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21 Cards in this Set

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Production Possibility Frontier

Is the boundary b/w those combinations of goods and services that can be produced and those that cannot given the available resources

Ceteris Paribus

To have everything remain the same and unchanged except for the variable we are analyzing

A point on a PPF is attainable when..

The point is ON the frontier or INSIDE the frontier

A point on a PPF is unattainable when...

The point is OUTSIDE the PPF

Production Efficiency

If we cannot produce more of one good without producing less of some other good. MB=MC

A point is efficient if...

the point is ON the frontier

A point is inefficient if...

the point is INSIDE the frontier

Opportunity Cost

The amount of one good we sacrifice to not produce in order to produce more of another good

Opportunity cost of producing one good is the inverse opportunity cost of producing one of the other goods

Why does the PPF bound outward

Since resources are not equally productive in all activities. Means that as the quantity produced of each good increases, so does its opportunity cost

Marginal Cost

The opportunity cost of producing one more unit of a good or service


A description of a persons likes and dislikes

Marginal benefit

is the benefit received from consuming one more unit of it

Marginal benefit is measured by...

the amount that a person is willing to pay for an additional unit of a good or service

Principle of decreasing marginal benefit

The more we have of any good, the smaller is its marginal benefit and the less we are willing to pay for an additional unit of it

Allocative Efficiency

Occurs when goods and services are produced at the least possible cost and in the quantities that bring the greatest possible benefit

- Cannot produce more of any one good without giving up some other good that we value more highly

- producing at THE point on the PPF that we prefer above all other points


Economic Growth

The expansion of production possibilities - and increase in the standard of living

Two key factors influence economic growth

- Technological change

- Capital accumulation

Technological Change

The development of new goods and of better ways of producing goods and services

Capital Accumulation

The growth of capital resources, which includes human capital

What is the opportunity cost of economic growth

Less current consumption