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67 Cards in this Set

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Consumers benefit.
a. lower prices
b. more choices
c. better quality
Market Structure
(4 types)
1. perfect competition
2. momopolistic competition
3. oligology
4. monopoly
Which market structure has the most competition?
*perfect competition
Which market structure has the least competition?
Economies of scale
*low production cost resulting from the large size of output.
Perfect Competition
*exists when a market includes so many sellers of a particular good or service that each seller accounts for just a small portion of the overall market.
ex: farms selling an item.
5 conditions of perfect competition
1. large market
2. independence
3. nearly identical product
4. easy, entry and exit
5. easily obtainable information
*single seller controls the supply of the good or service and this determines the price.
4 characteristics of monopoly
1. single seller
2. no substitutes
3. large barriers
4. almost complete control over price
types of monopolies
1. natural monopoly
2. geographic monopoly
3. Government monopoly
4. Technological monopoly
copy right
exclusive right to sell, publish or reproduce creative works for a specified number of years.
*industry dominated by a few suppliers who exercise some control over price.
5 characteristics of an oligopoly
1. dominated by only a few sellers
2. large barriers to entry
3. identical or slightly different products
4. non price competition among the firms.
5. interdependence.
Natural monopoly
government grants rights to companies.
Geographic monopoly
often in rural areas.
example: small town.
Government monopolies
United States Postal Service
Technological Monopoly
*rights to a new invention
* A person who starts his own business.
*new ideas, new products and new way of doing something.
Starting a new business
*learn the law, regulations and tax codes.
Basics to consider 1st to Entrepenuer
*expenses and revenue
*record keeping
Types of Business Organizations
1. Sole Proprietor
2. Unlimited Liability
3. Partnerships
4. Limited Partnership
Joint Venture
5. Limited Liability Company
Production differentiation
*manufacturers use of minor differences in quality and features to try and differeintiate between goods and services.
Interdependent Behavior
*folloow/copy what other firms are doing.
examples: dollar menu, Gm offered employee pricing then Ford then Chrysler.
*secret agreement amongst competitors in an oligopoly.
*Illegal to do.
*arrangement among different businesses to control and supply involving industries in different countries outside the U.S.
example: oil (opec)
Monopolistic Competition
1. large number of sellers offer similar but slightly different products and in which each has some control over price.
Monopolistic Competition Charachertistics:
1. easy entry into the market
2. non price competition
3. some control over price
4. more sellers.
Brand Loyalty
*gain respect and a following and you can raise at least slightly
example: Nike
Anti-trust and Government regulation
*what should the role be of governemnt???
Anti-trust Laws
*goal to encourage competiton in the economy and to prevent unfair trade practices.
Anti-trust Legislation
*laws written to prevent new monopolies from forming and to break up those that already exist.
3 types of Mergers
1. Horizontal merger
2. Vertical merger
3. Conglomerate merger
Horizontal merger
*between the same businesses.
example: chrysler and fiat.
Vertical Merger
*same industry gas stations to oil refineries to oil wells.
Conglomerate merger
*several unrelated businesses owned by one company.
example: johnson and johnson owns insurance, cosmetics, snacks, office supplies etc.
*organization owned by many people but treated by law as though it were a person.
*ownership rights to a certain portion of the future profits and assets of the company.
*a portion of the profits paid out to stockholders.
Corporation steps
1. register the corp.
2. create articles of incorp.
3. get a corporate charter
4. sell stock
*firm sells the right to use its name and sell the products.
*the firm who sells the rights.
*the person who buys the rights.
*all activities needed to generate consumer demand and to move goods and services from the producer to the consumer.
*** up to 50% of the cost.
Marketing Research
*gathering, recording, and analysing data about the types of goods and services that people want.
Consumer Sovereignty
*The role of the consumer
*the process of changing resources.
Consumer Goods
*Goods created for personal use.
Capital Goods
*goods used to make other goods.
Production Process
(4 steps involved)
1. planning
2. purchasing
3. quality control
4. inventory control
Technology and Production
1. mechanization
2. assembly line
3. division of labor
4. automation
5. robotics
*cominbed labor of people and machines
assembly line
use of conveyor belt-individual tasks
division of labor
creation of interchangeable parts.
*machines do the work and people oversee them.
*computer controlled machinery.
Craft Union
*skilled workers in a specific trade.
Labor Unions
*association of worker organized to improve wages and working conditions for its members
Industrial Union
*made up of all workers in an industry, regardless of trade.
example: UAW
3 levels of Organization
(for unions)
1. local
2. national
3. federation
Rights to work laws
Collective Bargaining
*process by which unions and employees neotiate.
What is COLA????*
*cost of living allowance
* a mediator tries to help both parties come to an agreement.
*hears both sides and makes decisions. Both parties must follow the decisions.
*employees reguse to work
*employer "lock-oout" workers.
*court order preventing an acitivity, must endanger the nations safety or health.