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26 Cards in this Set

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key books by Tyack
Managers of Virtue (1982)
(Ed.) School, 2001
easy to critize with 21thc eyes-but necessary to consider history both from the time period and from a perspective
Decentralized school system-local control “grassroots governance”
Tyack- about the Common School Movement
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.
T.Jefferson (Tyack 2001)
Horace Mann-
mid 18th C (1830s and 1840s)--free education-level the playing group-meritocracy-for white children mostly Protestant
one of the adminstrative progressives-founding the education of
Superintendents-put education in hands of experts
efficiency-business model for education
Why Johnny Can't Read?
1955- reaction to the failures of the life adjustment theories of education
1957- National Education Defense Act 1958-emphasize science, math, for.languages-
wrote about theory based evaluation
Weiss 2002
wrote about standards based evaluation
stake 2004
Relationship of learning to write and learning to perform school writing tasks
Dyson 1984
How children express in talk, pictures and written text, and how children draw upon these for a composing event.
Dyson 1986
What ways to children’s composing behaviors differ. presenting a framework for understanding these differences. Lastly, the implication of this framework has on teachers’ assessment of individual children’s competence as writers.
Dyson 1987
The what and how of children’s appropriate media material in informal literacy development
Dyson 1999
The child is creating symbols representing an event, with both time and spatial elements present in the artwork
Dyson 1988
point out that engagement with visual arts also provides important aspects that further impact academic achievement: perseverance, high standards, self-confidence, and stress reduction
Winner and Cooper 2000
research seems to provide strong support for effects that go beyond mere engagement writing/imagery
(Gambrell, 1993; Gambrell & Bales, 1986; Sadoski, 1985)
“Make-believe play, drawing, and writing can be viewed as different movements in essentially unified process of development of written language.
Vygotsky (1978
) in discussion of child development states that it is important for the thinker to distance himself from the object providing a space to reflect and construct more complex ideas.
Sigel (1970)
Building on Sigel’s (1970) distancing theory Smagorinsky claims that “... students step back from their immediate experiences and create a physical or mental object that they could ponder
Smagorinsky, 1997)
proposed that the art served as a “non-linguistic” composing device that assisted children in expressing their thoughts. He diverged from the position that Dyson (1986) has expressed by disassociating the role of the image from a developmental perspective
(Smagorinsky & Coppock, 1993, 1994)
hypothesized that increased reading comprehension through imaging is the result of parallel processing. The image allows processing of the same information through a different route, increasing both cognitive engagement and recall.
Sadoski and Paivio (1994)
examined the role of arts education in cognitive development. He posits that visual art can serve as medium for capturing ideas and concepts crystallized into visual form. Eisner suggests that the concrete representation of ideas allows for an editing process similar to editing writing.
Eisner 2002
He claims that the visual arts foster metaphor creation, a key facet of critical thinking.
Efland 2002
The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of think in terms of another
Lakoff and Johnson 2003