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39 Cards in this Set

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What two things did IDEIA-04 do?
It changed, in part, the way in which struggling students can be diagnosed as learning disabled (LD)
It requires new, formative approach to student testing that must be implemented in the regular ed. classroom by the regular ed. teacher
Define RTI
Tiered system to integrate instruction, assessment and data-based decision making to improve educational outcoms for all students in both regular and special ed. classrooms
Is RTI mandated in elementary schools?
Is RTI proactive or reactive?
What does RTI help to identify?
Students with SLDs
What type of formative assessments dos RTI used to inform instructional decision making?
What are the four components of RTI?
Tiered, integrated research-based intervention system
Universal screening
Progress monitoring
Data-based decision making
Describe Tier 1 of RTI
Primary intervention
Meets needs of about 80% of students
To ensure difficulties aren't due to inadequate instruction
All students receive high quality, research-based instruction from regular ed. teacher
Describe Tier 2 of RTI
Secondary intervention
Needed by about 15-20% of students
Intensity varies as does level of training of professionals involved for students non-responsive to Tier I Instruction
Small group setting plus regular CR
Usually not longer than grading period or on to Tier 3 services
More frequent data collected than Tier I
More individualized
Describe Tier 3 or RTI
Tertiary (Intensive) Intervention
Needed by about 5% of students
Individually administered to target deficit areas
Frequent monitoring
Usually in sp. ed. CR w/sp. ed. teacher
If not adequate progress, then referred for comprehensive evaluation and possible sp. ed. services under IDEIA-04
What is the purpose of universal screening?
to identify students who are struggling and who may need specific interventions
How often does universal screening take place? What the screenings like?
They take place at least 3 times a year.
They might be 5-10 minute screening or benchmark tests
What is progress monitoring?
The use of daily or weekly brief, formative assessments (CBM) to provide information for decision making or to adjust level of instruction or intervention
How often does data-based decision making take place?
Often (at least weekly)
What is the Standard Protocol (SP) approach to RTI?
It is 1 specified Tier 2 research-based intervention for academic difficulty
It is delivered according to specified guidelines and procedures
The same interventions provided for all struggling students
What is the Problem Solving (PS) approach to RTI?
It used team approach to identify and analyze learning problems
It is more individualized intervention
It is more challenging for CR teachers
IS Standard Protocol or Problem Solving used more as an approach to RTI? Why?
Standard Protocol, because it is easier to implement
Advantages of T/F
Format that covers the most material
takes shortest time to construct
easy scoring
Disadvantages of T/F
best for knowledge level items
high degree of guessing
Advantages of Matching Items
easy to construct and score
good for measuring associations between facts
more efficient than MC
reduces effects of guessing
Disadvantages of matching items
tends to ask trivial info
emphasizes memorization
limited to 5 options with answer sheets
Advantages of MC items
can use with all levels
covers much material in short time
scoring is objective
reduces effect of guessing
good for item analysis
Disadvantages of MC items
time consuming to write
hard to write good distractors
Advantages of Completion Items
relatively easy to construct
eliminates guessing
quicker to complete than multiple choice
Disadvantages of Completion Items
encourages relatively low level responses
can be difficult to score
tends to measure recall
What should you avoid with all test formats?
Gender and racial bias!
What is an essay?
tests complex cognitive skills
requires organizing, integrating, and or synthesizing knowledge
may require solving novel problem
should indicate what an appropriate answer is
Extended response essay item
student determines length, more flexibility
most useful at synthesis and evaluation levels
more valuable to assess communication ability than achievement
Restricted response essay item
specific question or problem, page limit
mostly for knowledge, comprehension, and application levels
Advantages of essay items
no guessing
easy to construct
higher levels of thinking
Disadvantages of essay items
time for scoring
unreliable scoring
limited sample of content
test security
How to score essay items reliably
Write essay items for 1/2-2 page responses
Use predetermined scoring scheme and use it consistently
Score blindly
Score each answer to same question and then go to next item
Keep scores of previous items hidden
Re-evaluate before returning
Criteria for high-level essay items
9 Steps to Assembling the Test
group similar formats together
arrange from easy to hard
space items for easy grading
keep items and options on same page
keep illustrations near questions
avoid patterns in answers
name and date space, direction
photocopy so readable; make extras
9 Steps to Administering the Test
maintain positive attitude
maximize achievement motivation
equalize advantages
avoid surprise, simple rules
rotate distribution
explain procedure for collecting and what to do when finished
monitor appropriately
minimize distraction
state penalties
6 Steps for Scoring the Test
prepare an answer key
check the answer key
score blindly
check machine-scored answer sheets
check scoring
record scores
6 Steps in Debriefing the Test
discuss problem items
listen to reaction
avoid on-the-spot decisions
be equitable with changes
have them check your arithmetic
make notes about problem questions
Quantitative Item Analysis
identify good and bad distractors
use with MC
can look for miskeying, guessing, ambiguity, other problems
if good discriminator, then more students who do well on the test get the item correct than those who do poorly
Qualitative Item Analysis
refers to the quality of the test item: read and make sure is content valid, clear, and unambiguous