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105 Cards in this Set

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_____ to some degree suggests goals and plot elements.
What are the cons of generalizing?
(1.) may not PAY AS WELL as specialized work, (2.) work in some subject areas may not be CHALLENGING enough
How does monomyth theory apply to advertising?
in the sense that there are only so many "big ideas" to go around
Super brands that engage in "pseudo-spiritual marketing" like Nike about transcendence through sports and Starbucks being a community are an example of _____.
emotional branding
What are four questions that might be included in the logline?
(1.) Who is the central character? (2.) What is his/her main goal? (3.) Why is the goal so important to him/her? (4.) Who is trying to stop them? Why?
Along the way in a story you have _____, which are things that stand in the way of the protagonist achieving their goal.
plot ploints
things that stand in the way of the protagonist achieving their goal
plot points
deals with how a brand can form a bond with the consumer as people join cults and brands to belong and to make meaning
emotional branding
What are four things to consider in going from the general to the specific when describing setting?
(1.) describe the setting, (2.) who's there?, (3.) any other important information about the place, (4.) what are they doing?
also includes the character's view of himself (self-concept), and when this changes it is considered "growth'
point of view
What are five features of myths?
(1.) MODELS of agents and actions, (2.) the heroes WIN and the villains lose, (3.) recurring THEMES, (4.) threat to protagonist is usually PHYSICAL, (5.) provide CATHARSIS
Using the three-act structure in 30 seconds is sometimes called the "_____" and still includes a beginning, middle, and end as well as plot, character, setting, and theme, just established very quickly.
rule of 3
What are five steps in developing a documentary?
(1.) Decide on point of view (objective, subjective, both, multiple) -- character, (2.) Find the story/narrative thread (plot), (3.) List out all the major facts you wish to cover (setting), (4,) What way can the story best be captured?, (5.) What do you want the user to come away with? (theme)
Advertiser who stressed the importance of "The Big Idea"
David Ogilvy
Dialogue often has _____ and _____.
text; subtext
basically putting a restriction on your character; now the character not only has to get across a field but has to get across the field by a certain time
the "ticking clock"
Name the three major sections of the Hero's Journey, and name two stages from each.
(1.) DEPARTURE (call to a venture, refusal of the call, supernatural aid, crossing the first threshold, belly of the whale/the beast), (2.) INITIATION (the road of trials, the meeting with the goddess, women as temptress, atonement with the father, apotheosis, the ultimate boon), (3.) RETURN (refusal of the return, the magic flight, rescue from without, the crossing of the return threshold, master of two worlds, freedom to live)
Is the work of art good or bad for the public? (Think of television violence and graphic adult content)
moralistic criticism
Laughing is a biological instinct stemming from _____ and a _____ that begins as an infant.
ridiculing the different; spirit of well-being/play
_____ or belief system affects how characters behave.
point of view
Grammar, syntax, and vocabulary are useless if you cannot do either of these.
You have to be able to SEE the sights and HEAR the sounds (and dialogue).
You should write dialogue if it is _____ and is going to be distinctly _____.
important; audible
In the Hero's Journey, the point where the hero becomes fully committed.
The Big Event
What are three guidelines for picking a title?
(1.) pick something that conveys the CONCEPT, (2.) pick something SHORT enough to fit on the box/ads, (3.) try to pick something CATCHY
The clearer the goal, the _____ the drama ("Moby Dick," "Jaws"). The _____ the obstacles, the better the drama ("The Alamo," "300"). The more challenging to the character, the more _____ the victory.
better; bigger; satisfying
Why do we laugh? Why do we cry? Why do we slow down at the scene of an accident to gawk? When we talk about _____, this is what we are talking about.
universal needs and desires
involves answering the question "what keeps the audience watching?", putting the character in jeopardy, introducing uncertain, and creating suspense
dramatic tension
used in comedy and horror; the idea of a "running joke" that you repeat over and over again until you play with that joke and tell it in a different way so that something totally different happens to take people by surprise (the music in Jaws)
bisociative theory
What is the "Hero's Journey"?
an idea that heroes from every country would go through a bunch of stages from when they first appear in the story to the end of the story. These stages are similar across cultures -- all heroes generally follow the same path -- the idea being that all of these heroic stories developed independently of each other but took on the same form because people have the same needs across cultures
also known as montage style, continental style, and realist style
city symphony genre
"Soft sell" ads are related to _____ from "The Merchants of Cool."
stealth marketing
What are the three schools of criticism?
(1.) moralistic criticism, (2.) psychological criticism, (3.) archetypal approach
What are the nine documentary styles?
