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65 Cards in this Set

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Adam Smith
"laissez-faire" Believed in nonintervention by the government in the market mechanism (NO INTERVENTION)
Laissez fair
Adam Smith. "Leave it along" Market mechanism needs no govt intervention
John Maynard Keynes
Market is inheritabley unstable. Govt should be used as a prssure guage to keep an eye on the market
Society's desires exceed the want-satisfying capability of the resources available to satisfy those desires.
Market Failure
Imperfection in the market mechanism that prevents optimal outcomes. Implies that the force of supply and demand havent led us to the best point on the PPC. Not an Optimal mix of output
Causes of Market Failure
Public goods, Externalities, Market Power, inequity
Public goods
"free rider dilemma". UNDERPRODUCTION of Pub goods. OVER PRODUCTION of private.
Costs or benefits of market activities to "spill over" onto 3rd parties. Whenever externalities are present, market prices arent a v alid measure of a goods value to society. Market will under produce goods that yield external benefits. Overproduce those that generate external costs.
Social demand
market demand (+/-) externalities
Market Power
restricted supply. Monopoly most extreme. Antitrust policy is from govt intervention to alter market structure or prevent abuse of market power
For whom, taxes and transfers redustributing income. Merit goods
Merit goods
good or service society dee3ms everyone is entitled to some minimum quantity of
Invervention that fails to improve economic outcomes.
2 questions of government waste
efficiency- are we getting as much servics as wer could from the resources we allocate to govt?

op cost- are we giving up too many private sector goods in order to get those services?
Role of Government
providing legal framework, protecting the environment, Protecting consumers, Protecting labor
US economy made up of
business firms, govt agencies, consumers, international buyers and sellers
Factor Market
any place where factors of production (land labor capital) are bought and sold. professor
Product market
any place where finished goods and services (products) are bought and sold
the ability and willingness to buy specific quantities of agood at alternative prices in a given tp. Quantity of a good demanded in a given tp increase as price falls
Determinants of market demand
Tastes(desires), income, other goods (availablitly and prices), expectations (for income, prices, and tastes), number of buyers
substitute good
price of good x rises, the demand for good y increases
Complementary goods
goods frequently consumed in combo. When price of x goes up, demand for y goes down
shift in demand curve
when the determinants of demand chagne the ability or willingness to buy. CHanges in demand
Changes in demand
SHIFT in demand curve
Movement on demand curve
anything price related. Change in quantity demanded
Change in quantity demanded
movement along the curve
Determinants of market supply
Techonlogy, factor cost, other goods, taxes and subsidies, expectation, number of sellers
law of supply
the larger quantites will be offered for sale at higher prices. the quantity of a good supplied in a given tp increases as the price increases.
Change in quantity supplied
movement along a given supply curve
Change in supply
shift of the supply curve
price at which Qs=Qd
amount by which the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded at a given price. Excess supply. Price floor, Lower limit set for the price of a good
The amount by which the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied at a given price. Excess demand. PRice ceiling
pub goods, externalities, market power, inequity
non excludable and non rival. Free rider dilemma. UNDER PRODCUED BY MARKET
overproduce goods that generage external costsw, aunder produce goods that generate external benefites
monopoly, suboptimal outcome
INCOMe distribution
unemployment and inflation
Goals of macro intervention
full employment, price stablitly, growth
justification for govt intervention
Market and Macro failure
gross domestic product. Total market value of all FINAL goods and services produced within a nations borders at a given tp.
GDP per capita
Total GDP divided by pop. average gdp.
does not take into acount
Unreported incomes "off the books" intermediate goods. Nonmarket activities
nominal GDP
Vaue of final output produced in a given tp, measured in the prices of that period (current prices)
Real GDP
Value of final output produced in a given tp, adjusted for changing prices.
Base year
year used for comapative anaysis, the basis for indexing price changes
Real GDP =
nominal GDP in year t/ price index
an increase in the average level of prices of goods and services
Nex exports
Circular flow
the flow of income that starts with GDP ultimately return to the market in the form of new consumption, investment, goverment purchase
Labor force
All persons 16+ who are either working for pay or actively seeking paid employment
Labor force =
# employed + # unemployed
Labor Force participation rate =
(labor force/ pop 16+)*100
Unemployment rate=
(number unemplyed/ labor force)* 100
inability for labor froce participants to find jobs. Willing and able to work
TYPEs of unemploymen
seasonal, frictional, structural, cyclical.
Unemployment due to seasonal changes in employment or labor supply
Brief periods of unemployment experienced by people moving between jobs or in the labor market

3 attributes:
-adefquate demand for frictionally unemloyed
-Frictionally unemplotyed have th skills required to get the job
-duration of unemployment relitively short
Mismatch between skills or location of job seekers and the requirement or location of abailable jobs. Mismatched skills
unemployment attributable to lack of job vacancies, that is, to an inadequate level of aggregate demand. This may happen in an economic downturn. The economy must grow atleast as fast as the labor force to avoid cyclical unemployment
Natural rate of unemployment
Long term rate of unemployment determined by structural forces in the labor and product markets. Includes frictional and structural unemployment
Full employment
Lowest rate of unemployment compatible with price stablilty. between 4 and 6 percent unemployment. Goal to avoid cyclical and structural unemployment.
rising prices signal
that employmet is nearing capacity