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60 Cards in this Set

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When did Edward VI become King?

January 1547
What relation was Edward Seymour to Edward VI?

What was Somerset's nickname?

The Good Duke

What titles did Edward Seymour acquire

following Henry VIII's death?

Duke of Somerset

Lord Protector

What 3 main dilemmas did Somerset face in 1547?

Should the war with Scotland be resumed?

Should Protestant religious reform be officially encouraged?

Should the government make economic and

financial reform a priority?

What Protestant pressures faced Somerset

after Henry VIII's death?

1. Exiled Protestants began returning to


2. The reform faction controlled government

3. Relaxation of press censorship led to

increase in writings against Catholicism

What measures did Somerset take to

reform religion?

Six Articles Act repealed

Rules that provided for services and Bibles to be in English were strengthened

Chantries Act

Act of Uniformity

Prayer Book

When was the 1st Act of Uniformity?


What were the terms of the 1st Act of


English to be used as language of worship

Congregations offered both wine and bread during communion

When did Archbishop Cranmer introduced the Prayer Book?


What was the aim of the 1st Act of Uniformity?

To impose a single standard of worship in order to end religious confusion
What is Cranmer's Prayer Book known as, and why?

'A masterpiece in vagueness'

Didn't deny transubstantiation but gave the

impression that the priest was simply

commemorating an event

Which marriage did Henry VIII leave Somerset to achieve in his will?

Marriage between Edward VI and Mary Queen of Scots
When did the French King, Francis I, die?


Who replace Francis I as King of France?

Henry II

What did Henry II upon becoming King of France?

Renewed the Anglo-Scottish alliance and sent a fleet of warships to Scotland with 4000 troops
How did Somerset deal with the renewed Anglo-Scottish alliance?

He launched a joint land and naval invasion of Scotland

What was the name of the battle where England defeated Scotland in September 1547?

Battle of Pinkie
Who did Mary Queen of Scots ultimately marry?
The heir to the French throne, Francis II
How much did Somerset's foreign policy cost?


What did Somerset do to tackle enclosures?

Launched commission to investigate the legality of recent enclosures

Sheep tax of 1548

Who resented Somerset's attempts to tackle enclosure?
Gentry landowners who had made their wealth from sheep farming
What was the greatest economic problem under Somerset?

When was the Western Rebellion?


What were the main causes of the Western rebellion?

Religion (1549 Prayer Book)

Concerns over Gentry families gaining Church land after Reformation and dissolution of monasteries

Social and economic discontent (inflation, enclosure, population rise)

Where did the rebels in the Western rebellion gather before advancing past Exeter to set up camp?

When was Kett's rebellion?


What were the main causes of the Kett rebellion?

Economic and social problems in Norfolk: bad harvest, rapid price rises, discontent with local government

Religion: dismissing inadequate and non-resident clergy)- not main motive

Who was Robert Kett?

A landowner whose property was attacked, but who agreed to end enclosure on his estates and lead the rebels

Where did the rebels in the Kett rebellion set up camp?
Mousehold Heath, near Norwich

How many men did Kett boast that his rebellion involved?


How was the Western rebellion dealt with?

The western rebels were beaten by the royal army in mid-August
How was the Kett rebellion dealt with?
The Earl of Warwick crushed the rebellion in a brutal confrontation involving 4000 deaths

In what year was the fall of Somerset?


When was Somerset executed?

What title did the Earl of Warwick gain?

Duke of Northumberland
When did Northumberland become Lord President of the Council?
February 1551

What religious changes did Northumberland make, 1550-3?

- Treason Act

- 2nd Act of Uniformity

- 1552 Prayer Book

- 1553 instructions to bishops to remove altars and vestments

- attack on Church wealth

When were the 42 Articles drawn up?

What was the Counter-Reformation?

An offensive against Protestantism, taken by the Catholic Church centred on Rome.
When was the Treaty of Boulogne and what did it involve?


Boulogne returned to France

What did Northumberland gain from the alliance with France?

Future marriage of Edward VI to Henry II's daughter, Elizabeth
What did Northumberland do with regard to Scotland?

Removed remaining English garrisons from Scotland

Restored border between England and Scotland

What measures did Northumberland take to resolve social and economic problems in England?

- 1548 sheep tax repealed in 1550

- New Treason Act of 1550 re-imposed censorship

- Anti-enclosure legislation enforced

- 1552 Poor Law passed- made parishes responsible for raising money to look after the poor

What social and economic problems did Northumberland face?

- Rising population = pressure on food and prices

- Poor harvests in early 1550s

- Social unrest after uprisings of 1549

- Cloth trade with Netherlands suffering problems

What was the problem with cloth trade with the Netherlands?

There was a sudden drop in exports in summer 1551 due to a temporary problem with trade at Antwerp, and this led to increased unemployment among textile workers in East Anglia and the west of England.

Where had Northumberland expanded trade to by 1533?

The Gold Coast in West Africa

Muscovy, Russia

When was the Muscovy company set up?


Who led the Muscovy Company?

Sebastian Cabot

When did the first signs of a more serious illness start appearing in Edward VI?

January 1553

Under the terms of the 1544 Succession Act, who was Edwards heir?

Princess Mary

In his plans to alter the succession, what 2 facts did Northumberland based them on?

- Mary was illegitimate (Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII's marriage had broken down)

- Henry VIII had directed the succession towards his children, but had not set aside the claims that his younger sister's family might make (Lady Jane Grey)

Who did Lady Jane Grey marry and when?

Northumberland's son

May 1553

When did Edward VI die?

July 1553

How long did Lady Jane Grey reign for?

9 days

When was Northumberland executed?

August 1553

When was the 2nd Act of Uniformity?

March 1552

What were the terms of the 2nd Act of Uniformity?

It became an offence for both the clergy and the laity not to attend Church of England services. Offenders were to be fined or imprisoned.

What were the terms of the Treason Act of 1552?

It became and offence to question the Royal Supremacy or any of the beliefs of the English Church

What were the impacts of the 1552 Prayer Book?

All traces of Catholicism and the mass were removed. The significance of the Eucharist (now called the Last Supper) was reduced, with more emphasis on it being a commemorative ceremony.