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50 Cards in this Set

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1. What are collective goods and services? Give examples. (9)
a. Parks, Education, Roads
b. Goods and Services provided by the government
2. Name the major sources of federal revenue. (9)
a. Individual income tax, social insurance tax, tariff, corporate tax
3. What is the largest expenditure for the state of Texas, not counting federal funds?? (10)
a. Education
4. What is the largest expenditure for the federal government? (9)
a. Social Security
5. What factors have led to the long term rise in government spending? (9)
a. Rise and Cost of Healthcare, Urbanization (people living in cities), Increased expectations
6. What do we call a tax where the percentage of tax increases as income rises? (9)
a. Graduated or progressive tax
7. What is the largest single source of revenue for the state of Texas? (10)
a. Sales Tax
8. What do we call a tax where the percentage of tax decreases as income rises? (9)
a. Regressive
9. What is the second largest expenditure for the state of Texas? (10)
a. Collegiate spending (higher education)
10. What is the second largest expenditure for the federal government? (9)
a. National Defense
11. What is the last year the federal government had a balanced budget? (9)
a. 2001
12. What is the benefit principle of taxation? (9)
a. Those who benefit from the government should pay for it
13. What do we call a tax where the percentage of tax remains constant as income rises? 9)
a. Proportional
14. Name all the sources of revenue for the federal government? (9)
a. See number 2
15. What are the reasons for different incomes for different people? (11)
a. Educational differences, luck and wealth, ability
16. Name and describe the programs for the poor. (9, 10 & 11)
a. SNAP (food stamp program), TANF, Head start, Medicaid
17. Name the solutions for causes of poverty? (11)
a. Increase education, income redistribution, Health initiative
18. What is the difference between national debt and deficit? (9)
a. Debt is what you owe (all deficits added together), deficit is the one year shortfall
19. What has caused the significant increase in health care costs?(11)
a. Longer life expectancy, mal practice insurance, third party payer systems
20. What is the name of the government health care program for the elderly? (9)
a. Medicare
21. What relationship does a user fee have with the benefit principle of taxation? (9)
a. Example of the benefit principle
22. What is an indirect tax? Give examples. (9)
a. When you pay your money and it is passed on to the consumers from the producer. It doesn’t go straight to the government
b. Alcohol, Tobacco
23. What are in-kind benefits? (11)
a. Food stamps, Medicaid
24. Which groups are over-represented in poverty? (11)
a. Women who are head of the households, African Americans and Latinos
25. What is the poverty level for a family of four in the United States? (11)
a. $20,444
26. What do we call a lawsuit brought by a doctor’s patient that claims he or she acted negligently in treatment of the patient? (11)
a. Claim of negligence for mal treatment, mal practice suit
27. Describe the progressive income tax, what is the difference between it and a graduated tax? (9)
a. There is no difference, it is a graduated income tax
28. What is the name of the government health care program for the poor? (9)
a. Medicaid
29. Why is there such concern of the stability of social security over the next 11 years? (9)
a. Baby boomers
30. What is the difference between wealth and income? (11)
a. All their wealth over a lifetime, all their money in a year
31. What do we call a tax on goods bought in another country and brought back to the U.S.? (9)
a. Custom Duty
32. What do we call taxes on cigarettes and gasoline? (9)
a. Excise Tax
33. Which level of government primarily benefits from the sales tax? (10)
a. State
34. What do we call a tax on a deceased person's property? (9)
a. Estate or inheritance tax
35. What is the primary source of revenue for local governments? (10)
36. What is Social Darwinism? (9)
a. Survival of the Fittest. Everyone taking care of themselves.
37. What is a fiscal year? (9)
a. Government’s budget policy
38. What are needs-based programs? (9)
a. Programs given to people based on need
39. What is the largest source of revenue for most states, but Texas doesn’t have this type of tax? (10)
a. State income tax
40. What are the components of the Cycle of Poverty? (11)
41. What are enterprise zones? (11)
a. Neighborhoods of higher employment, firms can receive higher tax breaks if they locate themselves in them
42. What are externalities and what has been suggested as a solution for negative externalities? (11)
a. Finding polluters
43. What do we call the program that helps poor kids get ready for school by giving them early education? (11)
a. Head start
44. What do we call the middle point where income falls for all Americans? (11)
a. Median Income
45. What do we call it when all citizens have access to health care? (11)
a. Universal Health Care
46. What do we call it when the federal government requires a state to provide a service and doesn’t pay the state to provide the service? (10)
a. Unfunded mandate
47. List the type of taxes do the citizens of Texas pay? (10)
48. List the services that local governments provide the citizens? (10)
a. Parks and Rec, streets and roads, sewer and water
49. What is the largest expenditure for Tarrant County, Texas? (10)
a. Public Safety
50. What do we call a deficit that is caused by long –term expenditures rising, such as entitlements? (10)
a. Structural Deficit