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45 Cards in this Set

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In the 1952 campaign, of what did the Eisenhower-Nixon make the first really effective use?
Who was the popular religious evangelical who effectively used the new medium of television?
Billy Graham
How did Eisenhower present himself to the public?
What type of leadership style did Eisenhower present? What effect did this have?
reassurance, sincerity, optimism; great popularity
Who was the soldier who kept the nation at peace for most of his two terms and ended up warning America about the "military-industrial complex?"
Who was the eloquent Democratic presidential candidate who was twice stamped by a popular Republican war hero?
Adlai E. Stevenson II
What is the term for making ruthless and unfair charges against opponents, such as those leveled by a red-hunting Wisconsin senator in the 1950s?
Why did Eisenhower initially hesitate to oppose Senator Joseph McCarthy?
because of McCarthy's political popularity and power
When did McCarthy lose his power and his anticommunist crusade collapse?
McCarthy attacked the US army for alleged communist influence
How did the Korean war end?
a stalemate armistice and continued division of North and South Korea - 38th parallel
How did the Supreme Court rule in Brown v Board of Education, 1954? What did it set off in most parts of Deep South?
overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, 1898 which says that separate but equal facilities are ok. Brown won; outlawed segregation in public schools; massive resistance to integration "White Flight"
What forced President Eisenhower to send federal troops to Little Rock?
governor used national guard to prevent integration; Eisenhower sends federal troops to protect Little Rock 9
How did Eisenhower use his influence as president in the civil rights movement?
he tried not to
Who was the controversial jurist who led to Supreme Court into previously off-limits social and racial issues?
Who was the black minister whose 1955 Montgomery bus boycott made him the leader of the civil rights movement?
Martin Luther King Jr.
What event precipitated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s civil rights movement?
Montgomery bus boycott
What was the primary impetus for civil rights within the federal government?
Supreme Court
What was the institutional foundation of the Southern Christian Leadership Coalition?
black churches
How did Eisenhower's basic approach to domestic economic policy?
trim back some New Deal programs but keep most in place
Despite his fiscal conservatism, how did Eisenhower actually outdo the New Deal in spending?
put the interstate highway system into place
In the Hungarian crisis of 1956, how did the US react to Secretary of State Dulles' talk of "rolling back" communism and liberating the "captive peoples" of Eastern Europe?
US retreated from that
Who was the blustery soviet leader who frequently challenged Eisenhower with both threats and diplomacy?
What was the doctrine upon which Eisenhower and Dulles based American nuclear policy in the 1950s?
Massive retaliation
In 1954, what was Eisenhower's response to the French in Vietnam?
refused to help the French
What was an Asian alliance, set up by Secretary Dulles on the mode of NATO, to help support the anticommunist regime in South Vietnam?
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
How did the US first become involved in Vietnam?
providing economic aid to the French colonialists fighting Ho Chi Minh
Who was a vietnamese nationalist and communist whose defeat of the French led to calls for American military intervention in Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh
Who was the anticommunist leader who set up a pro-American government to block Ho Chi Minh's expected takeover of all Vietnam?
Ngo Dinh Diem
What caused the Suez Crisis?
Egyptian president Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal
How did President Eisenhower force Britain, France, and Israel to withdraw from their seizure of the Suez Canal in 1956?
withholding american oil supplies from the allies
In the 1950s where did the major threat to American interests in the Middle East come from?
revived Arab nationalism and its control of oil
In the 1950s what caused Latin Americans to demonstrate hostility toward the US?
us support of anticommunist dictators and ignoring Latin American interests
What was the Latin American nation where a 1950 communist revolution ousted a US-backed dictator?
Who was the Latin American revolutionary who because economically and militarily dependent on the soviet union?
Fidel Castro
What was a key economic transformation of the 1950s?
growth of "white collar" jobs into a majority that increasingly replaced "blue collar" factory labor
What was the major international corporation that symbolized the early computer and "information age?"
IBM (international business machines)
What was a high-flying American spy plane, whose downing in 1960 destroyed a summit and heightened Cold War tensions? What meeting did it undermine?
U-2, Paris Summit
Who was the red-hunter turned world-traveling diplomat and narrowly missed becoming president in 1960?
What was the main issue of Senator John F. Kennedy's campaign of 1960?
us had fallen behind the Soviet Union in prestige and power
what raised this issue? what was extended because of this?
launching of the soviet sputnik satellite; arms race and nuclear tests
How was Senator Kennedy able to deal with the issue of his Roman Catholicism?
neutralized the issue by talking to Protestant ministers
What enabled the Democrats to win a narrow electoral victory in 1960?
Kennedy did well in TV debate with Nixon (looked awful) and he was a very good politician
What was one major breakthrough in American literature in the early post-World War II years?
subjects: war, adolescence, sexuality (topics of American literature)
What was betty Friedan's 1963 book that launched a revolution against the suburban "cult of domesticity" that reigned in the 1950s?
The Feminine Mistique
Who was the tough Teamster-union boss whose corrupt actions helped lead to passage of the Landrum-Griffin Act?
Jimmy Hoffa