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25 Cards in this Set

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What is the Q phase

Depolarization of the AV node

What is the R phase

Depolarization of the IV septum

What is the S phase

Complete depolarization of the Ventricles

What is the QRS phase

Complete ventricular contractions

How long should QRS last

.06 - 1 seconds

What is the P wave

Atrial Depolarization

How long does P wave last

0.08 - 0.1 Seconds

What is T wave

Ventricular Repolarization

Which Layer of the Heart Depolarizes first


Which layer of the heart repolarizes first


What is the P-R interval and how long does it last.

.12 - .2 seconds
Used to assess AV delay and conduction speed
Shorter = Higher HR
Longer = Lower HR

What is the S-T segment

Period of Electrical Neutrality

Plateau period of the action potential

Ventricles are completely depolarized

What is the Q-T interval and how long does it last and what does it diagnose

02-.4 Seconds

Period of Ventricular Systole

Faster HR = Shorter Q-T interval because action potential is shorter

Diagnostic for Long QT syndrome

What is the T-P segment (Interval)

Atrial and Ventricular Diastole

What is the R-R interval

Reflects the time of a single heart beat

What is SInus arrythmia

Change in HR with the respiratory cycle

Inspiration = increase HR

Expiration = decrease in HR

What causes pathological arrhythmias

Altered Conduction

Altered Automaticity (SA Node)

What is a 1st degree AV Block

Prolonged PR Interval (Greater than 0.20 sec)

No treatment necessary

What are the types of 2nd Degree Block

1. Mobitz Type I

2. Mobitz Type II

3. Bundle Branch Blcok

What is Mobitz type 1 block

Defect in AV node causing progressively longer P-R interval

No Treatment Necessary

What is Mobitz Type 2 Block

P-R interval is constant but every nth QRS complex is missing

Defect is below AV node so PR interval not changed

Needs Pacemaker in either atria or ventricle

What is a bundle Branch Black

Impulse spreads slowly through ventricles causing extended QRS complex.

Right bundle branch block = Bunny ears

Left Bundle Branch Block = Notch Top

What is a 3rd degree block

Complete conduction block

No impulse through AV node

Atrial and ventricles are in Electric Isolation

Ventricles beet at rate of purkinje fibers (20-40 bpm)

CO and BP compromised Needs Pacemaker

What is Atrial Fibrillation

No detectable P- Waves

Regular R-R interval (Heart Rate)

What is Ventricular Fibrillation

Wavy Baseline

No Coordinated Ventricular Contraction

Decreased CO and Mean Arterial Pressure

Needs Defibrillation and CPR