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17 Cards in this Set

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The state of relations between the United States and its allies and the Soviet Union and its allies between the end of World War II to 1990
Cold War
A policy of checking the expansion or influence of a communism.
Political term that refers to a country which is formally independent, but under heavy influence or control by another country.
Satellite Nation
Extend between all nations the exchange of basic scientific information for peaceful ends.
Baruch Plan
Implement control of atomic energy to the extent necessary to ensure its use only for peaceful purposes;
Baruch Plan
Eliminate from national armaments atomic weapons and all other major weapons adaptable to mass destruction.
Baruch Plan
August 1, 1946 Created Atomic Energy Commission charged with controlling the development and manufacture of nuclear weapons and overseeing the research and development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
Atomic Energy Act
In 1947, Soviet-American tensions developed in Greece and Turkey and culminated in the _______________________.
Truman Doctrine
Program proposed by U.S. Secretary of state George C. Marshall on June 5, 1947, to provide foreign assistance to European nations after World War II.
Marshall Plan
The Allies decided to take the unprecedented step of supplying West Berlin from the air, flying cargo to its three airfields, Tegel, Gatow, and Templehof (1948-9).
Berlin airlift
International military alliance created to defend western Europe against a possible Soviet invasion (1948).
(1955-91) Military alliance comprising eight states—Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the USSR—led by the USSR and throughout its 35-year history the principal opponent of and military threat to NATO.
Warsaw Pact
Established in 1947, serves as the President's main forum for taking up national security and foreign policy matters.
National Security Council
Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, established in 1938 under Martin Dies as chairman, that conducted investigations through the 1940s and '50s into alleged communist activities.
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
A group of screenwriters who were accused of being Communists during the Joseph McCarthy era.
Hollywood Ten
Sometimes called the McCarran Act or the anticommunist law, is one of the most controversial and least understood laws in the history of the republic.
Internal Security Act
Truman opposed the passing of the _______________________, arguing that it "would betray our finest traditions" / "curb the simple expression of opinion". The Congress overrode Truman's veto.
Internal Security Act