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31 Cards in this Set

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Definition:Occurring before, prior to, preceding.

audio recordings

Definition:A way of recording sound waves, such as spoken voice, singing, instrumental music, or sound effects.


Definition:Relation of an effect to its cause; a natural or necessary result.

video recording

Definition:An electronic capture of both the audio and visual aspects of what is seen and heard


Definition:Referring to hearing or concerning the ear.

ABC analysis

Definition:A type of documentation that records a sequence of related events over time.

key feature

Definition:An integral or central part or component of something.


Definition:Using a picture (hard copy or digital) originating from a camera as part of observation and documentation.

Contrived observations

Definition:Observation that is prearranged for a specific purpose in a formal or informal setting.


Definition:Anything that can be seen, measured, or counted.


Definition:Something similar in function or comparable with another; a model.

contextual information

Definition:Relevant information from the environment that directly or indirectly influences the behaviour of a child; information that helps explain or give meaning to a child’s behaviour.

at-a-glance records

Definition:Point-form notes typically recorded by teachers; intended to be read quickly.

Learning Stories

Definition:A narrative approach incorporating the feelings, actions, strengths, needs, and interests of a child or group of children.

documentation panels

Definition:A panel that displays the ideas and feelings of a child or group of children through artwork, photographs, and text.

natural observations

Definition:Observation that is recorded as it happens within a familiar environment.

specimen records

Definition:Detailed observations taken over a period of time and used for research purposes.


Definition:An intuitive judgment often implying subtle personal bias; insight.

operant conditioning

Definition:Often associated with the works of B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov, it is a form of behaviour modification whereby through the use of positive or negative reinforcement, a behaviour can be either increased or decreased under the same conditions or circumstances.

open method

Definition:Records or methods used for unanticipated behaviours.


Definition:Consequences that increase the likelihood that a certain behaviour will occur again; in behavioural theory, any response that follows a behaviour that encourages repetition of that behaviour.

Livescribe pen

Definition:A paper-based computing platform consisting of a digital pen, digital paper, software applications, and developer tools. Central to the Livescribe platform is the smartpen, a ballpoint pen with an embedded computer and digital audio recorder. It records what it writes for later uploading to a computer and synchronizes those notes with any audio it has recorded.


Definition:A tool used with an emergent curriculum approach to create a tentative plan where possibilities are explored such as an interest, material, or idea and developed with the input of the children.

paradigm shift

Definition:To have a sudden change in perception, a change in a point of view, of how you see a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality.


Definition:Determining the repetition or recurrence of behaviour. Common behaviours of individuals can be easily patterned through the integration of information gathered from various observation tools, looking for common or similar actions or skills.


Definition:A method of documentation that focuses on a specific, targeted area of child development, allowing the observer to record behaviours of a child that are typically demonstrated within that developmental area.

running record

Definition:A series of chronological observations represented in minutes, hours, days, or weeks. This open-ended approach to collecting information on a child over time requires dedicated observation, time and considerable commitment. A running record generally focuses on a child throughout the day, recording samples of behaviour from morning until the child leaves the centre.

anecdotal record

Definition:A narrative form of observation, a word picture, a description so clearly written that when read, the image of what is seen and heard immediately comes to mind. Anecdotal records capture spontaneous behaviour as it occurs.

total communication

Definition:An approach using as many kinds of communication as necessary for a child to understand an idea or concept, for example, sign language, hearing aids, pictures.

expanded observations

Definition:Multiple observations of one child from different settings, during different times, or with other educators and, as a result, will include multiple examples of behaviour.

social stories

Definition:A simple description of an everyday social situation written from a child’s perspective. The stories can help a child prepare for upcoming changes in routine or learn appropriate social interactions. The notion is that the child rehearses the story ahead of time, with an adult. The child can use the story to guide his or her behaviour.