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8 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 parents types according to Baumrind and some description

Authoritative - (high warmth, high control, high expectations, support for autonomy) less punishment and more guidance.

Authoritarian - (low warmth, high control, high expectations, low autonomy) the parents love their children, but they are not openly affectionate.

Permissive - (high warmth, low control, low expectations, high autonomy) warm and nurturing, but have few rules or consequences.

Rejecting/neglecting/uninvolved - (low warmth, low control, indifferent about expectations and autonomy) don’t seem to care at all.

What are the 4 types of aggression?

Instrumental - intended to gain an object or privilege. Not intended to harm anyone, but it may lead to harm.

Hostile - inflicting intentional harm.

Overt - physical attacks or threats

Relational - verbal attacks meant to harm social relationships

2 physical and 2 behavioral indicators of physical abuse

Physical - unexplained burns (cigarette, iron, rope) or unexplained fractures, lacerations, or abrasions

Behavioral - self-destructive, uncomfortable with physical contact

2 physical and 2 behavioral indicators of physical neglect

Physical - unattended physical problems or medical needs, constant fatigue

Behavioral - falls asleep in class, begs for food

2 physical and 2 behavioral indicators of physical neglect

Physical - unattended physical problems or medical needs, constant fatigue

Behavioral - falls asleep in class, begs for food

2 physical and 2 behavioral indicators of sexual abuse

Physical - difficulty walking and sitting, pain or itching in genital area

Behavioral - doesn’t want to change for gym, promiscuity (excessive seductiveness)

First 4 stages of of Erickson’s Psychosocial development

1. Basic trust versus basic mistrust. Birth to 12-18 months. Important event: feeding. The infant must form a loving trusting relationship with caregiver, or develop a mistrust

2. Autonomy versus shame. 18 months - 3 years. Important event: toilet training. The child learns control but may develop shame if not handled well.

3. Initiative versus guilt. 3-6 years. Important event: independence. Child continues to become more assertive but may be too forceful, which can lead to guilt.

4. Industry versus inferiority. 6-12 years. Important event: school. Child must learn to deal with demands of learning new skills or risk a sense of inferiority.

What are the 2 main concepts of Marcias identity theory and what 4 things branch off of that?

Exploration - adolescents consider and try out alternative beliefs values and behaviors

Commitment - individuals choice concerning religious and political beliefs

Identity achievement - after exploring options, the individual made choices and is committed to them

Moratorium - struggling with choices

Identity foreclosure - commitment without exploration

Identity diffusion - don’t explore any options or commit to any actions.