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59 Cards in this Set

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How would you multiply a monomial by a polynomial?

4x(3x² - 6x - 7) =
i) use the distributive property of multiplication, ii) when distributing, don't forget the rules of handling exponents

12x³ - 24x² - 28x
How would you multiply a binomial by a binomial? (x + a)(x + b)
x²(first) + bx(outer) + ax (inner) + ab(last)
What is the FOIL method?
Process of multiplying binomials. Start with the FIRST terms, OUTER terms, INNER terms and then LAST terms. Then simplify by combining like terms where possible.
Solve (x + 2)(x + 3)
x² + 5x + 6
(x + 2)(2x - 5) =
2x² - x - 10
When simplifying equations, how should you deal with exponents that are negative?
You should try to express them as positive by converting them to reciprocals.
Divide and combine like terms
Divide and combine like terms. As messy as this looks, there is no additional simplification that can be done
8x² - 5x + 3
What is an undefined fraction?
fraction in which you divide by 0 - there is a rule in math which states that you can not divide by 0
What does it mean to factor a polynomial?
To __find__ the greatest factor, which divides into each term
Factor 6x² - 10x³
2x²(3 - 5x)
When factoring polynomials, how do you factor the variables?
Use the variable with the lowest exponent
How would you convert a monomial with a variable that has a negative exponent? 7x⁻⁴
i) write out the monomial as a fractional operation
ii) negative power = reciprocal with pos. power
ii) simplify it
i) write out the monomial as a fractional operation, ii) negative power = reciprocal with pos. power, ii) simplify it
What is special about this expression? How is it factored? x² - 25
binomial which is a difference of two perfect squares;
a² - b² = (a + b)(a - b)
Factor 4x² - 49
(2x + 7)(2x - 7)
What is special about this expression?  How is it factored?
What is special about this expression? How is it factored?
Trinomial, addition:
a² + 2ab + b² = (a + b)(a + b) or (a + b)²
Factor x² + 8x + 16
(x + 4)²
What is special about this expression?  How is it factored?
What is special about this expression? How is it factored?
Trinomial that follows the pattern:
a² - 2ab + b² = (a - b)(a - b) or (a - b)²
Factor x² - 8x + 16
(x - 4)²
When factoring polynomials, what can you deduce from x² ?
That binomials must be of the form (x )(x )
When factoring polynomial that do not fit any known patterns, what is the process?
start with the first term, the last term, then the middle term.
When factoring polynomial that do not fit any known patterns, what impacts the last term in the expression?
What two numbers __multiplied__ will equal the last term.
When factoring polynomial that do not fit any known patterns, what impacts the middle term in the expression?
What __sum__ of two terms will equal the middle term.
Factor: 3x² + 8x + 5
(3x + 5)(x + 1)
Factor: x² - 2x - 15
(x - 5)(x + 3)
a² - b² =
(a + b)(a - b)
a² + 2ab + b² =
(a + b)(a + b)
a² - 2ab + b² =
(a - b)(a - b)
What does it mean to factor a polynomial completely?
Keep factoring (pulling out) factors until nothing more can be done
Factor Completely: x⁴ + 3x³ - 10x²
x²(x - 2)(x + 5)
The square root sign is often referred to as a
The number under the square root sign is called a
√(a x b) can be written as
√a x √b
When you have a square root of a product, it can be rewriten as
product of the square roots
A square root of a quotient is
the quotient of the square roots
Simplify the radical √48
√(a÷b) =
√a ÷ √b
When operating on a radical, what is the principle root?
Radicals can simplify to either a positive or negative number. Both are correct, however the principle root is the positive answer.
7√5 + 6√5 =
How do you add radicals?
if the radicals are the same, you add their coefficients
How do you subtract radicals?
if the radicals are the same, you subtract their coefficients
How do you multiply radicals?
multiply the radicands, and then the coefficients
4√3 · 7√5 =
√60 ÷ √4 =
27√60 ÷ 3√4 =
What is a complementary angle?
Two angles, which complement each other and total 90°
Two angles, which complement each other and total 90°
Two angles, which total 90° are known as
complementary angles
Two angles are complementary. One measures 3x + 10. The other measures 7x - 20. What is the value of x? What are the two angles?
x = 10; 40° and 50°
How do you divide radicals?
divide the radicands, and then the coefficients
What are supplementary angles?
Two angles, which supplement each other along a straight angle, and total 180°
Two angles, which total 180° and lie along a straight angle are
supplementary angles
Two angles are vertical. They measure 2x + 20 and 4x - 10. What is the measure of each angle?
x=15; 50°
Angle C and F are known as
Angle C and F are known as
alternate interior angles; are acute and equal
Angle D and E are known as
Angle D and E are known as
alternate interior angles; are obtuse and equal
Angles A and H are known as
Angles A and H are known as
alternate exterior angles and are equal in measure
Angles A and E are known as
Angles A and E are known as
corresponding angles and are equal in measure
Angles A and B are also known as
Angles A and B are also known as
adjacent angles. they are also supplementary because they lie across a straight angle
How do you find the sum of interior angles of a polygon?
(n - 2)180, where n is the number of sides