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18 Cards in this Set

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What is a Wandering Atrial Pacemaker?
A dysrhythmia originating in pacemakers that shift back and forth between the SA node and an ectopic pacemaker in the atria or AV junction. It is characterized by P waves varying in size, shape, and direction in any given lead.
What is a PAC?
PAC stands for premature atrial complex. This means that there is an extra beat consisting of an abnormal P wave originating in an ectopic pacemaker in the atria followed by a normal or abnormal QRS complex.
What is a Nonconducted PAC?
A positive P' wave (in Lead II) not followed by a QRS complex. A blocked PAC.
What is Atrial Tachycardia?
A dysrhythmia originating in an ectopic pacemaker in the atria with a rate between 160 and 240 beats per minute. It may occur with or without an AV block, which may be constant or variable. It may occur with narrow QRS complexes or abnormally wide QRS complexes because of preexisting bundle branch block, aberrant ventricular conduction, or ventricular preexcitation.
What is an Atrial Flutter?
A dysrhythmia arising in an ectopic pacemaker in the atria, characterized by abnormal atrial flutter waves with a sawtooth appearence and usually a regular ventricular response after every other or every fourth F wave. Atrial flutter can be transient or chronic. When fast, atrial flutter is considered uncontrolled (untreated); when slow, it is controlled (treated)
What is Atrial Fibrillation?
A dysrhythmia arising in numerous ectopic pacemakers in the atria characterized by very rapid atrial fibrillation (f) waves and an irregular, often rapid ventricular response. It is considered fast when >100bpm and slow when <60bpm.
What is a Unifocal PVC?
It is a PVC that originates in the same ventricular ectopic pacemaker site, usually appearing identical (i.e. uniform)
What is a PVC?
PVC stands for premature ventricular complex. It is an extra beat consisting of an abnormally wide and bizarre QRS complex originating in an ectopic pacemaker in the ventricles.
What is a Bigeminal PVC?
Bigemny is a dysrhythmia in which every other beat is a pre-mature complex. The premature beat may be atrial, junctional, or ventricular in origin.
What is a Trigeminal PVC?
Trigeminy is a series of groups of three beats usually consisting of two normally conducted QRS complexes followed by a premature complex. The premature complex may be atrial, junctional, or ventricular in origin.
What is a Quadrigeminal PVC?
Quadrigeminy is a series of groups of four beats, usually consisting of three normall conducted QRS complexes followed by a premature complex that may be atrial, junctional, or ventricular in origin.
What is a Coupled PVC (Couplet)?
It is two consecutive premature complexes. Also referred to as coupled beats, paired beats.
What is a Ventricular Tachycardia?
A dysrhythmia originating in an ectopic pacemaker in the ventricles with a rate between 100 and 250 beats per minute.
What is Ventricular Fibrillation?
It is a ventricular dysrhythmia that results in cardiac arrest. Treatment is immediate fibrillation. It originates in multiple ectopic pacemakers in the ventricles characterized by numerous ventricular fibrillatory waves and no QRS complexes.
What is an Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm (AIVR)?
It is a dysrhythmia originating in an ectopic pacemaker in the ventricles with a rate between 40 and 100 beats per minute.
What is a Ventricular Escape Rhythm?
A dysrhythmia arising in an escape pacemaker in the ventricles with a rate of less than 40 beats per minute.
What is Ventricular Asystole?
An asystole is the absence of electrical activity in the heart evidenced by the lack of QRS complexes.
What is a Triplet PVC?
A triplet PVC is when there is three PVC's are recorded in a row. According to the ACLS, this qualifies as a run of tachycardia.