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40 Cards in this Set

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What are scarce resources/ factors of production ?
Land- line natural resources
Labor- all human resources
Capital - all man-made aids to production
🔹Euntrepreneurship - the ability to perceive a want and to see how resources can be used to fulfill that want
There are 4
What are ulimited wants?
1. Goods
2. Services
There are 2
What do we have to determine about or unlimited wants?
If they are necessities or luxuries, which depends on when (era) and where (location)
2 things
What choice do we have to make?
(always constant)
Can't give to someone without taking from another
Nothing in life is free...
What is opportunity cost?
- the most desired good, service, activity that is for gone by choosing one alternative instead of another
*The forgone opportunity of the next best alternative
It is based on choices
What is the production possibilities curve?
It shows the alternative combinations of goods and services that could be produced with all available resources and technology.

-show that given our resources that different combinations that are possible
Given our resources, what is possible?
What is the law of increasing opportunity cost?
When more time, effort, resources are devoted to one activity,
The cost in terms of the other activity or activities sacrifice becomes greater and greater
Greater and greater
Why does the sacrifice become greater and greater (Law of increasing opportunity cost)?
The reason is because the specialization of inputs
↪Specialization of one good or service comes at the cost of producing another
How does the production possibilities curve effect/ show opportunity cost?
The reallocation of resources to one good come at the cost of sacrificing resources to another service.
One for the other
How does the production possibility curve show specialization of resources?
High production of one good comes at the cost of low production of another
How does the production possibilities curve show the increasing opportunity cost?
As you produce more and more of one good the sacrifices of producing another becomes greater and greater
How can the production possibility curve increase?
- by growth; increasing standards of living
- so we must be able to increase our resources and technology
2 must increase
What does it mean to produce on the curve, inside, and outside the curve?
➖ inside: under utilizing resources.
✅ on the curve: fully utilizing resources.
➕ ouside: over utilizing resources.
What did Adam Smith write in his book?
That people who are guided by their own self interest tend to promote the greater good as well
What are the 3 alternatives for how people act?
1. Rely on self-interest
2. Enforce or coerced by the government
3. Rely on their benevolence
What is harmony of interests?
Capitalists/ entreprenuers have to voluntarily "hook us up" based on their self interest.
- Responding to what customers want.
Everybody's happy
What is the definition of efficient (re)allocation of resources?
- Prices reflect what you need
- relying on people to be frugal, mindful, get what they need. Which is guaranteed if you rely on their self interest.
What is the invisible hand?
-Guides market assistance in the market economy.
👉⭐ prices are the reason we don't rely on a central authority, it needs to reflect reality and it tells the story of scarcity and demand. 👈
-giant billboard sign that is a market signal to businesses.
What is Laissez-faire?
The government needs to leave (the market) alone, don't distort (the market).
What is price determination?
Equal price and quantity demand/supply are determined by the interaction between the supply curve and demand curve.
2 curves
Demand schedule?
- explained by the law of demand.
-A Change in the price changes the quantity demand of the product per week.
⭐ it reflects the market at the time; the determinants of the demand.
What is the law of demand?
- As the prices of a good decrease⬇, the quantity demanded increases ⬆.

- As the price of a good increases⬆, the quantity demanded decreases⬇.
⬇, ⬆.
⬆, ⬇.
What are the determinants of demands?
1. Income of consumers
2. Tastes of consumers (what they want)
3. Prices of related goods
>substitute ($tea 🔼, Dcoffee 🔼)
>compliment ($hotdog🔽,Dbuns🔼)
4. Price expectations of consumers
(expect $⬆= D⬇, and the opposite)
5. Number of consumers
They're 5.
Must keep them ceteris paribus.
What happens with changes in demand?
Caused by - a change in one of the determinants of demand.
Result in - a whole new demand schedule and curve.
A cause and effect
What happens with a change in quantity demanded?
Caused by- a change in the price of a good itself.
Results in - movement from one point to another point on the same demand curve.
A cause and effect
Supply schedule?
- a change in the price changes the quantity supplied per week.
- based on the law of supply
- Reflects the market at the time and the determinants of supply.
What is the law of supply?
As the price of a good decreases⬇, the quantity supplied also decreases⬇.

As the price of a good increases⬆, the quantity supplied also increases⬆.
⬇, ⬇. ⬆, ⬆.
What are the determinants of supply?
1. Cost of inputs (use it for their business).
2. Prevailing technology (anything that affects production process).
3. Number of sellers
4. Price expectations of suppliers. (in the future $🔼, S🔽)
5. Subsidies and taxes
6. Price of other goods ($corn🔽, Swheat 🔽)
There are 6.
Must keep them ceteris paribus.
What happens with a change in supply?
Caused by - change in one of the determinants of supply.
Results in - a whole new supply schedule and curve.
Cause and effect
What happens with the change in quantity supplied?
Caused by - a change in the price of the good itself.
Results in - movement from one point to another point on the same supply curve.
A cause and effect
Draw a demand curve?
Draw a supply curve.
Show equilibrium price and quantity demanded/supplied.
Positive change in demand? The effect?
The effect: P ⬆And Q⬆
Negative change in demand? The effect?
Effect: P ⬇and Q ⬇
Positive change in supply? The effect?
The effect : P⬇ and Q⬆
Negative change in supply? The effect?
The effect: P⬆ and Q⬇
Price of a demanded compliment & substitute good changes?
Compliment: $corn⬆, Dwheat⬆
Substitute: $ hotdogs⬇, Dbuns ⬆
What is a price floor? Draw.
When the government raises the price to a certain point where it cannot fall, so it hits a floor.
-benefits the suppliers
-⬆supply ⬇demand
-creates a surplus
-creates market failure
What's a price ceiling? Draw.
When the government lowers the price so much that. It cannot rise anymore, hits a ceiling.
-hooking up the consumer
-creates a shortage
- causes market failure