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70 Cards in this Set

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lig teres
umbilical vein
medial umbil lig
umbilical artery
mediaN umbil lig
male homolog of vestibular bulb
corpus spongiosum
female homolog prostate
urethral/paraurethral glands of Skene
male homolog of glans clitoris
glans penis
homolog of bulbourethral (Cowper, male)
greater vestibular gland (of Bartholin)
homolog of labia minora
ventral penis
homolog of labia majora
homolog of scrotum
labia majora
where chorionic cavity
forms bw splanchnic and somato extra embryonal
derivatives extraembryo meso of yolk sac
-lines what?
extraembryonic meso-1somatopleuric (lines cytotropho and amnion), 2splanchnopleuric (lines yolk)
describe fetal circulation
oxygen blood from placenta enter via umbil vein
diverted past liver by ductus venosus
enter heart via IVC
diverted thru to LV via foramen ovale, or from RV to PA to ductus to aorta
what happens to fetal circulation at birth (2 closures)
decr resistance of pulmonary vasculature, increase LA P =close foramen ovale
incr O2 decr PG clses ductus arteriosus
development of diaphragm
"Several parts build diaphragm"
septum transversum
pleuroperitoneal folds
body wall
dorsal mesent esophagus
describe morula
32 cells with inner cell mass and outer cell mass
describe blastocyst
composed of embryoblast and trophoblast
describe division of blastocyst
embryoblast-epiblast (amnionic cavity) and hypoblast (yolk sac)
trophoblast-cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast (both placenta)
UG sinus forms male/female
common: bladder, urethra
male: prostate, cooper
female: lower vagina, Bartholin
mesoneph/wolffian male/female structures
common: ureter, renal
male: epidid to seminal vesicle, ATP
female: nothing, only gartner duct, epoophor, paorph
deriv Para/Mullerian
female: uterus, upper vagina, fallopian
genital tubercle
male: glans penis, spongiosum, cavernosum
female: clitoris
UG fold
male: ventral penis, raphe
female: labia minora
labioscrotal fold
male: scrotum
female: labia majora
indiffted gonad
male: seminifer tub (primary sex), rete testes
female: follicles (2 sex cord)
prostate comes from
UG sinus
spongiosum comes from
genital tubercle
vagina comes from
upper from para/mullerian, lower from UG sinus
anterior 2/3 tongue taste and pain from
taste 7, pain V3 (1st arch)
post 1/3 tongue taste and pain
taste and pain both 9
back of tongue taste and pain
both 10
motor of tongue
all 12
thyroid develop
develops from thyroid diverticulum of primitive pharynx, descends into neck, connected to tongue by thyroglossal duct which becomes pyramidal lobe thyroid
remnant=foramen cecum
midgut development
primary intestinal loop herniates and rotates 90 CC thru vitelline duct. then ~10wk rotate 180 CC and reabsorbed and fixed to wall
3 pathol condictions from midgut rotation/reabsorb
1. no closure-omphalocele with covering over intesting
2. nonrotation (net 90 CC), SI on R, colon on L
malrotation (net 180CC) cecum fixes to abd wall can cause volvulus
3. meckels-failure vitelling duct close
blood supply to GI
1. foregut=celiac a (thru upper duo, incl liver, GB, pancreas)
2. midgut=s. mesenteric (to lig trietz 2/3 transverse colon)
3. hindgut=i mesenteric
stomach develop (and wks)
5 wks, dorsal enlarge>ventral=grtr curv
superior dilates=fundus
7 wks: 90 rotation CC
describe result of stomach 90 rotation
dorsal becomes L (greater)
L vagus becomes anterior, R vagus posterior
develop of duo
pushed posterior becomes retroperitoneal,
"C" due to stomach,
pushed R
foramen of winslow
connects grtr and lessr sac
aortic/pulmon septation
migration NC to truncal and bulbar ridges, spiral, fuse
atrial septation
foramen 1=bw septum 1 and Av septum
foramen 2=IN septum primum
septum secundum covers septum 1 leaving PFO
Atria/ventricle septation
created by fusion of AV cushions
IV septation
muscular IV septum grows up from floor
membranous IV septum is fusion of R/L bulbar, A cushion (membran VSD)
deriv truncus arteriosus
ascend aorta, pulmon trunk
bulbus cordis
smooth LV, RV
primitive ventricle
trabeculated RV/LV
primitive atria
trabeulated RA/LA
derivatives sinus venosus
sm of RA, cor sinus, SVC/IVC
when caudal neural tube close? dz?
25d, if doesn't spina bifida
cranial neural tube closes when?
27d, if not anencephaly/encphelaocele
(7) embryologic derivatives that give rise to GU system
1. UG sinus
2. Mesonephr/Wolff
3. Para/Mullerian
4. Genital tubercle
5. UG fold
6. labioscrotal fold
7. indifftd gonad
name the structures common to male/female GU tract and where they came from
bladder, urethra (from UG sinus)
ureter, renal (from Mesoneph/Wolff)
name embryo parts contribute to heart
1. truncus arteriosus (asc aorta, pul trunk)
2. bulbus cordis (sm LV/RV)
3. primitive ventricle (trabec RV/LV)
4. primitive atria (trabec RA/LA)
5. sinus venosus (sm RA, cor sinus, SVC/IVC)
name general progression of blastula
epiblast, hypo/cytotroph, syncyt
amnionic, yolk/placenta
yolk extra embry splits somato and splanch
develop of pancreas
ventral pan bud becomes pan head, unicnate process, and main pan duct
dorsal bud becomes everything else
develop spleen, blood supply
from dorsal mesentery but blood supply is from artery of foregut (celiac)
mesonephric duct derivatives pneumonic
SEEDDD seminal vesicles, epididymis, ejac duct, ductus deferens
cause hypospadias
failure urethral folds close
cause epispadias
faulty position of genital tubercle
what assoc with epispadias
exstrophy of bladder
bicrornuate uterus, assoc
incomplete fusion of parameso duct, assoc with UT abnormalities and infertility
circul fetus:
lower body supplied by
deoxygen SVC to PA and ductus arteriosus to lower body
oxygenated IVC thru foramen ovale to head
fetal blood syn
yolk (3-8)
liver (6-30)
spleen (9-28)
BM (>28)
"young liver syn blood"
DES during preg cause?
vaginal clear cell adenocarc
cleft lip
failure maxillary and medial nasal process
cleft palate
failure lateral palatine, nasal septum, and/or median palatine
primitive streak made out of
epiblast (becomes meso and endo)
"cervical sinuses"
2-4 clefts form these temporarily until prolilferation 2nd arch mesen (can lead to branchial cyst in neck)
week 2 develop
bilaminar disk: epi and hypoblast
2 cavities: aminion, yold
2 placenta parts: cyto and syncytio