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44 Cards in this Set

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Oikos- Household

Nomos- Management

Economics is from the greek word?


Wise production and use of wealth to meet the demands or needs of the people

Paul Samuelson (Economics)

The study of how people and society end up choosing, with or without use of money, to employ scarce resources that could have alternative uses to produce various commodities among various persons and group in society

Roger Le Roy Miller (Economics, Today and Tomorrow)

Economics concerns situations in which choices must be made about how to use limited resources , when to use them and for what purpose. Resources can be defined as the things people use to make the commodities they want

Hall and Loeberman (Macroeconomics: Principles and Application)

The study of choice under the condition of scarcity

Bernardo Villegas (Guide to Economics for Filipinos)

A social science that studies and seeks to allocate scarce human and non-human resources among alternatives in order to satisfy unlimited human wants and desire

Gerardo Sicat (Economics)

A scientific study ehich deals with how individuals and society makes choices


Study of social behavior guiding in the allocation of scarce resources to meet the unlimited needs and desires of the indicidual members of a given society


A situation wherein the amount of something available is insufficient to satisfy the desire for it.


The labor, capital, land and natural resources and entrepreneurship that used to produce goods and services


Wihtout limits/ infinite




Decision making process

Allocation process

Three strands in the development of the definition of economics

Economics as study of wealth

Science of wealth-getting and wealth-using implies that the motivation of the process if wealth accumulation is the utilization of wealth for individual's satisfaction and society's welfare. It focuses on activities answering the two major problems in the society: production and consumption

Economics as study of making choices

Decision making based on alternative choices . In making decision, we have to consider major concept in the study of economics: Oplortunity Cost

Opportunity Cost

the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.

Economics as a study of allocation

Deals with the allocation of scarce resources to answer the unlimited human wants.

Social science


Human wants



Economics can be analyzed comorehensively interms of its five key elements

Economics as social science

It utilizes the scientific method of inquiry from identifying the problem, proposing alternative answers, testing alternative answer to the question or the problem, gathering and treating the data, and answering the question through conclusion

Social Science

Study of various modes and aspect of human interaction in a group.

Resources or wealth

Product of nature, quality of individual, man made things which are used in producing goods and services


Differentiated or expanded human need

Human needs

Basic neccessities for human survival


Can be considered as a key economic problem because of the limitation of resources


Mechanism for distributing limited resources


Place where transactions are made


Command system


3 mechanism of allocation

Command system

Government is incharge of allocation of resources by using its political power in answering basic economic problem


Useful in situations where the operation of the market may not be appropriate, or power of an organized state has no control over a certain community


Useful in situations where the operation of the market may not be appropriate, or power of an organized state has no control over a certain community


Use of inputs to produce outputs


Commodities or services that are used to produce goods and services


The different goods and services which come out of production process


They decide what output will be produced and in what quantity



Public Finance

Economics is concerned with?


Allocation of total product among members of society


Ultimate end of economic activity.

Use of good or service.

Public finance

Concerned with government expenditures and revenues

Taxation and borrowing

government raises money through?



2 division of economics



Deals with economic behavior of individual units.


General, whole economy.

Deals with the economic behavior of the whole economy and its aggregate

1. Household economics

2. Business economics

3. National economics

4. International economics

Types of Economics

Because it is an organized body of truth with reference to genral laws and principle

Why is economics a science