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36 Cards in this Set

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the study of how society uses scarce resources to meet unlimited wants and needs of humans
Micro economics
study of individual parts of the economy
Macro economics
study of aggregates (sum of individual parts)
Opportunity cost
what you give up because of your decision
Trade offs
All of your options
Scarcity leads to...
a quandary of choice
4 steps of an Economic Model
1. Vision
2. Analysis
3. Assumptions
4. Develop the model
Strong assumptions
unrealistic, broad
weak assumptions
more realistic
Weaker assumptions make...
a stronger theory, or stronger foundations
(and vice versa)
Ceteris Paribus
Other things equal
holding everything else constant
derive utility/ get satisfaction
tangible item
work/task performed
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
utility we gain from consumption decreases with each successive unit consumed
Marginal utility
additional satisfaction from consumption

= change in TU / change in T
Maximizing utility WITHOUT scarcity
without scarcity, consume until marginal utility = 0 and all resources (budget) are used
Bliss point
MU1= MU2
keep consuming until you reach Zero satisfaction
this can only happen without scarcity
natural and human resources from which good and services are produced

Endowments make more efficient: human endowments like exercise and training

Factors of production
-natural resources
- labor
- capital (Financial, Physical, Human endowments)
- entrepreneurship (puts together factors of production and starts producing)
deciding how to use factors of production
Labor Intensive Technique
rely on people doing work
Capital Intensive Technique
rely on machines
Law of Diminishing Additional Marginal Productivty
marginal productivity can increase, but will eventually decrease
Marginal product
additional product that 1 more worker adds
Why does marginal product decrease over time?
scarcity of resources (space, capital, land) and distraction
Intertemporal decisions
decisions made today affect us over time
High discount rate
need utility TODAY!!
Low discount rate
willing to give up today to get something better later
does not affect our decision making
affects decision making
Credit Risk
borrowers may not pay back $ ever or just pay back really late
Liquidity Risk
can't turn back into cash quickly enough
Inflation Rate risk
inflation rates erode value of assets
Time risk
may have to pass up better opportunities bc of time