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20 Cards in this Set

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What are the types of nonexperimental research?
* Descriptive
* Comparative
* Correlational
* Predictive
* Survey
What is the purpose of multiple regression analysis?
Provides a single index of the predictive power of all the predictor variables together.
Define Research design.
The way information is gathered from subjects.
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of internet based surveys?
Advantages: reduced cost and time, easy access, quick responses and ease of entering responses into a database.

Disadvantages: Samples ar elimited to those with access to the technology, both hardware and software, which may lead to bias.
Describe Expost facto
Presumed cause the occurred in the past.
What are the esssential characteristics of all experimental research?
* Direct manipulation of the independent variable.
*Control of Extraneous variables
What are the factors that the generalizability of research results?
What are four of the potential threats to the internal validity of an experimental research study?
Describe a factorial design and give the main purposes for using such a design?
A factorial design are extentions of the designs that study more than one independent variable or factor, and the interaction between independent variables.

Purposes: 1. see if the effects of a treatment are consistant across characteristics such as, gender, aptitude. 2. to examine interations which are relationships that can only be investigated with factorial designs.
In what experimental designs is selection a serious threat to internal validity? Why?
*Single-group post test only

*Nonequivalent-group postest only
Name 3 types of tests.
1. t-test
3. Chi-Square
4. Multivariate
What is the effect size?
is a way of quantifying the degree of difference between two groups.
What is the difference between Type I and Type II errors?
Type I-Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true

Type II-is not rejecting the null hypothesis when it is not true.
What does a t-test compare?
Two means
The Probability is called
the level of Significance.
Name & Describe 3 key characteristics of Qualitative research.
1. Natural Settings-field research, behavior is studied as it occurs naturally
2. Data Collection-Data is collected directly from the source, such as observations, interviews, document analysis.
3. Rich Narrative Descriptions- detailed narratives that provide in-depth understanding of context behaviors.
How does a researcher gather datat in an ethnographic study?
*Document analysis- written records
*Interviews- unstructured in nature (key informant, life history, focus group)
*Observation - participant observer (involved), complete observer (detached), Fieldnots to record obs. (descriptions and reflections)
What is the difference between etic and emic data?
Etic- Researcher/outsider viewpoint of phenonomn
Emic - Participant wording with the cultural group
What is an ethnographic study?
Is an in-depth description and interpretation of cultural patterns and meaning within a cultural or social group.
Describe 2 types of case studies.
*Observational - is the primary method of gathering data to study a particluar entity or some aspect of the entity (such as a school or classes within the school)
*Life History- A first person narrative that is completed with on person; also referred to ans an oral history.