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25 Cards in this Set

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the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.

Law Of Demand

Demand for a product varies inversely with its price.

Opportunity Cost

The choice you don't make that involves money or time.

Law of Supply

Supply varies directly with its price.

How many miles from the sun


What is TNDTFL

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

What does FICA stand for?

Federal Insurance Contribution Act

Whats the difference from a need and a want?

Need: Food, Clothing, Water, Shelter.

Want: Anything else.

What is an elastic product?

A product that changes price based on supply and demand .

What is acquiring one more unit?

Marginal Utility.

How round is the earth?

25,000 Miles.

Three different economic systems.

Capitalism, Socialism, Communism

Who's is the father of Capitalism and what was his book?

Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations.

What are two entities that make up FICA?

Social Security, Medicare

7 different taxes.

Federal, State, Corporation, FICA, Sales, Estate, Property.

Common rule in buying stocks

Buy low Sell High

What percentage do you pay in FICA taxes?


What type of taxes are the 7 taxes?

Federal: Progressive, Estate: Progressive

Corporation: Progressive, Property: Proportional, FICA: Proportional, Sales: Regressive

What is considers to or above?

720 or above


Price doesn't change.

What does the invisible hand theory state?

acting naturally do the best for society.

Name 6 intelligences

Physical, Art, Inter, Infra, Personal, Musical

3 different examples of what your income tax pays for

Military, FBI, and CIA

Name all 7 friends in Economy

Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant, Franklin.

2 examples of socialism in the united states

Welfare, Public Schools.