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25 Cards in this Set

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Relict Pop
left over population from a time when it could replace itself locally
Sink Hab
hab. where death rates exceed birth rates>>only around due to immigration.
resource subsidy
resources from one hab, supprt org's from another.
unitary org
zygote to adult with determinant form (human)
Modular Org
repeated iterations of its parts into an indeterminant form
Liebig's Law of the Minimum
basically: weakest link determines the strength of the chain.
Life history tradeoffs
1-grow early>>risk freezing
2-lrgr seeds >>fewer seeds>>greater risk of predation and parasites
3-Dispersal-reduces comp w/ the prnt, might get unsuitable hab
r-selected traits
-short life span
-small size
-high predator vulnerability
-weak compettr
-good dispenser
-many small offsprg
-early repro
K-selected species
-long life
-lrg size
-lw vul to predators
-strong competitor
-slow disperser
-fwer offspring
-late repro
Reynolds Numbers
-gauge that describes the viscosity and surface forces of fluids relative to body size. Humans experience high reynolds numbers and bugs ar low ones.
Jim Elsner: Grwth rt hypoth
-fast growth req many ribosomes
-rapid grwth req lots of rRNA
-link btwn P and grwth rate
-fast growing org's have low C:P and N:P ratios
C3 phtosynthesis
-most common form
-CO2 fixed with N2 and P to make RUBISCO
C4 Phtosyn
uses PEP carboxylase, lose less water, are less nutritious, dont do well in the shade
CAM ptosyn
-cacti and succulents
-stomata only open at night
-conserves water
intermediate form in between ecto and endo therms
Competition Types
Exploitative Comp.
2 species compete for a resource that is limiting
Interferrence Comp.
2 species directly harm each other
Apparent Comp.
2 species decrease in abundance b/c they support the emergence of a common predator.
plants that just derive water and nutrients but NOT carbon from the host.
insects that lay eggs in living hosts, eventually killing them.
Direct Interferrence
intraspecific or interspecific territoriality. (involves 2 species interacting)
Indirect Mutualism
intra-competing species inadvertently helping another species.
partial predation
grazing or browsing
zero net growth isoclines