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34 Cards in this Set

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What is Edema?
Retention of fluid anywhere on body
What are the primary organs involved in edema?
Lungs(UJ), Spleen (MJ), Kidney(LJ)
What happens if lung edema isn't treated properly?
It can go down to kidneys from yang to yin edema.
in western med. known as acute glomurular nephritis
What kind of Edema is lung edema?
It is Yang edema-- worse in the upper parts of body like face-- its lung dysfx.
What are some other things that can lead to kidney edema?
Upper respiratory infection, Group A Hemelytic, Stretococyx infection
What kind of edema is spleen edema?
Four limbs edema and digestive sx. could be yang or yin. Acute onset w/ digestive sx.---spleen. But if gradual onset with digestive system and urinary dysx.--its spleena & kidney edema
WHat is yang shui syndrome?
It is wind-water syndrome--yang edema--starts w/ face, eyelids, changes fast from face to 4 limbs and then body. Distending skin like water is going to come out.first organ affected is lung so clear watery sputum; pt. might have ext. sx. such as more chills than fever, h/a, bodyaches, heavy sensations in body. T:Pale, swollen, teethmarks, white, htin watery coating. P: Superficial, slippery but b/c so much water it might be relatively deep.
What kind of Kidney edema?
Edema all over body but worse in the lower part of body and dysfx. of urine--Kidney
what is the tx. principle and formula for yang shui syndrome?
Release Ext. by acrid and warm, drain damp (diaphoretic and diuretic) Form: Yue bi jin zhu tang (add shi gao to tx. strep, bai zhu to drain damp) if edema changes VERY FAST from face to whole body(pi shui) use WU Pu Yin. If edema w/ digextive disorder---fang ji hang qi tang.
what are four factors involved in edema?
1. External pathogen (lung)
2. Improper diet-- acute onset (yang)--spleen

3.Overstrain--Kidney dif.
4. Excessive sexual activity--Kidney
what are the acu pts. for yang shui syndrome?
Sp 6, Sp 9, Ren 9, St 28.
wind-water affecting lung: GB 20. Du 16, Sj 5, Lu 7, Li 4
For lung: UB 13, Lu 5
What is shui shi?
It is damp H2O obstructing spleen.-- dam, cold obstructing spleen from outside or environment. ACUTE ONSET, WHOLE BODY EDEMA BUT WORSE AT 4 LIMBS, damp cold sx.--- poor apetite, abdo and epigastric distention, bloating and pain. n/v, once spleen is affected st. is affected also. Loose stools, diarrhea, heavy sensation in head, body. joint swelling and stiffness
what is the tonge and pulse for shui shi syndrome>
T: Pale, swollen, teethmarks, slippery, white thick coating.
P: Slippery, wiry and can be tense and deep (If slippery can't be tense and vice versa.) only can be either slippery or tense.
What is the tx. principle for shui shi syndrome?
Drain damp, and disperse cold(warm spleen) regulate qi. formula--- Wu ling san. if pt. has while body edema nad severe abdo pain, then use ping wei san.
what are the points for cold dam affecting spleen?
UB 20, LV 13, UB 21, Ren 12 also add 4 gates, ren 17, ren 6,d/t wiry pulse and qi being affected.
What does excessive d-heat edema affect?
its sudden and acute onset and it affects mainly sp/st.
what are the other sx. involved w/damp-heat edema besides whole body edema?
Tidal fever, fever not relieved by sweat, jaundice, diarrhea with foul smell, poor apetite, n/v, bitter taste in mouth.
What organ is mainly implicated in yin edema?
Maily Kidney although spleen could be involved
what is T &P for excessive d-heat edema?
T--red tongue, swollen, with teethmarks, thick, yellow, greasy coating
P--Slippery, rapid, wiry
What is yin shui?
Edema due to spleen yang def.
what is the tx. priniciple for d-heat edema?
Drain damp, clear heat, strenthen spleen.
what are sx. for yin shui?
whole body edema, long duration,
spleen yang sx.--cold body, cold limbs dull pain, better with pressure, with warmth, poor apetite, loose stools, diarrhea with UNDIGESTED FOOD.
what is "Su Zuan Yin Zi" used for?
Damp-heat edema
what is T and p for yin shui?
T--Pale, puffy swollen with teethmarks, watery coat with white, watery coating
p--slippery, deep, slow, weak
What are the pts. for d/h edema?
common pts.--sp 6, sp 9, st 28, Ren 9

Heat--LI11, Li 4, Du 14
Spleen--sp2, ub20, ub 21, ren 12, st44,
obstructed qi--ren 17, ren 6 and 4 gates
what is the tx. principle for yin shui?
Warm and tonify spleen yang. tranform dampness
what is herbal prespriciton for yin shui?
Shi pi Yin

Shan ling bai zhu san-- more tonifying to spleen qi
what is the tx. prinicple for kid yang yin shui?
Warm and tonify kidney yang, promote urination,
what are the acu pts. for yin shi?
common pts--sp6, sp9,st28, ren9
spleen yang--ub20, liv 13, sp 3, du4, ren 4 and moxa ren4 and du 4 to tonify ming-men to generate spllen yang
what is the herbal pres.
Zhen Wu tang
Qi sheng shen qi wan
what is the other pahtology for yin shui edema, besides spleen yang def?
Kidney yang def.
what are the acu pts for yin shui d/t kid yang?
common pts--sp6, sp9, st28, ren9

kid---kid10, ub23, gb25, kid 7, kid 3 and moxa ren 4, du 4
what are the sx. for yin shui of kidney yang def?
chronic edema, pt. could have chronic nephritis syndrome or chronic heart failure or congestive hear failure.

sx.--edema of whole body, but
WORST BELOW WAIST, ANKLES, gradual onset, long duration of disease.
Kid. yang def. sx.--soreness, weakeness of lower back, knee joints, cold body, cold limbs, severe fatigue, urine change--from COPIOUS TO NO URINE(polyuria to oliguria---kid failure)- or retention of urine.
what is the T and p for kid yang yin shui?
T--pale, swollen, teethmarks, thin, white, watery coating

p--deep, weak, slow, could be slippery also.