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58 Cards in this Set

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What is the cognitive domain?


What does 'thinking', 'intellect', and 'reasoning' fall under?


Where does academic subjects and basic facts fall under?


What is feelings, values, and motivation fall under?


What is the effective domain?


What is the psychomotor domain?


What is the motor skills fall under?


Who wrote "Who Killed Excellence?"

Samuel L. Blumenfeld

Who written and talked about the troubles of education, more specifically the troubles of modern education?

Samuel L. Blumenfeld

When did Samuel L Blumenfeld write Who Killed Excellence?

September 1995

What was a simplistic reading?

Dick and Jane

Who actually killed excellence?

Behavior Psychologists

Who advocated Protestant schools?

John Calvin

What type of education ethic taught that the parents were responsible for their children's education?

Calvinistic Ethnic

Who had the top universities in the 1800s?


Who was a buddy of Karl Marx?


What type of education belief stated that society or the government was responsible for the education of a child, not the parents?

Hegelian Mindset

Who was the Father of the Public Education in America?

Horace Mann

Where did Horace Mann bring his ideas, which state?


What is a bible verse that mandates that the parents, not the government are ultimately responsible for the education of parents?

Deuteronomy 6:6-8

Who had the first psychological lab at the University of Leipzig (Germany)?

Wilhelm Wundt

Who were the students of Wilhelm Wundt?

G. Stanley Hall and James Cattell

Who had the first psychological lab in America?

G. Stanley Hall

Who was chair of Psychology at Columbia University?

James Cattell

Which university is in charge of the new ideas of psychology?

James Cattell

Who brought Dewey to Columbia University?

E. Thorndike

Who becaomes more famous than his teacher?

E. Thorndike

Who was E. Thorndike's teacher?

James Cattell

Who started behaviorism or behavior psychology?

E. Thorndike

Who wanted to base this science of behavioral psychology on fact and only wants to observe people?

E. Thorndike

What philosophy says the students are more important than the teacher?

Active learning

Who was a philosopher?

John Dewey

Who was working at the University of Chicago Laboratory School and Cattell finds him in the university?

John Dewey

Who was the Father of Progressive education?

John Dewey

Who wanted a child-centered education

John Dewey

Who wrote extensively about the new education ideas?

John Dewey

Who was a social philosophy?


Who wasn't focused on the classroom and based on theories and techniques?


Who was the organizer?


Who wants to get rid of literacy?


Who developed a way to teach reading to the deaf?

Reverend Thomas Gallaudet

Who developed the whole-word method?

Reverend Thomas Gallaudet

Who founded the American School for the Deaf?

Reverend Thomas Gallaudet

What are some other names for the whole-word method?

Rev Thomas Gallaudet

Who was a student of G. Stanley Hall?

Edmund Burke Huey

Who wrote The Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading?

Edmund Burke Huey

Who writes about the whole word reading type?

Edmund Burke Huey

Who asks why can't people read?

Rudolf Flesh

Who writes a book called Why Johnny Can't Read?

Rudolf Flesh

Who calls the whole word reading method was stupid?

Rudolf Flesch

Who writes Why Johnny Still Can't Read?

Rudolf Flesh

What are the six different educational philosophy?

God, truth, man, work, standards, and authority

What brought the idea that essentials, back to basics approach?


What are co-learners with one another, it is a collaborative learning?


What is a conditioning?


Who was focused on man?


Who has arrived at from the scientific point of view?


What are students constructing their own knowledge?
