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17 Cards in this Set

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What is sense of self?
Knowledge, beliefs, judgments, and feelings about oneself as a person.
What is autobiographical self?
Mental "history" of events important in one's life.
What is imaginary audience?
Belief that one is the center of attention in any social situation.
What is personal fable?
Belief held by many adolescents that they are unique beings invulnerable to normal risks and dangers.
What is identity?
Self-constructed definition of who one is, what things one finds important, what one believes, and what goals one wants to accomplish in life.
What is gender schema?
Self-constructed body of beliefs about the traits and behaviors of males or females.
What is androgyny?
Tendency to have some characteristics that are stereotypically female (e.g., nurturance) and others that are stereotypically male (e.g., assertiveness).
What is ethnic identity?
Awareness of being a member of a particular ethnic or cultural group and willingness to adopt certain behaviors characteristic of that group.
What is social cognition?
Process of thinking about how other people are likely to think, act, and react and choosing one's own interpersonal behaviors accordingly.
What is theory of mind?
Awareness that people have an inner, psychological life (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc.).
What is social perspective taking?
Imagining what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
What is stereotype?
Rigid, simplistic, and erroneous characterization of a particular group.
What is prejudice?
Display of negative attitudes, feelings, and behaviors toward particular individuals because of their membership in a specific group.
What are social skills?
Strategies used to interact effectively with others.
What is peer pressure?
Tactics used to encourage some behaviors and discourage others in age-mates.
What is prosocial behavior?
Action intended to benefit another person rather than oneself.
What is aggression?
Action intentionally taken to hurt another either physically or psychologically.