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20 Cards in this Set

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Why is the supply curve for labor upward sloping?
Substitution Approach
- This is based on RATIONAL CHOICE
- You substitute to work more because the price of leisure has increased.
- The more leisure cost, the more you will work
- Positively correlated:
- The more leisure costs, the more you work.
- The less leisure costs, the less you work.
Why is the supply curve of labor downward sloping?
Income approach
- Downward sloping because the more you work the more income you make.
- Therefore, people decide to work fewer hours when their pay increases because they're richer.
- New job, raise, etc.
Are we concerned with before tax or after tax income?
After Tax Income
- AFT = What you take home.
- To determine how much we need to work, we need to be concerned with AFT.
- AFT is what you give up by not working.
- Therefore, as your marginal tax rate increases, your incentive to work decreases.
- The effect on rich and poor is different.
- Rich can change behavior easily.
- This is much more difficult for the poor.
Why would some workers not want income taxes to be reduced?
Membership in unions increased but ever since the 1960's they've weakened in number and size. Why?
What is debt?
Why should we look at not only debt but the debt/GDP ratio?
Is running a budget deficit bad? Why and why not?
From a purely economic point-of-view, what is the real problem and the real solution with the baby boomer effect?
What are some ways to fix the problem in #9?
While the government is trying to expand the economy, what are we accumulating in the process?
What is the study of economics?
From an objective economic view, what is a free market?
How is Keynesian and Classical economics different?
List the tools to control Aggregate Demand and which one is more effective?
Due to the Great Recession, the economy was pushed to expand using monetary and fiscal policies. What are the negative consequences in the future from these policies?
A shift in demographics could play havoc in an economy. For example, the Baby Boomer effect. What is the "real" problem and the "real" solution.
From the IOUSA film, give some examples of actions that can be implemented to help.
From our study, what is the best country used as an example with the least amount of government involvement but has one of the highest standards of living?
What is the cash method of accounting and why is it important?