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78 Cards in this Set

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1 week

day 6-7

as blastocyst
week 2
2 germ layers: bilaminar disk (epiblast, hypoblast)

2 cavities: amniotic cavities, yolk sac

2 components of placenta: cytotrophoblast, syncytiotrophoblast
week 3
3 germ layers (gastrula): ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm

come from epiblast , not hypoblast

neuraxis formation
week 1
oocyte gets fertilized within 12-24 h after ovulation

forms zygote

at 30h its 2 cells
at 3 days its a morula
then it becomes a blastocyst (outer and inner cell mass) and implants at day 6-7
primitive streak
invagination of epiblast during week 3.

cells from this streak give rise to mesoderm and endoderm
week 4
4 heart chambers (heart starts beating)

4 limb buds grow
Neuraxis formation? when?
days 18-21, during week 3

neural plate-> neural fold-> neural tube

neural plate is induced by underlying mesoderm (notocord) to invaginate and become the neural tube
what does the neural crest cells become?
schwann cells
neuroblasts (sensory, sympathetic, motor neurons)
ectomesencymal cells (cimentoblasts, chondroblasts, osteoblasts, fibroblasts, odontoblasts)
paraxial mesoderm becomes?
intermediate mesoderm becomes?
urogenital system
surface ectoderm derivatives
lens of eye
epithelium lining of skin, ear, nose, eye
neuroectoderm derivatives
cns neurons
ependymal cells
pineal gland
neural crest derivatives
dorsal roog ganglia
chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
enterochromaffin cells
celiac ganglion
schwann cells
parafollicular C cells of thyroid
laryngeal cartilage
bones of skull
endoderm derivatives
gut epithelium and derivatives (lungs, liver, pancreas, thymus, parathyroid, thyroid follicular cells)
mesoderm derivatives
dura mater
connective tissue
cardiovascular structures
lymphatics, blood
urogenital structures
serous lining of body cavities
adrenal cortex
part of mesoderm that induces overlying ectoderm to form neuroectoderm (neural plate)

becomes nucleus pulposis
mesodermal defects

V=verterbal defect
A=anal atresia
C=cardiac defects
TE=TE fistula
R=renal defects
L=limb defects
secreted by syncytiotrophoblast

stimulates progesterone secretion by corpus luteum (maintains it) until about week 8 when the placenta takes over progesterone production

can be assayed at around day 8 in maternal blood or day 10 in maternal urine
elevated hCG
multiple pregnancy
hydatidiform mole
low hCG
spontanrous abortion
ectopic pregnancy
elevated in:

colorectal cancer
breast cancer
elevated in:

germ cell cancers
neural tube defects

low in downs
CA 125
ovarian cancer
B2-microglobulin elevated
when does fetus have human appearance
week 8
Hox (homesbox) genes
control basic segmentation of embryo in craniocaudal direction

control transcription
tumor (benin or malignant) arising from notocord
How old is embryo when women usually realize they are preg?
about 2 weeks old, because usually figure it out after 1st missed period (coinciding with week 3)
associated with blateral renal agenesis (Potter's syndrome) and hypoplastic lungs
associated with anencephaly, TE fistula, esophageal atreasia
Amniotic band syndrome
bands of amniotic membrane encircle and constrict fetus causng amputation
week 5
connecting stalk: 2 arteries, 1 vein
fetal hematopoesis
starts at week 3 within extraembryonic mesoderm around yolk sac but by week 5 the liver, spleen, thymus, bone marrow take over

during embyronic phase, Hb delta2, episilon2

during fetal phase, Hb alpha2, gamma2
Hydrops fetalis
palor, gen edema, hepatosplenomegaly

intrauterine death

caused by maternal syphilis, alpha-thalassemia, maternal B19 infection, iron def, Rh disease, etc
ligamentum teres
remnant of left umbilical vein
ligamentum venosum
remnant of ductus venosus which bypasses fetal liver and goes straight into IVC
medial umbilical ligament
right and left umbilical arteries
median umbilical ligament
remnant of uracus
truncus arteriosus becomes?
pulmonary trunk
bulbos cordis becomes?
smooth parts of R and L ventricles
Primitive ventricle becomes?
trabeculated parts of R and L ventricles
Primitive atrium becomes?
trabeculated parts of R and L atria
sinus venosus becomes?
smooth part of R atrium
coronary sinus
oblique vein of R atrium
what forms the smooth part of L atrium?
parts of pulmonary veins
what forms AP septum?
neural crest cells

