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44 Cards in this Set

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group of species living in the same area
group of different organisms in a community
water, air land/ all inorganic molecules
all things, earth
Abiotic, meaning not alive, are nonliving factors that affect living organisms. Environmental factors such habitat (pond, lake, ocean, desert, mountain) or weather such as temperature, cloud cover, rain, snow, hurricanes, etc. are abiotic factors.
Biotic, meaning of or related to life, are living factors. Plants, animals, fungi, protist and bacteria are all biotic or living factors.
Where in ecology is the interaction between abiotic and biotic studied?
ans. Ecosystem

Biotic and abiotic factors combine to create a system or more precisely, an ecosystem. An ecosystem is a community of living and nonliving things considered as a unit.
What level of ecology is concerned with both the biotic and abiotic aspects of an environment?
Which is not a population?
all living things in Southern California
Exponential Population Growth
a positive value its rate of increase steadily increases.
logistic growth rate
swirly s curves
high intrinistic rate of increase
low intrinistic rate of increase
zero population growth
Birth Rates vs. death rates
-birth rates are going down
-this affects population rate, all over country they are experiencing decrease in birth
why is the Number of females important?
does not affect asexually organisms, polygamous populations, or organisms containing both sex organs (hermaphrodites)
t or f? Organisms with high birth rates typically have high death rates in the re-productive age distribution
What are the two types of species?
K-selected and R-selected
Explain K Selected.
larger, longer lived, fewer offspring, greater care for offspring, good parents
Explain R Selected.
produce a lot, do not care as much if offspring dies because they reproduce a lot.
k-selected most live until old age
r-selected die young
how had tecnology affected population growth?
lower infant mortality, faster growing population
In the absence of limiting factors or a carrying growth capacity, a populations growth follows an...
exponetial model
Which of the following situation is the number of females important for population growth?
seperate-sex organisms
both win/lose situation organism
Predation examples?
snowshoe hare-lynx parralled to each other
ex. wolves moose
-win/lose situation
What are some predator avoidances?
(stinging wasp and another wasp doesnt sting)
What is Parasitism?
-win/lose situation
-predator lives on the prey/attached to prey
inside parasite
outside parasite
What is Mutalism?
-win/win situation
-ex. butterfly gets nectar and the flower gets pollenated
What is Commensalism?
-win/nothing situation
-one organism wins and the other doesn't lose any.
ex. mistletoe doesn't hurt tree on plant
Competitive Exclusion
-win-lose situation
-two species competing for the same resources cannot stably coexist
-Either of the two competitors will always take over the other which leads to either the extinction of one of the competitors or its evolutionary or behavioural shift towards a different ecological niche.
Resource Partitioning
-limited #
ex. one lives better under and the other lives better on top. ex.light top dark bottom
-refers to the process by which natural selection drives competing species into different patterns of resource use or different niches. This process allows two species to partition certain resources so that one species does not out-compete the other as dictated by the competitive exclusion principle; thus, coexistence is obtained through the differentiation of their realized ecological niches.
Genetic Diversity
- refers to any variation in the nucleotides, genes, chromosomes, or whole genomes of organisms
Biodiversity Hotspots
-california floristic province, with numerous endemic species
-mountains, oceans, desert, forest in CA
Geographical Diversity
high..broad distribution
Species Distribution
-number and distribution of species in one location. Simply the measure of the number of different species within a given area.
breed together, group of individuals that can interbreed with each other under natural circumstances of produce viable offspring, that can also reproduce=fertile
domain-3, kingdom-5, phylum-9, class, order, family, genus, and species
Do kings play chess on fat girls stomachs?