you DIE, the angels THAL and his brother, HYPO, take you to heaven. It's wicked FUN and totally EPIC.
the rhombencephalon gives rise to the_____ and the ______. which give rise to the ______ and _______. and the ________ (respectively)
metencephal (cerebellum and Pons)


"I MET MYELA while doing the RHUMBA"

We MET uPON the BELL of CER"

what does the prosencephalon give rise to?
the telencephalon (paleocortex, corpus striatum and neocortex) and the diencephalon (epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, infindibulum)

"pros use the iphone. pros who use the old school TELEphone DIE"