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50 Cards in this Set

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What is the permit raj?
the complex system of licences, controls, regulation, and red-tape that influenced economic decisions at all levels of producation, investment, and foreign trade in India's private sector. Businesses needed approval for everything.
What was the rejection of international commerce?
A mindset of exprort pessimism. India refected foreign trade and fell behind in technology.
What are the 3 characteristics of India's self-defeating economic system? What did this lead to?
The permit Raj, Bias toward state ownership, and rejection of international commerce. This led to shortages of goods and low quality goods at high prices.
What are Non-resident indians (NRI's)?
They were poor when they moved to new countries but became successful. They owned 46% percent of motels in the US.
Who is Pandit Nehru?
Prime Minister of India from it's time of independence until his death.
Who is Indira Gandhi?
daughter of Pandit Nehru, was prime minister for 15 years and assassinated while in office.
Who is Rajiv Gandhi?
Son of Indira Gandhi, prime minister after his mother died until he was assassinated by a tamil Tiger suicide bomber while compaigning for a political comeback.
Who is P.V. Narasimha Rao?
Prime minister in India, active in the Indian Independence movement, previously held political cabinet positions under both Gandhi's, so continued the Gandhi dynasty.
Who is Manmohan Singh?
An economist who served as Finance Minister of India under Rao and is currently the Prime Minister of India; played a central role in instituting economic reform under Rao, with a focus on Macroecon issues.
Who is Palaniappan Chidambaram?
A lawyer and businessman who served as minister of state in the indian ministry of commerce under Rao and played a cnetral role in reforming trade policy and reducing license/permits
What is the impact of Collapse of Soviet Union in 1991?
It sent shock waves throughout the world and India: notion of "Central planning" was shattered; the end of a role model for india; the collapse of India's largest trading partner
Who is Atal Behari Varpayee?
Prime minister of India; a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party.
What is Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)?
An indian political party with a platform of supporting continued market based economy, a nationalist based foreign policy agenda, a strong national defence, and hindu nationalism (rolling back minority privileges in favor of Hindu majority)
What were the 4 economic reforms under Prime Minister Vajpayee?
1. Quantitative restrictions on myore than 300 imported items lifted, facilitating greater international trade. 2. Limit on foreign direct investment in an enterprise raised to 40%. 3. Favorable tax incentives enacted, in order to attract venture capital. 4. Further dismantling of the Permit Raj (simplifiy tax procedures)
What is foreign Direct Investment?
a cross-border investment made by an investor wih an intention of establishing a lasting, long-term financial interest in an enterprise in a foreign country and exerting a degree of influence on that enterprise's operations
What does Bangladore symbolize in India?
India's new engagement with the world economy and known as India's silicon valley because of it's emphasis on high tech related jobs.It is the 3rd largest city in India.
What is the emphasis in Bangladore?
Education, and reserach and development under Nehru. It established the Indian Institute of Technology.
What advantage does Bangladore have for Americans?
Because of the 9-12 hour time difference, a US company with an office in Bangladore could easily provide customers with 24 hour customersupport.
What is the Indian Elephant?
the economy of India has not emerged like a dragon (like China) or a Tiger (like south korea and Taiwan); the proper zoological refernce is to an elephant - slow to rise and get up to speed, but once in mtion, fast and steady, moving through thicket after thicket.
What is the current population of India? What percentage?
1.14 billion, 17.2% of the world's population
During the period of 1947 - 1991, what did India do?
Rejected foreign trade and foreign investment, essentaially excluding themesevles from the emerging global economy.
Which of the following is not considered part of the nehru-gandhi political dynasty? Pandit Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, or P.V. Rao
Mahatma Gandhi.
Who is currently the Prime Minister of India?
Manmaohan Singh
What is not supported by the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP)?
reducing India's overall defense budget and eliminating their nuclear weapons program.
What is shock therapy?
A rapid movement to a market economy, characterized by an immediate elimation of price and currency controls, state subsidies to enterprises, and trade restrictions.
Who is Jeffery Sachs?
Columbia University Economist; advisor to numerous gov in Latin America during times of reform. He advocated shock therapy as opposed to gradualism.
Where did the end of communism begin? Who was te central figure behind the reform there?
Poland. Lech Walesa - a polish labor leader, co-founder of solidarity; won Nobel Peace Priza; president of poland.
What is soliditary?
trade union federation; first independent trade union in a soviet-bloc country; membership peaked at 10 miilion; gained political control in semi-free elections.
What is the Balcerowicz group?
Group of Polish economists led by Balcerowicz concerned with analyzing the probelms of socialism and questions of how to reform the polish economy - they supported shock therapy, not gradualism.
What is the Sachs/Balcerowicz shock therapy plan?
Price controls were lifted, tax structure was reformed, and currency devalued and switched to floating exchange rate. Markets began to work in one month - shortages disapeared, goods returned to markets, prices came down.
What is Velvet Revolution?
The non-violent revolution in Czechsolovakia that led to the overthrwo of the communist government; countr would split into two independent republics (Czach and Slovak)
What happened when the shock therapy was applied in Czechoslovakia?
Policies were similar from Poland; inital inflation, followed by a quick stabliziation of markets and strong economic growth.
What was the post-reform economic performacne of Czech republic?
relatively little trouble returning to the market.
What was the Soviet Command Economy?
Gov controlled the entire ecconomy.
What did Gosplan do?
determined the overall economic plan.
What does Gos stand for in Russia?
It's the abbreviation for Government.
What did Gosten do?
Set prices.
What did Gossnab do?
Allocated producative resources.
What did Gostrud do?
Established labor and wage policies.
What did gosbank do?
It was the central bank and the only bank at all.
Who was Mikhail Gorbachev?
Leader of the USSR who promoted reform. Instituted perestrokia (restructuring) and glasnot (openess). He aimed to modify a solicist economy but didn't want to shift toward a true market economy. He failed. Dismantled machinery of central planning but replaced it with nothing.
What is gaidar reforms?
New phase of economic reform launched by Yeltsin; Russia's version of "shock therapy"
What were the 4 primary components of Gaidar reform?
1. Market liberalization - create funcioning markets (allowing free entr to markets, decreasing share of output, establishing legal sysem to support market activity). 2. Privatization - of state owned enterprises to encrease their efficiency, reduce fiscal burden of state subsidization, and make economic reform irreversable. 3. Constructing a social security system - previously no unemployment compensation. 4. Converting defense sector - over 30% of GDP was devoted to national defense, needed to focus on other important resources (like toothpaste!)
What were 3 distinct privatization programs in Russia?
small-scale privatization; voucher privatization; and privatization for cash.
What is small-scale privatization?
transfer of small shops, usually to current managers, apartments sold to current occupants.
What is Voucher Privatization Program?
Privatization of large-scale industry through auctions. Vouchers were given to all Russian citizens (and children) for a small fee. They could then be exchanged for ownership claims in enterprises through auction mechanisms. A market for vouchers emergend - in the end it was a much more narrow group of insiders creating a class of welathy tycoons.
What is privatizaion for cash?
The Russian gov shifted focus to this to dispose of remaining assets (utilities, natural resources, high-tech defense enterprises.)
What is Loans-for-share?
Program under which gov used shares in public enterprises as collateral for loans from private sector with no intention of ever repaing loans.
What was the primary motivation for loans-for-shares?
Solidify support for Yeltsin for the election
What is the post-reform economic performance of russia?
sharp decline in econ output after breakup of USSR. Industrial output fell almost 60% in 4 years. Ratio between wealthy and poor increased from 2.8 to 7.5 in 7 years. Inflation still high.