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22 Cards in this Set

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What is the sequence of ossification in the elbow for children?

CRITOE - 1. Capitellum, Radial Head, Internal (medial) epicondyle, Trochlea, Olecranon, External (lateral) epicondyle

How would you position for lateral view of the elbow?

Forearm rests on ulnar side, joint flexed to 90 degrees, thumb pointed upward and fingers slightly flexed. Central beam - directed towards radial head (straight down)

What is the fat - pad sign?

Displacement of the normal positions of the fat pads suggest fx. (normally the fat pad is not visable)

What is the radial head capitellum view?

Same as the lateral view for position, the central beam is directed toward the radial head at 45 degrees to the forearm.

What is a supracondyllar fx?

Fx of the distal humerus just above the epicondyles.

Relatively rare in adults it is one of the more common fractures to occur in children and is often associated with the development of serious complications.

What are the 4 types of radial head fractures using the Mason System

Type 1 - Undisplaced

Type 2 - Displaced

Type 3 - Communicated

Type 4 - Fx with dislocation

What is Panner Disease?

rare but painful bone condition that is linked to over use of the elbow. (Typically valgus strain of the elbow) Involves growth plates of elbow.

Pain on lateral side - due to compression. Radial head gets compressed, start to see flattening of capitullum.

What is Monteggia Fx?

Associated Fx of ulna with dislocation of the radial head. (you might see it with force pronation during fall or direct blow to ulna)

For elbow, what views are generally done?

AP and lateral view.

What does an AP view able to demonstrate?

Injury to: Medical epicondyle, Lateral Epicondyle, Olecranon Fossa, Capitellum, Trochlea, Radial Head :)

What is the hockey stick deformity?


What is the articulation of the ulna and the humerous?

Trochlear notch of the ulna and the trochlea of the humerus

What is the name of the place where the radius articulates with the humerus?

Head of the radius and the capitulum of the humerus

what is the problem with a AP and lateral view?

Overlap of radial head and coronoid process

Radial Head Fx?

Point tenderness, Pain with supination, Unable to extend elbow

What is a FAT PAD Sign?

Strong indication of Radial head Fx

If you suspect a radial head fx, what view?

Radial head-Capitellum View (directed toward radial head at 45 degrees to the forearm)

What is the most common elbow fracture in children?

Supracondyllar Fx

What is the MOI for a supracondyllar fracture?

FOOSH injury (also main cause of Radial Head Fx)

With a adolescent supracondylar fx, what important landmark do you lose?

Hockey Stick Configuration

What are in situ lesions and a flattening of the capitellum an indication of?

Panners Disease

Key Points

Views, Structures you will see, advantages and disadvantages of views, projection, patient position, make sure you see ABCS, know few key landmarks. About medial 1/3 of capitullum and hockey stick stuff. What might you see with immature elbow.