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46 Cards in this Set

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Gessel Experiment
-Set up standards for infant movement
-Walking usually occurs at 12 months
-Nature background
-Endpoint (Universal)
-Helped set up Foster Care Program in US (focused on infants)
Halls Experiment
-Children <8- "animal stage"
-Early elementary-"hunter stage"
-Puberty-"savage stage"
-Adolescense="Sturm and Drang stage" (storm and stress)---Civilized/Human
-Discontinuous (Different than Gessel)
-Passive (Except adolescence)
Biological Theories
Psychodynamic Theories
-Nature (Dynamic pertains to body and changes/Psych pertains to personality and thoughts)
-Stable (Stages are predictable)
-Passive (Body dictates stage)
Trust vs Mistrust
-Birth-1 year
-Primary care giver & Infant
-Infants depend on care giver---needs trust
-Dont want all trust or miss trust
-Little mistrust is good
Autonomy vs. Doubt/Shame
-1-3 years
-Parents and toddlers
-Toddlers becoming independent
-Slow due to learning curve
Inintiative vs. Guilt
-3-6 years
-Family and Child
-Child is capable of many things and are aware (ininitiative=risk taking)
-Give child a choice/make them think
-Always want child to feel a little guilt
Industry vs. Inferiority
-6-11 years
-Teacher/classmates and child
-Moving away from family onto classmates
-children pick up rules in society
-Helps shape self-esteem
Identity vs. Role Confusion
-Peers and adolescents
-Puberty/Body change
-Defined by clothing, interests, language, etc
Intimacy vs. Isolation
-Early adulthood
-Significant other and early adult
-Sharing secrets with people
-Have to know who your are before intimacy
Generatelitivity vs. Stagnation
-Middle adulthood
-Future generations vs. adults
-Create a better/improved life for other people
-Learn things from younger children
Integrity vs. Despair
-Late adulthood
-Spiritual being/universe/gods and adult
-Point of life?
-What will people think of me?
-Did I make a difference?
-Coming to terms
Behavioral Theories
-Stimulus---Stimulus (Pavlov)
-Stimulus---Response (Pavlov)
-No endpoint (Always new stimuli and responses)
-Watson---"Little Albert"
Cognitive Theories
-Info Processing
-Learn by observing
-No end point
Info Processing
-Plastic (majority)-working memory is stable
-No endpoint
Contextual Theories
-No endpoint
-Microsystem (family/friends)
-Macrosystem (Values and beliefs)
-Exosystem (Community/Employment)
Alfred Alder
-"Not what your born with, but what use one makes of the equipment"
-Individualistic Theory
Adlers Assumptions
1. All behavior has social meaning
2.All behavior is goal-directed
3. Each person is indivisible with unique behavior pattern
4. We strive to overcome inferiority
5. Behavior is a result of subjective perceptions
Adler-Birth Order
-1st born will be responsible/hard working
-2nd born will be trouble maker
-Youngest will be creative
Adler-3 unavoidable problems
-to develop and maintain friendships
-Cooperate in schools and sports
-take interest in state/humanity
-Support self and family
-Obtain sense of societal values of industry
-Be interested in work and benefiting others
-Be a part of community
-Maintain equal worth of both partners
-Maintain lifelong partnership
-Raise a family as a partnership
Height changes
-1 year- 50% taller
-2 years- 75% taller
Weight Changes
-1 year-tripled
-2 years-quadrupled
Effects of Physical Growth
-Disease Control
-Improved Balance
-Increased Strength
-Greater agility
-Greater flexibility
Infancy Stage
-birth-2 years
-Reflexes to voluntary behaviors
-Pressure on foot-Babinski reflex
-Press thumbs and mouth opens(Bablein)
-Side of cheek and head turns (Rooting/Sucking reflex)
Early Childhood
-2-6 years
-Advancements in both gross and fine motor skills
3---Toilet seats
4---Adapt with fork
5-6---Use of knife with soft foods
6---shoe tying
Middle Childhood
-8-10 years
-Fluid and consistent performance
Early adolescence
-10-14 years
-Puberty changes
-Body image
Late adolescence
-14-18 years
-Attain sexual maturity
-Risky behaviors
Discrepancy Model
-Gap between IQ and achievement
1. Difficulty determining influence of outside factors
2.Deny services to those in need
-Wait-to-fail approach
Response to Intervention
-3 Tiered Model
1. Inconsistencies between schools and state
2.Difficulties finding personnel and materials
3.Interventions being done with integrity and fidelity
-Neurological basis
-Boys > girls
-Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
-Show before age 7
-Across multiple settings
-Cannot be explained by another disorder
-Significant impairment in social and academic functioning
Subtypes of ADHD
-Predominantly inattentive
-Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive
-Combined type
Challenges of ADHD
-Accidental Injuries
-Mothers give more commands, directions, critisms, supervision
-Parents report more stress
-Increased prevalence
Low Prevalence Disabilities
-Multiple Disabilities
-Other health impairments (OHI)
-Deaf/Hearing impairments
-Visual impairments
-Orthopedic Impairments
-Traumatic Brain Injury
-Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Autism, Aspergers, PDD-NOS)
Specific Learning Disabilities not due to...
-Inadequate teaching
-Temporary causes
-Other Issues (Vision/Hearing)
-Physical disability
-Emotional Disturbances
-Economic disadvantage
-Cultural factors
Causes of Specific Learning Disabilities...
-Neurological Problems
-Genetic Link
-Prenatal issues
-Problems during pregnancy
-Toxic substances
-Nutritional deprivation
Signs of Specific Learning Disabilities...
-6-24 months---motor delays
-Pre K/Kindergarten---speech delays and motor problems
School Year effects of Specific Learning Disabilities
-Poor hand-eye coordination
-Trouble learning ABCs,rhyming, reading
-Problems spelling and writing
-Messy handwriting (holding pencils)
School transitions cause
Drop in self-esteem and GPA
Timing in puberty is huge