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27 Cards in this Set

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A population's vital statistics (e.g. size, distribution, density, age structure)
Number of individuals making up a population
population size
Of a population, distribution of individuals among different age categories
age structure
all individuals of a population that are in the pre-reproductive and reproductive age brackets
reproductive base
Number of individuals making up a population
population density
pattern of dispersion of individuals of a population
population distribution
one of many areas of a given size and shape in which samples are taken of individuals of a population are counted
For population counts; collecting, marking, releasing, then recapturing representitive animals
capture-recapture methods
New individuals permanently move into an area
individuals leave a population
recurring movement of organisms from one region to another, then back
no overall increase or decrease in population size during a specified interval
zero population growth
per individual
per capita
for population growth equations, a variable combining birth rates and death rates; assumes that both remain constant in specified interval
net reproduction per individual per unit time
an increase in population size by a fixed percentage of the whole in a given interval
exponential growth
length of time it takes a population to double in size
doubling time
the maximum rate of increase of a population under ideal conditions
biotic potential
any essential resource that can halt population growth when supplies of it dwindle
limiting factor
the maximum number of individuals in a population (or species) that a given environment can sustain indefinitely
carrying capacity
the size of a population increases slowly, then rapidly, then levels off as the carrying capacity is reached
logistic growth
factor that operates at high population density to slow birth rate and/or increase death rate (disease, competition)
density-dependent controls
factor that impacts a population's birth rate or death rate regardless of density (fire or flood)
density-independent factor
adaptations affecting life span, fertility, and age at first reproduction
life history pattern
a group of smae-aged individuals, tracked throughout their life spans
a graph that reflects how many individuals of a cohort survive, on average, at successive ages in their life span
survivorship curve
TFR, w/in a population, the average number of children born to a woman during her reproductive years
total fertility rate
explanation of the effects of industrialization on human population growth
demographic transition model