(migrate through arches 3, 4, 6)
Clinical manifestations of problems with AP septum development?
truncus arteriosus

transposition of great vessels

tetralogy of fallot
formation of atrial septum?
1) septum primum grows from roof to av cushions, with "foramen primum" opening at lower free edge which closes at septum primum gets to end bottom

2) foramen secundum forms in center of septum primum

3) septum secundum grows (to the right of septum primum) from top to bottom but leaves a hole (foramen ovale)
foramen secundum defect
excessive resorbtion of septum primum or secundum or both
probe patency of foramen ovale
incomplete anatomic fusion of the septum primum and septum secundum

present in 25% of population

not clinically significant
anterior cardinal veins become?
svc, int jugular veins
posterior cardinal veins become?
IVC and common iliacs
General characteristics of pharyngeal arches
5 of them (1,2,3,4,6)

develop last from 4-5 weeks

2 components; groove(cleft) and pouch

middle=combo of neural crest and mesoderm
arteries of the pharyngeal arches
1= part of maxillary
2= part of stapedial

3= L/R common carotid arteries

4= right becomes part of subclavia, left becomes part of aortic arch

6=part of R and L pulmonary arteries and ductus arteriosus
muscles of the pharyngeal arches
1= muscles innervated by CN V

2=muscles innervated by CN VII

3=muscles innervated by CN IX (stylopharngeaus)

4,6=larynx (CN X, XI)
RET proto-oncogene mutations
associated with Hirshsprung's disease
transitory structure, gone by week 5

not function in humans
forms wolffian duct

and gives rise to uteric bud
forms nephron (except collecting duct)
uteric bud
outgrowth of mesonephric duct

penetrates metanephris mesoderm to become

ureters, renal pelvis, calyces, collecting duct
cause of wilm's tumor?
deletion of tumor suppresor WTI
WAGR complex
association of congenital abnormalities

W=wilm's tumor
A=aniridia (absent iris)
G=genitrourinary malformation
R=retarded (mentally)
paramesonehric ducts
become mullerian ducts
drugs used until 70s to treat abortions, preeclampsia, diabetes, preterm labor

in female offspring it causes increased incidence of vaginal and cervical adenocarcinoma and T-shaped uterus
in females, becomes ovarian ligament, round ligament of uterus
Urogenital folds
in females, becomes labia minora

in males, becomes ventral aspect of penis (penile urethra)
Urogenital sinus
males=prostate gland, Bulbourethral gland (Cowper), Corpus spongiosum

females=urethral and paraurethral , glands (of Skene), Vestibular (Bartholin), Vestibular bulbs
what functions as interim kidney for 1st trimester
Annular pancreas
ventral pancreatic bud abnormally encircles part of duodenum that may cause narrowing
Spleen derivation and blood supply?
from dorsal mesentery

but supplied as foregut
What embryologic parts make up diaphragm?
septum transversum

pleuroperitoneal folds

body wall

dorsal mesentery of esophagus

"several parts build diaphragm"
Skeletal derivatives of phayngeal arches
1=malleus, incus, mandible, sphenoMandibular ligament

2=stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, lesser horn of hyoid

3=greater horn of hyoid

4=pharyngeal constrictors, cricothyroid, levator veli palatini

6=intrinsic muscles of larnyx except cricothyroid
Nerves derivatives of pharyngeal arches
1=CN V (2,3)



4=CN X (superior laryngeal branch)

6=CN X (recurrent larnygeal branch)
pharngeal groove derivatives
only the 1st groove become ext aud meatus

rest dont do anything
brancheal pouch derivatives
1=middle ear cavity, eustachian tube, mastoid air cells

2=epithelium of palatine tonsil, and some inner ear lining

3=dorsal wing become inferior parathyroids while ventral wings become thymus

4=dorsal becomes sup parathyroid, ventral becomes calcitonin glands

Tongue innervation
motor by CN XII

taste: ant 2/3=CN VII, post 1/3 IX, way back X

sensation: ant 2/3=CN V3, post 1/3 CN IX
what makes up tongue?
ant part = arch 1

post part = arch 3,4

ant and post seperated by circumvalliate papillae
Cleft Lip
failure of fusion of maxillary and medial nasal processes (formation of primary palate)
cleft palate
failure of fusion of lateral palatine process, nasal septum, and/or median palatine process (formation of secondary palate)