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24 Cards in this Set

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very rough rapids.
triangle-shaped area of land made from soil deposited by a river.
Pharaoh who wanted to unify Upper and Lower Egypt.
the title used by the rulers of Egypt.
series of rulers from same family.
Old Kingdom
the name given to the period in the 3rd millennium BC when Egypt attained its first continuous peak of civilization.
is the birth name of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, who ruled in the 4th dynasty of the Old Kingdom, around 2580 B.C.
Nobles ruled the regions of Egypt (Nomes). They were responsible for making local laws and keeping order in their region.
In philosophy, religion, mythology, and fiction, the afterlife (also referred to as life after death or the Hereafter) is the concept of a realm, or the realm itself.
a body, human or animal, whose skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals, extreme cold, or other hazards.
people with wealth and power.
The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt.
s the science, skill, and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and also build.
Middle Kingdom
The Middle Kingdom of Egypt is the period in the history of ancient Egypt stretching from the establishment of the Eleventh Dynasty to the end of the Thirteenth Dynasty, between 2055 BC and 1650 BC.
New Kingdom
the period in ancient Egyptian history between the 16th century BCE and the 11th century BCE, covering the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Dynasties of Egypt.
trade routes
a logistical network identified as a series of pathways and stoppages used for the commercial transport of cargo.
Queen Hatshepsut
the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Ancient Egypt.
Ramses the Great
the third Egyptian pharaoh (reigned 1279 BC – 1213 BC) of the Nineteenth dynasty.
a formal writing system used by the ancient Egyptians that combined logographic and alphabetic elements.
Papyrus is a thick paper-like material produced from the pith of the papyrus plant.
Rosetta Stone
is an ancient Egyptian granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V
A sphinx is a mythical creature with, as a minimum, the body of a lion and the head of a human or a cat.
An obelisk is a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top. Like Egyptian pyramids,
King Tutankhamen
was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (ruled ca. 1332 BC – 1323 BC in the conventional chronology), during the New Kingdom. Famous for his tomb.