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77 Cards in this Set

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Increased circulating norepinephrine (adrenaline) or increased sympathetic nerve activity causes _________ SVR, _________ heart rate, and _________ heart contractility.
A. increased, increased, increased
B. increased, increased, decreased
C. decreased, increased, decreased
D. decreased, increased, increased
E. none of the above
All of the following are capable of increasing body temperature EXCEPT
A. decreased sweat production
B. diarrhea
C. very low urine excretion
D. shivering
When the feedback signal from the carotid baroreceptors (pressure receptors) in a normal person DECREASES rapidly the heart rate will probably
A. decrease and might oscillate around a new level
B. increase and might oscillate around a new level
C. increase to a stable new level
D. remain fixed in spite of this change in feedback
5. When making an analogy between simple diffusion and Ohm’s Law, the diffusion coefficient corresponds to which one of the following quantities?
A. current
B. conductance
C. voltage
D. 1/conductance
The closed loop control system of Thyroid gland function involves the _____ and there is/are ____ feedback loop(s).
A. thyroid isthmus, 1
B. hypothalamus, 2
C. pituitary, 3
D. parathyroid, 1
When there is more glucose supplied to glycolysis than the body needs, excess glucose is stored as
A. Androgen
B. Pyruvic acid C. Lactic acid
D. Glycogen
Select the TRUE statement: (for our purpose “gradient” means from high to low concentration)
A. In facilitated diffusion, species transport can occur in the direction of the diffusion gradient.
B. The major types of diffusion are Simple, Complex, and Facilitated.
C. Active transport sometimes requires ATP.
D. Facilitated diffusion sometimes requires ATP.
The formula for peripheral resistance (PR or TPR) is
A. blood pressure/(Stroke volume x Heart rate)
B. contractility / stroke volume
C. stroke volume x heart rate
D. heart rate / blood pressure
In the blood pressure control system presented in class all of the following are “manipulated variables” EXCEPT
A. stroke volume
B. blood pressure
C. heart contractility
D. vascular resistance
Fluid (mostly water) is pushed OUT of blood capillaries by
A. tissue pressure
B. osmotic pressure
C. oncotic pressure
D. hydrostatic pressure
You are continuously loosing fluid from blood capillaries but it is recaptured because there is a non-penetrating substance in the blood vessels – namely
A. Glucose
B. Potassium
C. Protein
D. blood cells
When fluid without protein given to a severely burned patient it is likely to increase the chances of survival
A. True
B. False
When pyruvic acid (pyruvate) increases in the blood the consumption of glucose __________ because of the feedback system called _______
A. Decreases, molecular control
B. Decreases, end product inhibition
C. Increases, genetic enzyme control
D. Increases, generic feedback control
16. Plasma sodium concentration is about _____ and intracellular sodium is about _____ with units of
A. 145, 10, milliequivalents/liter
B. 10, 145, milligrams
C. 65, 10, milliequivalents
D. 145, 120, millimoles
Considering cell membrane transport mechanisms, when a person’s blood becomes acid (H+ increases) the critical ion, K+, in the blood will _______ and this can cause the heart to _______
A. decrease, increase contractility
B. increase, decrease contractility
C. Increase, increase heart rate
D. decrease, decrease contractility
A model for the spread of muscle cancer (sarcoma) cells to the lungs by the blood involves the following
A. Cancer cell birth and death rates
B. Penetration of cancer cells through capillary walls
C. Dislodgment of cancer cells from the capillary walls
D. All of the above
The ion that is directly responsible for maintaining nerve and muscle resting potential is
A. Na+
B. K+
C. Ca++
D. Mg++
In the “modeling cycle” presented in class the weakest part of the cycle is
A. determining isomorphism
B. solving model 1
C. implementing (simulating) via model 2
D. abstracting the real world
A normal aortic blood pressure wave starts rising from a pressure of about _____ and rises to a pressure of _______ and the peak of contraction.
A. 20, 80
B. 60, 80
C. 80, 120
D. 100, 140
The IMMEDIATE effect on the heart of an aortic valve which suddenly opens only 10% of maximum is
A. decreased cardiac output
B. increased femoral artery blood pressure
C. decreased O2 consumption
D. hypertension
The cardiac output of a heart with a heart rate of 55 bpm and a stroke volume of 180 mL is ________ . Is this a normal value?
A. 900 L/min, Yes
B. 9000 L/min, No
C. 9900 mL/min, No
D. 9.9 L/sec, Yes
Which element of the mechanical heart model presented in class creates a resisting force proportional to the velocity of the muscle contraction
A. active element
B. damping
C. spring
The length-tension characteristic for cardiac muscle shows that when the muscle is lengthened or shortened beyond of below its optimal length, the strength of active contraction ____________ .