(1.) biopic, (2.) travelogue/ethnography, (3.) city symphony genre, (4.) kino-pravda (the truth), (5.) newsreel, (6.) propaganda, (7.) cinema verite (truthful cinema), (8.) direct cinema, (9.) mondo cinema/shockumentary
What are four guidelines to solve the problems of kids media?
(1.) Add agon (add more conflict), (2.) add plot points, (3.) employ humor, (4.) don't patronize
Most documentaries are usually _____ of people, places, events, and shots.
What are two examples of subtext?
(1.) To Catch a Thief (Grace Kelly work to catch a diamond thief but also looking to catch the thief romantically), (2.) Moonstruck (they both think they are getting married to the wrong person, lots of references to dogs and wolves focused on the full moon)
usually has a "character wins"-type plot
music transition
Newscasts, storm warnings, reports, and commercials that merely list items for sale are a _____.
public communication
when two independent clauses are smashed together improperly; "The sun is high, put on some sunblock"; "This computer doesn't make sense to met, it came with a manual"
run-on sentence
When should caps be used in scripts? (6)
INT. or EXT., where the scene is set, DAY or NIGHT, character names, camera directions, scene transition devices
In general, the first thing you need to know when writing a script is
WHO is the main CHARACTER(S)?
_____ and _____ shows us how we ought to be.
drama; tragedy
How should you express shouting in a script?
With an exclamation point, not by using ALL CAPS (because of format conventions).
Why do people find things funny?
For release and relief, also known as catharsis
The goal(s) created for the protagonist should be what three things?
(1.) specific, (2.) simple to understand, (3.) desirable
_____ + _____ = suspense
jeopardy; uncertainty
Documentaries are usually "written" where?
in the editing room
One of the largest ad firms; also responsible for producing the "Waking Up Hannah" ad campaign for Dove
Ogilvy & Mather
What are the pros of generalizing? (5)
(1.) a wide range of TOPICS and any form of media or communication outlet, (2.) an easy way for freelancers to get STARTED, especially for those who don't know where they should specialize, (3.) a specific NICHE or area of expertise is not needed, (4.) opportunity for steady CASH FLOW, (5.) avoid being PIGEON-HOLED into a specific category
Many stories combine elements of the different types of conflict, but as Aristotle said in Poetics, the hero must have a _____ conflict.
also known as "the pitch," "the hook," and "the premise"
the log line
Advertisements attempt to appeal to the _____, which is also what we try to do in our scripts.
Because of this case, studios will no longer look at unsolicited manuscripts because they are afraid they will get sued if they are working on a script that is similar to the one you send in.
Buchwald vs. Paramount
What are two benefits of good characters?
(1.) makes the audience care, (2.) marketing and selling point (Hannah Montana)
What are seven common mistakes in writing for kids media?
(1.) too much "sugar" (sweet, nice, and happy) (2.) too "healthy" (preachy, this is good for you), (3.) too "light" (kids can handle some depth), (4.) too "safe" (5.) too "broad" (too complex), (6.) telling, now showing, (7.) too "flat" (not enough happens; the stakes aren't high enough)
What are the cons of specializing? (3)
(1.) less VARIETY of subject matter than generalizing, (2.) need to IDENTIFY publications or media outlets that serve your niche, (3.) requires PITCHING your ideas within your niche to develop a credible portfolio
the baseline of what everyday life is like for the characters
the _____ is the baseline of what everyday life is like for the characters
What are some considerations in knowing your audience when developing media projects for kids?
age appropriateness (don't talk down to kids), less attention span and retention, more linear story paths, what development stage? what gender? what are the desires of parents? what are the desires of children (aspirational desires)?
_____ often gives clues to the theme.
The _____ (thing that sets events in motion) should happen in the first _____ pages.
catalyst; 10-15
What were the three things Freud divided comedy into?
(1.) comic, (2.) humor, (3.) wit
What are four advantages of a treatment?
(1.) usually takes much less time and effort than a script, (2.) doesn't get bogged down in script formatting, (3.) ideal for clients/producers/directors about to spend money, (4.) may include transitionary language ("We open with," "We cut to")
Why are the names of places and things important?
Because they often take on the role of a character in the story too (ex. film noir, Gotham City in Batman)
a close shot of an object; sometimes better expressed with a _____
close-up (CU); tight shot (TIGHT SHOT or TIGHT ON)
What are the seven types of conflict?
character vs. (1.) self, (2.) character, (3.) society, (4.) nature, (5.) God or the supernatural, (6.) machine/technology, (7.) destiny
Storytelling started with rituals and _____, the idea that we felt we were at the mercy of the gods so we passed information down from generation to generation.
rites of passage
What are some of the legal issues with using real names in your work?
defamation (you can say someone did bad things if they actually did bad things), right to privacy, right to privacy by depiction of an actual person in false light (on the surface you tell the facts correctly but through artistic license show someone in false light), and right of publicity (if they are a celebrity)
In describing a setting from the general to the specific, you should establish a _____ relationship between the setting and the character description.
