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24 Cards in this Set

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Renewable resources

Resources whose stock level can maintain at a certain level

Non-renewable resources

Resources that will eventually be completely depleted


Man-made assets which can be used for production


resources are finite whereas wants are infinite

What do consumer goods do?

Give satisfaction to consumers eg phones

What are capital goods required to do?

Produce other capital and consumer goods eg factories

What are the two ways goods and services are produced?

Labour intensive or capital intensive

The free market economy

Determined by market forces

The command/centrally planned economy

Determined by the state

Division of Labour

Work split into smaller tasks

3 advantages of the division of labour

1) each worker specialises in a task which they're suited in - trained in one task

2) more efficient

3) increase in use of machinery, increases production and reduces cost of production

3 disadvantages of the division of labour

1) monotony and boredom - decrease productivity

2) loss of skills- worrying if made redundant

3) strike by one group brings production to a standstill

The next best alternative which is forgone when a choice is made...

Opportunity cost

What is the difference between an economic good and a free good?

Economic good commands a price and is scarce, whereas a free good is unlimited in supply and the opportunity cost is 0

Objective statements based on facts which can be proved or disproved...

Positive statements

Normative statement

Subjective statements based on value judgements and cannot be proved or disproved


Illustrates the maximum potential output of an economy when all resources are fully employed

1) At which points are all resources fully employed

2) give 2 reasons why there may be unemployed resources at point X

3) why is D unattainable?

1) A B and C

2) unemployment and unused machinery

3) require an increase in resources, increase in the productivity of resources or improvement in technology

1) what does this PPF demonstrate?

2) what will a decrease in consumer goods X1 to X2 result in?

1) opportunity cost

2) increase in capital goods from C1 to C2

Why is the PPF a straight line?

Opportunity cost is constant

Economic Growth

Refers to increase in productive capacity of an economy which indicates real incomes have increased

1) What does the movement from A to C represent?

2) what is this likely to result in long term?

1) increase in the productive capacity of an economy, indicating economic growth

2) increase in living standards

3 factors causing an outward shift in the PPF

1) discovery of new natural resources

2) new methods of production increasing productivity

3) improvements in training and education - boost productivity

3 factors causing an Inward shift in the PPF

1) depletion of natural resources

2) natural disasters

3) deep recession - loss of productivity