A. increases
B. decreases
C. doesn’t change
The question above suggests that when too much blood returns to the heart contractility will ________ while when too little blood returns to the heart contractility will ___________.
A. Increase, increase
B. Increase, decrease
C. Decrease, decrease
D. Decrease, increase
Chronic arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) will eventually cause
A. left atrial hypertrophy
B. decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
C. left ventricular hypertrophy
D. increase in SVR
The large vein returning blood from the head and brain to the heart is the
A. Aorta
B. Cephalic vein
C. Jugular vein
D. Inferior vena cava
A pregnant woman with triplet fetuses in the 8th month of pregnancy can suffer edema (swollen legs) and cardiac collapse when she lies on her back for a long time and is very sleepy because
A. The fetus presses against her heart
B. The uterus squeezes the aorta and prevents blood from leaving the heart
C. The inferior vena cava and some lymphatic vessels are obstructed.
D. Lymphatic channels are compressed
The liver has the following inputs and outputs
A. hepatic vein, Portal vein
B. hepatic artery, portal vein, hepatic vein, lymphatic channels
C. hepatic artery, portal artery, lymphatic veins
D. lymphatic vessels, portal vein
In a parasympathetic cholinergic synaptic junction it is possible to increase the amount of Ach in the junction by
A. increasing Ach release
B. decreasing reuptake
C. inhibiting acetylcholinesterase
D. none of the above (A-C)
E. all of the above (A-C)
In the blood pressure control system presented in class the “manipulated variables” are
A. stroke volume
B. heart rate
C. heart contractility
D. vascular resistance
E. All of these
F. None of these
Including the terminal organ synapse, the sympathetic nervous system has _____ synapse(s) outside the CNS while the parasympathetic nervous system has _____ synapse(s) outside the CNS
A. 1, 2
B. 1, 3
C. 2, 2
D. 2, 1
E. 3, 1
Neurocirculatory asthenia has the following characteristic
A. Vomiting, hypotension, irregular heart beat
B. Fainting, hypertension, polyuriua,
C. Fainting, vomiting, highly relaxed muscles
D. SOB, tachycardia, hypotension
The hormone that regulates water loss from the kidney, ADH, is formed in the ______ and is delivered to the general circulation in the _______
A. anterior pituitary, posterior pituitary
B. posterior pituitary, hypothalamus
C. hypothalamus, anterior pituitary
D. hypothalamus, posterior pituitary
You would WORSEN an ongoing asthma attack if you gave a(n) ________ drug.
A. alpha1 blocker
B. beta1 blocker
C. beta2 blocker
D. M1 blocker
If you were to have a severe injury to, or complete anesthesia of, the nerves coming out of the thoracic and lumbar section of the spinal cord there would probably be a(n)__________.
A. increase in heart rate
B. decrease in heart rate
C. increase in heart contractility
D. increase in heart conduction speed
The length(volume)-tension characteristic for cardiac muscle shows that when the muscle is lengthened or shortened beyond or below its optimal length, the strength of active contraction ____________ .
A. increases
B. decreases
C. doesn’t change
In a parasympathetic cholinergic synaptic junction it is possible to increase the amount of Ach in the junction by
A. increasing Ach release
B. decreasing reuptake
C. inhibiting acetylcholinesterase
D. none of the above (A-C)
E. all of the above (A-C)
Neurocirculatory asthenia has the following characteristic (select the best)
A. Vomiting, hypotension, irregular heart beat
B. Fainting, hypertension, polyuriua,
C. Fainting, vomiting, highly relaxed muscles
D. SOB, tachycardia, hypotension
A very high level of feedback control of the hypothalamic-pituitary system involving CNS
All of the following are “take-it” steps in an adrenergic (norepinephrine) terminal or synapse (junction) EXCEPT
A. Monamine oxidase
C. norepinephrine reuptake
D. Cyclic AMP
Models that involve transduction at junctions (nerve-nerve or nerve-muscle) must take into account the modulation of Cyclic-AMP (CAMP) in the postjunctional side. The substance that can be modulated to increase or decrease CAMP, illustrated by the action of Viagra, is
B. Adenylate cyclase
C. protein kinase
D. phosphodiesterase
Blood flow autoregulation in arterioles, an example of “intrinsic feedback control” occurs because
A. as flow increases vessel diameter increases
B. as flow increases smooth muscle relaxes and fires action potentials
C. as pressure increases smooth muscle fires action potentials and contracts
D. as pressure increases smooth muscle contracts
The major reason for the slow mechanical response of SMOOTH muscle to electrical stimulation (an action potential) is
A. slow travel of the AP over the muscle
B. Action potential rises slowly to its peak
C. Calcium has to diffuse into the actin and myosin
D. Actin and myosin are inherently slow to contact
Your uninary bladder is filling with urine and the urge to urinate increases and then with time the urge wanes. This happens because
A. Urine flow slows down
B. Urine backs up into the kidneys
C. the bladder undergoes stress relaxation
D. pressure sensors become less sensitive
What is the effect of giving (at different times – not together) a “Beta-1 blocker” or an “M1 blocker” or a “CCB” to the heart rate (and often the contractility) of the heart.
