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122 Cards in this Set

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usable energy made from the decay of dead organisms
fossil fuels
the geologic time period where most fossil fuels formed
Carboniferous Period
the rock-like fossil fuel mined from the ground
the thick, liquid fossil fuel which is drilled from the ground
the gaseous fossil fuel
natural gas
the most common specific gas in natural gas
because fossil fuels will run out faster than they can be replaced, they are called this
almost 20 million acres of preserved wilderness in Alaska
what is the biggest use of petroleum
transportation fuel
what is the biggest use of coal
usable energy made from the decay of dead organisms
fossil fuels
the geologic time period where most fossil fuels formed
Carboniferous Period
the rock-like fossil fuel mined from the ground
the thick, liquid fossil fuel which is drilled from the ground
the gaseous fossil fuel
natural gas
the most common specific gas in natural gas
because fossil fuels will run out faster than they can be replaced, they are called this
almost 20 million acres of preserved wilderness in Alaska
what is the biggest use of petroleum
transportation fuel
what is the biggest use of coal
a coil of wire that rotates in a magnetic field to make electricity
a sophisticated paddlewheel attached to a generator that will turn by steam
waste heat discharged into the environment
thermal pollution
educated guesses about the oil available in an area
estimated reserves
ordinary pumping of oil
primary recovery
getting more oil out of an oil field by injecting other materials into the well
enhanced recovery
the idea that the amount of oil available could be expressed as a bell curve
Hubbert’s Peak
when the Arab oil exporters demanded higher oil prices and restricted production
OPEC embargo
getting coal from surface mines
strip mining
when coal is chemically converted to a liquid fuel
energy found in the nucleus of atoms
nuclear energy
combining small atoms to make a larger one
nuclear fusion
breaking apart large, unstable atoms to make smaller ones
nuclear fission
unstable atoms of an element that decay to more stable atoms
the most common isotope used in nuclear reactors
the most common isotope of uranium
the process of separating out the U-235 to make nuclear fuel
when one atom of U-235 splits and the released particles cause another to split
chain reaction
in a nuclear reactor, these keep the chain reaction from going too fast
control rods
the fluid around the fuel rods that slows the neutrons to allow the reaction to occur
keeping the radioactive material away from the environment
the planned site for radioactive waste disposal
Yucca Mountain
nuclear safety using operator controlled actions
active safety
nuclear safety using gravity and temperature, more safe
passive safety
when nuclear power plants are shut down
a nuclear reactor that makes more fuel as it goes
breeder reactor
getting as much uranium as possible out of spent fuel
energy from the heat at the center of the earth
getting energy from living and/or dead organisms
a structure used to collect tidal energy
tidal barrage
electricity generated by water falling over a dam
a wafer of semiconductors used to collect solar energy and convert it to electricity
photovoltaic cell
an EPA program to incentivize more energy efficient buildings and appliances
Energy Star
a long supporting rod found in the backs of vertebrates and other chordates
paired structures in the throat of developing chordates
pharyngeal pouches
What do pharyngeal pouches become in fish
what is the characteristic that all vertebrate chordates share
a backbone or spine
the skeleton of most fish is composed of what material
how do most fish obtain oxygen
the first vertebrates
how does water pass through the gills
from openings in mouth out openings in pharynx
describe the circulatory system of fish
single closed loop
what are olfactory bulbs used for
sense of smell
the organ that adjusts buoyancy in fish
swim bladder
the type of reproduction with internal fertilization and external development
the sensory structure in fish that detects movement in the water
lateral line system
jawless fish alive today
lamprey and hagfish
the meaning of the classification Chondrichthyes
cartilaginous fish - cartilage skeletons
what is one way amphibians and fish are different
fish have scales and don't have half their lives on land
Will lungfish leave good fossils? Why/why not?
yes - bony skeleton
What do amphibians not have that reptiles do have?
dry scaly skin and claws
What are some amphibian traits that helped them support their weight on land?
strong limbs and limb girdles and a bony cage around their organs for protection
Which amphibian heart chamber has the most oxygen?
left atrium
common tube for urine, feces, and reproductive materials
skin camo helps protect against animals that hunt using what sense?
for what is the tympanic membrane used?
Why do amphibian eggs easily dry out?
no shell, just jelly-like material
which amphibian has the least developed limb girdles?
Where on earth don't reptiles live?
cold areas
What is the easiest way to tell a bird from a mammal and a reptile?
most reptiles exchange gases through what structures?
How do ectotherms maintain temperature?
behavior - moving into shade to colld down or into sun to warm up
What allowed reptiles to go through a major adaptive radiation during the mesozoic era?
didn't need water to breathe or reproduce
What reptile has the least mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood?
Excretion of uric acid helps animals to do what? In what habitat would that be the most useful?
conserve water - desert
Why do snakes flick their tongues?
get chemicals out of the air for smell
How do pit vipers find their prey?
sense body heat
How are reptile limbs better than amphibian limbs?
under body for more support - don't drag body when walk
Do reptiles have internal or external fertilization?
Are reptiles oviparous or ovoviviparous?
How many chambers are in a crocodilian heart?
Caimans and gavials are in what reptilian group?
What is the dorsal shell of a turtle?
What is the ventral shell of a turtle?
What order of reptiles has the least flexible back?
Do all birds fly?
What are characteristics of birds?
feathers, wings, endothermy
What is the purpose of contour feathers?
Put a bird's digestive tract in order.
mouth esophagus crop gizzard intestine cloaca
What happens in the crop?
food is moistened and stored
What happens in the gizzard?
food is ground up
What is an endotherm?
internal temperature regulation - behavior
What is the function of contour feathers?
Why are bird respiratory systems so efficient?
one way flow - get more oxygen
Why do high altitude flyers need better respirtion?
less oxygen
How many chambers are in a bird heart? What is the advantage of this?
4 - no mixing
What happens to the bones in birds to help with flight?
fuse - lighter (hollow)
How are bird and reptile eggs different?
material for shell - leathery in reptiles and calcified in birds
Describe traits unique to a bird of prey.
sharp beak and talons, excellent vision
Why are insect-eating birds good for people?
keep insect population in check
What did DDT do to birds?
made shells weak so they broke
What are the characteristics of mammals?
hair, feed milk, endothermy
What do female mammals have that male mammals don't?
mammary glands to feed newborns
What are the three groups of mammals?
monotremes - lay eggs
marsupials - pouches
placentals - live birth with placenta
What were the earliest mammals like?
small, nocturnal insect eaters that lived in trees
Why did the mammals become so diverse?
many reptiles died out leaving open niches
What is baleen used for?
feeding on plankton
What releases heat from a mammal body?
sweat glands
What system has a rumen?
What controls the amount of water in your body?
Give an example marsupial.
kangaroo, koala, possum
What is the function of the placenta?
feed developing baby