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11 Cards in this Set

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Reflux nephropathy in young Boxers with segmental hypoplasia, end-stage kidney disease.
1. Resembles what human syndrome?
2. Gross?
3. Histo?
4. probable cause?
1. Ask-Upmark kidney
2. Bilateral small kidneys with numerous segmental cortical scars.
3. chronic pyelonephritis with severe segmental cortical atrophy and fibrosis, and chronic tubulointerstitial inflammation.
- loss of glomeruli
- hyperplastic small arteries and arterioles, often with narrowed lumina.
-tubulointerstitial lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with multifocal neutrophils.
- renal dysplasia: juvenile glomeruli and atypical tubules, no other signs, probably secondary.
4. vesico-ureteral reflux.
Vet pathol 45, 467-474 (2008)
Melamine-containing and calcium oxalate crystals in dogs.
1. Staining characteristics melamin and calcium oxalate?
2. Histo?
1. Melamin crystals are rough, pale brown, radiating spokes, birefringent in HE, Oil red O +, von Kossa and Alizarin Red -, greenish gross.
Calcium oxalate: prismatic and colorless, Von Kossa +
Calcium phosphate: basophilic, von Kossa and Alizarin Red +.
2. acute marked tubular degeneration and necrosis with many birefringent crystals, and lymphoplasmacytic interstitial nephritis.
Vet pathol 45, 417-426 (2008)
Canine kidney end-stage disease.
1. Numbers of T-cells and B-cells?
2. Levels of IL-1, 2, 6 and correlation with fibrosis?
1. Twice as much CD3+ cells as B cells.
2. IL-1 and IL-6 are positively correlated with fibrosis.
IL-1 diffusely in fibrotic area, IL-6 around glomeruli and around infiltrated lymphocytes.
IL-2 not increased.
JVDI 20, 585-592 (2008)
Melamine and cyanuric acid toxicity in cats.
1. Toxicity of compounds?
2. histology?
1. Both are not giving lesions in high dosage, but in combination severe renal failure at low dose (32mg/kg each)
2. Fan-shaped/pinwheel radiating, brownish, birefringent crystals in tubules of the distal nephron, severe renal interstitial edema and corticomedullary junction hemorrhage.
(acute lesions).
JVDI 19, 616-624 (2007)
Nephrotoxicosis in piglets with melamine and derivatives.
1. Histo?
2. derivatives found?
3. gross?
1. large (20-60 um) round crystals with concentric laminae and blue radial striations, or pale green and irregular, in distended distal tubules with flattened epithelium and multinucleated giant cells, macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells, and fibrosis.
2. Melamine, ammeline, ammelide, cyanuric acid (vooral ammelide).
3. Enlarged kidneys with yellow foci in cortex and medulla.
JVDI 21, 558-563 (2009)
Major histocompatibility complex class II antigens in porcine leptospiral nephritis.
1. Nephritic lesions (4 classes)?
2. Expression of MHC II on which cells?
3. Corelation with leptospirose?
1. Perivascular lymphocytic, lymphofollicular, lymphohistiocytic, and neutrophilic.
2. MHC II on macrophages and lymphocytes, and on renal tubular epithelial cells in regenerating tubules in lymphofollicular and lymphohistiocytic nephritis.
3. No tubular colocalization, MHC II may play a role in defence mechanism.
Vet pathol 46, 800-809 (2009)
Host-pathogen interactions in the kidney in chronic leptospirosis.
1. Clinic acute disease?
2. Factors of importance for chronic/acute establishing (3)
3. Differences in clinic maintenance and accidental hosts?
1. fever, jaundice, renal failure, pulmonary hemorrhage.
2. host species, infecting serovar, infecting dose.
3. Maintenance host = asymptomatic, with high, constant long duration leptospiruria.
Accidental host = range of clinical symptoms, low, intermittent and short duration leptospiruria.
Vet pathol 46, 792-799 (2009)
Host-pathogen interactions in the kidney in chronic leptospirosis.
4. Evidence of immune response chronic host?
5. Dissemination of leptospira to the kidney, how?
6. Which enzymes are secreted by leptospira to mediate this invasion (2)?
4. circulating anti-leptospiral immunoglobulin in serum and urine, lymphocytic and plasmacytic interstitial nephritis, MHC II molecules on renal tubular epithelium in pigs.
5. Leptospira enters via broken skin or mucous membranes, first disseminating trough the body, then clearance from all sites except kidney.
In kidney first interstitial phase, with edema, vasculitis, and leptosiremia, then tubular phase with leptosires ass. with lumina of proximal convoluted tubule.
6. hemolysisn and sphingomyelinases (hemorrhage and endothelial cell damage).
Vet pathol 46, 792-799 (2009)
Host-pathogen interactions in the kidney in chronic leptospirosis.
7. How do leptospira influence complement reaction?
7. they encode a group of proteins, Len (leptospiral endostatin like), that bind complement regulatory proteins, e.g., factor H. ( Host cells bind this to prevent host cell destruction, deactivates complement system.)
Vet pathol 46, 792-799 (2009)
Host-pathogen interactions in the kidney in chronic leptospirosis.
8. LipL32 is an outer membrane lipoprotein. What cytokines and chemokines does it induce in host?
9. Which receptor is used?
8. Monocyte chemoattractant-1 (MCA-1), RANTES, nitrite and TNF-alpha in proximal renal tumor cells
9. Toll-like receptor 2, also TLR4.
Vet pathol 46, 792-799 (2009)
Carcinomas of the urinary bladder in cattle.
1. Etiopathogenesis?
2. Where E5 and E7 oncoproteins of bovine papillomavirus expressed?
3. Role and function of E5 and E7?
1. synergism bovine papillomavirus and prolonged ingestion of bracken fern.
2. E7 intense cytoplasmic and nuclear labeling, three samples also E5 labelling. Not in normal urothelium
3. E5 = major BPV oncoprotein, binds to activated platelet derived growth factor beta receptor (PDGF-beta), forms stable complex, transformation to carcinoma.
E7 = weakly transforming protein, expression in bovine fibropapillomas (alimentary: all epithelial layers, cutaneous: only basal and lower spinous) and equine sarcoid.
CP 141, 84-88 (2009)