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25 Cards in this Set

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Define waste management.

The collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste material produced by humans, in order to reduce their effect on health or on the environment.

Define pollution

The addition of any undesirable substance to the environment.

Define pollutant.

A substance that damages the natural environment.

Define conservation.

The wise management of our natural resources, in order to maintain biodiversity on the planet.

Define eutrophication.

The enrichment of water with excess minerals eg. nitrogen or phosphates.

What are the six factors that affect human populations?

1. War - people killed, baby booms.

2. Famine - population declines, Ireland 1845 1 million died many emigrated.

3. Contraception - increased availability - reduces population.

Developed world 2015 1.38 ch/fam.

Developing 1970 6.1 2005 3.5.

4. Education - part. women.

5. Medical advancement - inc - vacc, ant, new drugs, safer anae/surg, sanitation.

6. Natural disasters dec

Give four general effects of pollution.

1. Threatens human animal health.

2. Threatens food supply where the soil is contaminated.

3. Threatens supply of raw materials.

4. Destroys recreational facilities(lakes seas rivers).

Name five pollutants from human activities.

CO2 and SO2 from burning of fossil fuels.


Radioactive wastes.


Industrial and domestic waste.

What type of pollutants are CFCs?

Air, damage ozone layer.

Where do CFCs come from?

Found in aerosols.

Used in fridges.

Insulating foams.

Industrial detergents.

What is the effect of ozone depletion?

More ultraviolet radiation reaches earth.

What is the problem with more UV radiation reaching earth?(3)

1. Human health - inc cases of skin cancer, cataracts, weakened immune system.

2. Crops damaged.

3. UV kills plankton - 1st trophic level in many aquatic food chains. Lead to reduction in numbers or loss of species.

How to solve CFC problem?(3)

1. Ban/reduce use of CFCs. Ozone replenish.

2. Replace with HFCs - break down before reach atmosphere.

3. Strict control on disposal of fridges...shouldn't dispose off in a landfill...CFCs leak out into atmosphere.

Give five ways man exploits nature.

Fish from sea.

Timber from forest.

Fossil fuels from earth.

Land to grow crops.

Breed animals for food.

What is the problem associated with the fishing industry?


Give two good fishing conservation practises.

1. Fishing quotas.

2. Large mesh size nets...young fish escape, grow, breed, replenish fish stokes.

Explain process of eutrophication.

1. Slurry containing nitrogen or phosphates is released.

2. Algae bloom - thrive in nutrient rich water.

3. Algae die - N P depleted, overcrowding, comp for light.

4. Huge numbers of aerobic bacteria feed on dead/decaying algae(decom). They absorb huge quantities of oxygen from water.

5. Water depleted of oxygen - aquatic plants+animals die.

4 ways slurry can be safely recycled or disposed of.

1. Store in leak proof pits.

2. Spread on land only in dry weather. Not drain into steams/lakes.

3. Do not spread slurry from Nov-Dec.

4. Do not spread near waterways.

Give four benefits of conservation.

1. Endangered species protected and so biodiversity maintained.

2. Existing environments preserved.

Eg. Fish stocks preserved in the sea. Bog preserved with its unique flora and fauna.

3. Recreational facilities preserved.

4. Food supplies protected.

Give four problems of waste management.

1. May contain mo's which could spread disease.

2. May contain toxic chemicals which could get into water or soil and hence into plants.

3. Landfills- unsightly,attract scavengers, create unpleasant smells and fumes, run off can contaminate aws.

Give four examples of agri waste.

Slurry, silage effluent, fertilizers, manure.

What is the problem with agri waste?

Nutrients N P present in these farm wastes can pass into water courses where they cause eutrophication.

Two ways to manage farm waste.

1. Leak proof pits.

2. Avoid spreading slurry on wet, frozen waterlogged or sloping land. Do not allow closer than 1.5m from any water course.

Give for examples of role of microorganisms in waste management.

1. B and F in soil can decompose organic waste.

2. B and F in rivers and lakes can decompose organic matter.

3. B and F can be used in sewage treatment.

Primary treatment : large debris removed from sewage.

Secondary treatment : B and F break down organic matter in sewage. This produces sludge which is removed. Remaining liquid treated with chlorine.

4. Much of our household wastes (40% organic) can be used to make compost ( fruit, veg, tea bags) B and F feed on this organic waste and convert it into humus... can be used as fertiliser.

How can control of waste be achieved?

Reduce - packaging (50% of dom. w.)

Reuse - glass containers.

Recycle - paper / glass.