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35 Cards in this Set

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What did Chuck from WNKU talk about?
The importance of writing letters to get funding from supporters as well as techniques for shortening ad copy in things like PSAs, etc.
What are the three schools of criticism?
(1.) moralistic criticism, (2.) psychological criticism, (3.) archetypal approach
music transition
What are the pros of generalizing? (5)
(1.) a wide range of TOPICS and any form of media or communication outlet, (2.) an easy way for freelancers to get STARTED, especially for those who don't know where they should specialize, (3.) a specific NICHE or area of expertise is not needed, (4.) opportunity for steady CASH FLOW, (5.) avoid being PIGEON-HOLED into a specific category
Advertiser who stressed the importance of "The Big Idea"
David Ogilvy
_____ + _____ = suspense
jeopardy; uncertainty
In comedy, in addition to having an _____ you must invent a _____ that provides "fertile ground" for the comic actions of a story.
attitude; circumstance/situation
What are the cons of specializing? (3)
(1.) less VARIETY of subject matter than generalizing, (2.) need to IDENTIFY publications or media outlets that serve your niche, (3.) requires PITCHING your ideas within your niche to develop a credible portfolio
The Japanese model for development includes what 5 categories?
(1.) seinen (men 18-30), (2.) josei (women in their late teens through adults), (3.) shoji (girls 10-18), (4.) shonen (boys 10-18), (5.) kodomo (children under 10; gender not differentiated)
When writing for the screen, how do you want to tell your story?
in the way that is easiest for the producers and directors to convert it to the screen
What are five steps in developing a documentary?
(1.) Decide on point of view (objective, subjective, both, multiple) -- character, (2.) Find the story/narrative thread (plot), (3.) List out all the major facts you wish to cover (setting), (4,) What way can the story best be captured?, (5.) What do you want the user to come away with? (theme)
Laughing is a biological instinct stemming from _____ and a _____ that begins as an infant.
ridiculing the different; spirit of well-being/play
What is used when a character is on the phone, for example.
off-screen dialogue (OS)
What are four things to consider in going from the general to the specific when describing setting?
(1.) describe the setting, (2.) who's there?, (3.) any other important information about the place, (4.) what are they doing?
With the spec script, you are describing what three big things?
(1.) location (using slug lines), (2.) action (avoiding detailed camera shot descriptions), (3.) dialogue (occasionally using character cues)
Should be difficult to achieve but not too difficult, and can often by achieved in the form of another character, known as the "antagonist"
The more of these you can tap into in a script, the more relatable it will be to all people
universal/timeless themes, needs, and desires
What are the pros of specializing? (5)
(1.) specialized work PAYS BETTER, (2.) trade publications tend to be MORE STABLE than newspapers and consumer-oriented publications, (3.) becoming an expert can OPEN DOORS to other opportunities, (4.) ability to SERVE YOUR AUDIENCE well, (5.) potential for greater JOB SATISFACTION
Why is this character doing this? (Deals with conscious and subconscious motivations)
psychological criticism
Why are there warm-up acts for comedians?
Because they foster a spirit of well-being play that makes people more likely to respond to the acts that come afterward.
What are four questions that might be included in the logline?
(1.) Who is the central character? (2.) What is his/her main goal? (3.) Why is the goal so important to him/her? (4.) Who is trying to stop them? Why?
Is the work of art good or bad for the public? (Think of television violence and graphic adult content)
moralistic criticism
Act I should convey _____ -- as much as possible in the first few minutes, but we learn it throughout the entire script as well.
The goal(s) created for the protagonist should be what three things?
(1.) specific, (2.) simple to understand, (3.) desirable
To indicate you want both characters visible while on-screen, use _____ or _____.
intercut; splitscreen
The first documentary that used dramatic re-enactments to tell the story; prior to this nobody mixed fiction with documentaries
The Thin Blue Line (1988) -- Erroll Morris
You shouldn't "tell" in a script for what two reasons?
(1.) there's no way to see it on the screen and (2.) it's too wordy
Storytelling was originally through _____ and _____ tradition (basically sound and image -- which is why movies are so powerful) and then formalized as _____.
pictures (cave paintings); oral; myths
presence of universal themes in the arts of "primitive people" of all times and places. Identifies "compelling themes that appear predictably in the public arts."
archetypal approach
What are the skills and tools needed for specializing? (3)
(1.) a credible PORTFOLIO or online clips showing your expertise in a particular subject, (2.) a PASSION for one or more subjects around which you want to build your body of work, (3.) a solid BACKGROUND in your area of expertise through education or experience
What are seven common mistakes in writing for kids media?
(1.) too much "sugar" (sweet, nice, and happy) (2.) too "healthy" (preachy, this is good for you), (3.) too "light" (kids can handle some depth), (4.) too "safe" (5.) too "broad" (too complex), (6.) telling, now showing, (7.) too "flat" (not enough happens; the stakes aren't high enough)
a documentary style that uses portable recording equipment to obtain a more dramatic, confrontational, and engaging view
cinema verite (truthful cinema)
Some shoulder may be visible. Not much context of the environment.
close-up (CU)
The terms "public" and "private" are neutral in the sense that they refer to _____ and _____, and not quality.
distribution; consumption
In the denouement there is usually a moment of _____ for the protagonist.