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17 Cards in this Set

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Fetal Membrane are a collective group which include what 4 things?
Chorion = placenta

Amnion => surrounds the fetus

Yolk Sac => part of GI tubes

Allantois => cranial outlet of bladder (rudimentary)
A portion of it is incorporated into the GI tubes (the remainder is rudimentary in humans)
yolk sac
what gives rise to the placenta
During the SECOND MONTH, the villli at the Embryonic Pole expand and proliferate forming a bush array of villi called the ?
Chorion Frondosum
The villi over the AEMBRYONIC POLE degenerate, forming a smooth surface known as the ?
Chorion Laeve
Endometrial contribution--

The endometrial cells have accumulated lipids and glycogen, and are now called ?
The decidua underlying the Chorion Frondosum is known as the ?
Decidua Basalis
A layer of decidual cells tightly adherent to the underlying chorion is known as the ?
Decidual Plate
The decidua atop the AEMBRYONIC pole is known as the ?

(opening of cervix)
Decidua capsularis
The decidua not in intimate contact with the developing embryo is the ?
Decidua Parietalis
As the embryo develops and the chorion expands, the ? degenerates

and the ? fuses with ? obliterating the uterus lumen
decidua capsularis (degenerates)

decidua laeve
decidua parietalis
fuse together!!!
proliferating ? surrounded by ? form PRIMARY VILLI

extraembryonic mesoderm

penetrates the cytotrophoblastic core of the primary villi (cytotrophoblast + syncytiotrophoblasts)
What forms a TERTIARY VILLI?
development of BLOOD VESSELS in secondary villi

secondary villi (extraembryonic mesoderm + cytotroph + syncytotroph)
Villi extending from the chorionic plate and anchoring to the cytotrophoblastic shell are termed ?
anchoring villi
? are lined by syncytiotrophoblasts and bordered by anchoring villi, the chorionic plate, and the cytotrophoblastic shell.
Intervillous spaces
During the 4th month--

there is loss of ? and ? in the branching villi, approximating the endothelial wall of the capillary and the syncytium.

Connective Tissue