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9 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of the presbytery?
As a covenant community, it exercises apostolic authority by and for the nurture and benefit of its congregations, that the communities they serve may know the love and invitation of Christ.
Who can be members of the presbytery?
Its congregations, pastors installed in service to member congregations, pastors serving in validated ministries, and pastors honorably retired.
What is the size of a presbytery?
Ordinarily it shall be at least 10 but no more than 20 congregations.
What are some of the duties of the presbytery?
1) Promote the health of the covenant community
2) Charter and receive new congregations into the presbytery
3) Dismiss congregations to other presbyteries or denominations
4) Exercise special care and oversight of congregations that do not have an installed pastor, and appoint the moderator of such sessions
5) Dissolve congregations when their mission work has ceased
6) Authorize celebration of the Lord's Supper beyond particular congregations
7) Receive, dismiss, examine, install, provide pastoral care for, and discipline pastors
8) Enroll, dismiss, and examine candidates and ordain them to called service
9) Validate the call of ministers to service beyond a congregation
10) Settle differences between congregations and pastors
11) Propose and vote on amendments to the Constitution
12) Elect commissioners to wider councils of the ECO, including the synod
13) Promote and encourage the missional effectiveness of congregations
How often does the presbytery meet?
At least twice per year.
What committees are required in presbyteries?
Committee on Ministry and Permanent Judicial Committee
What is the synod?
The widest council of the ECO giving support and guidance to the presbyteries and congregations.
What are the duties of the synod?
1) Provide linkage of presbyteries to one another for mutual encouragement
2) Correspond and connect with global mission partners, other denominations and ministry partners
3) Maintain the Constitution and Essential Tenets of the ECO
4) Where appropriate and necessary, provide services for ECO
How often does the synod meet?
At least once per year.