In comedic structure, you should build on _____ and have a good _____.
expectations; punch line
Combined the way documentaries were made by combining ethnography with propaganda.
Roger & Me (1989) -- Michael Moore
What are the skills and tools needed for generalizing? (4)
(1.) VERSATILITY, (2.) ability to learn "ON THE FLY", (3.) solid RESEARCH skills, (4.) general PORTFOLIO or online clips to show the breadth and depth of your work
means that there is one sound under another at a lower volume
one thing fades down while another simultaneously fades up (never have any silence; constant noise)
_____ involves the incompatible expectations of comedy.
A character's _____ drives the action of the story.
"a beginning that attracts attention, details, usually chronological, that hold attention as expectations grow, and a conclusion that rewards your [audience's] time and investment"
dramatic tension
You shouldn't "tell" in a script for what two reasons?
(1.) there's no way to see it on the screen and (2.) it's too wordy
What court case is connected to monomyth theory?
Buchwald vs. Paramount
a subcategory of public communication
public arts
The terms "public" and "private" are neutral in the sense that they refer to _____ and _____, and not quality.
distribution; consumption
The two plot points _____ and _____ make up the emotional core of a script.
the pinch; the crisis
one thing fades down for a brief moment of silence, then another thing fades up after that silence (the ending of one sound such as music followed by a barely perceptible pause followed by another sound)
What are there three major sections of the Hero's Journey?
(1.) departure, (2.) initiation, (3.) return
A character's _____ drives the emotion of the story.
What are the four things parents value in kids media?
(1.) entertaining for child, (2.) entertaining for adult, (3.) family values, (4.) educational
What are five features of myths?
(1.) MODELS of agents and actions, (2.) the heroes WIN and the villains lose, (3.) recurring THEMES, (4.) threat to protagonist is usually PHYSICAL, (5.) provide CATHARSIS
In comedy writing, _____ is important just like drama.
a kind of fade in, but you are fading in very slowly -- a slow fade (the music is very slowly rising; most of the time people don't even notice it at first)
The Japanese model for development includes what 5 categories?
(1.) seinen (men 18-30), (2.) josei (women in their late teens through adults), (3.) shoji (girls 10-18), (4.) shonen (boys 10-18), kodomo (children under 10; gender not differentiated)
Why are there warm-up acts for comedians?
Because they foster a spirit of well-being play that makes people more likely to respond to the acts that come afterward.
began the "Creative Revolution" of the 1960s/1970s, in which advertising was no longer just showing the product and telling people to buy it but was about creating a piece of story that sold the product
Bill Bernbach
began the "Creative Revolution" of the 1960s/1970s
Bill Bernbach
In comedy, the discrepancy between what we expect and what actually happens.
bisociative theory
To indicate you want both characters visible while on-screen, use _____ or _____.
intercut; splitscreen
The structure of a script is that Act I takes up _____%, Act II _____%, and Act III _____%. This equates to a roughly _____ page count script of 120 pages total.
25%; 50%; 25%; 30-60-30
a documentary style that uses portable recording equipment to obtain a more dramatic, confrontational, and engaging view
cinema verite (truthful cinema)
jeopardy + uncertainty = _____
What are four myths from Ancient Egypt?
(1.) Tale of Two Brothers, (2.) The Shipwrecked Sailor, (3.) The Doomed Prince, (4.) King Kheops and the Magicians
What are the pros of specializing? (5)
(1.) specialized work PAYS BETTER, (2.) trade publications tend to be MORE STABLE than newspapers and consumer-oriented publications, (3.) becoming an expert can OPEN DOORS to other opportunities, (4.) ability to SERVE YOUR AUDIENCE well, (5.) potential for greater JOB SATISFACTION
fade all sounds (everything in your PSA gets faded down at once -- the music, sound effects, talking, etc.)
Why is this character doing this? (Deals with conscious and subconscious motivations)
psychological criticism
_____ show us what we wish to be or what we fear and are based on hopes, fears, dreams, and nightmares.
heroic stories
What are the skills and tools needed for specializing? (3)
(1.) a credible PORTFOLIO or online clips showing your expertise in a particular subject, (2.) a PASSION for one or more subjects around which you want to build your body of work, (3.) a solid BACKGROUND in your area of expertise through education or experience