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20 Cards in this Set

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emotional gratification via serving the needs of others, instinctual energies channeled, generous/self-sacrificing
inner drives altered and directed toward socially productive/creative activities; unacceptable aggressive impulses converted into enthusiasm for sports/advocacy
allows us to put personal shortcomings or stressful circumstances into a perspective that makes them more tolerable and more easily confronted or accepted
(most pervasive) anxiety producing thoughts feelings and memories are forgotten or never experienced. pushed or drawn into unconscious
generally accessible via therapy. anxiety arousing mental content is pushed to preconscious. "i'll worry about that later when i can do something about it."
avoid feeling/sitch that is potentially disturbing. generally preconscious.
separate parts of experience, esp. memories+feelings, so that interrelated matters seem not affected by one another. ex: general anger not associated with childhood abuse
talking about potentially highly charged/disturbing issues without allowing the accompanying emotions to be fully experienced.
explaining unhappy events with "it's all for the best". explaining away/justifying behavior/actions one would otherwise not condone.
Reaction Formation
substitution of one unwanted emotion/attitude for another, generally opposite, feeling/response (closet queer being homophobic, being super sweet to mask intense anger)
Turning Against Self
occurs particularly in relation to unwelcome anger. self-critical instead of outwardly expressed anger.
Identification with Aggressor
victim takes similar aggressive qualities to allay fears of being destroyed. identifying with abuser by being hostile and aggressive.
unacknowledged thoughts and feelings are attributed to others. ex: Dad attracted to daughter calls her a whore. asking "are you thirsty?" of someone else when you are.
feelings and thoughts that refer to one person are transferred to another. ex: kick the dog or yell at kid instead of real target of anger.
person refused to recognize existence of an anxiety provoking emotion, thought, internal conflict or event. ex: " he's not dead"
returning to earlier stage of development to avoid an anxiety producing situation. reverting ot childlike demanding or dependent behaviors.
dividing self concept and image of others into all good or all bad. self and others alternately viewed as all powerful or as needing to be devalued. all or nothing.
Primitive Idealization
tendency to see others as totally good to protect positive attitudes from being spoiled by negative
pervasive inclination to attribute exaggerated bad qualities to self or others
Projective Identification
feelings of projection severely externalized by controlling/attacking the object of projection. ex: Dad castigating son for own queer impulses (military dad in American Beauty)