A. Increases, increases, increases
B. Increases, increases, decreases
C. Decreases, increases, decreases
D. Decreases. Decreases, increases
Assume that your grandfather is having a symptomatic tachycardia (very fast heart rate) that is making him dizzy. You tell him to try to breath out while closing the mouth and nose so he strains to try to breathe out. The technique succeeds in slowing the heart because
A. the M1 receptors are blocked
B. the Beta-1 receptors are stimulated
C. the M1 receptor activity increases substantially
D. Beta-1 receptors are less stimulated.
When you hyperventilate your blood CO2 level _________ and this causes the brain vessels to ________
A. increases, dilate
B. increases, constrict
C. decreases, dilate
D. decreases, constricts
You are currently in neutral water balance and then drink 3 -4` 8 oz glasses of water in quick succession. ½ hour later when you void urine its color will be
A. very dark yellow
B. cloudy yellow
C. light yellow
D. almost colorless
A very high level of feedback control of the hypothalamic-pituitary system involving CNS
All of the following are “take-it” steps in an adrenergic (norepinephrine) terminal or synapse (junction) EXCEPT
A. Monamine oxidase
C. norepinephrine reuptake
D. Cyclic AMP
Models that involve transduction at junctions (nerve-nerve or nerve-muscle) must take into account the modulation of Cyclic-AMP (CAMP) in the postjunctional side. The substance that can be modulated to increase or decrease CAMP, illustrated by the action of Viagra, is
B. Adenylate cyclase
C. protein kinase
D. phosphodiesterase
Blood flow autoregulation in arterioles, an example of “intrinsic feedback control” occurs because
A. as flow increases vessel diameter increases
B. as flow increases smooth muscle relaxes and fires action potentials
C. as pressure increases smooth muscle fires action potentials and contracts
D. as pressure increases smooth muscle contracts
The major reason for the slow mechanical response of SMOOTH muscle to electrical stimulation (an action potential) is
A. slow travel of the AP over the muscle
B. Action potential rises slowly to its peak
C. Calcium has to diffuse into the actin and myosin
D. Actin and myosin are inherently slow to contact
Your uninary bladder is filling with urine and the urge to urinate increases and then with time the urge wanes. This happens because
A. Urine flow slows down
B. Urine backs up into the kidneys
C. the bladder undergoes stress relaxation
D. pressure sensors become less sensitive
What is the effect of giving (at different times – not together) a “Beta-1 blocker” or an “M1 blocker” or a “CCB” to the heart rate (and often the contractility) of the heart.
A. Increases, increases, increases
B. Increases, increases, decreases
C. Decreases, increases, decreases
D. Decreases. Decreases, increases
Assume that your grandfather is having a symptomatic tachycardia (very fast heart rate) that is making him dizzy. You tell him to try to breath out while closing the mouth and nose so he strains to try to breathe out. The technique succeeds in slowing the heart because
A. the M1 receptors are blocked
B. the Beta-1 receptors are stimulated
C. the M1 receptor activity increases substantially
D. Beta-1 receptors are less stimulated.
When you hyperventilate your blood CO2 level _________ and this causes the brain vessels to ________
A. increases, dilate
B. increases, constrict
C. decreases, dilate
D. decreases, constricts
You are currently in neutral water balance and then drink 3 -4` 8 oz glasses of water in quick succession. ½ hour later when you void urine its color will be
A. very dark yellow
B. cloudy yellow
C. light yellow
D. almost colorless
1. The commonly know “fight or flight” response to extreme stress stimulates the ________ nerves
which cause the adrenal medulla to release large quantities of norepinephrine into the blood stream.
A. Sympathetic
B. Parasympathetic
C. Somatic
D. Parasomatic
E. Parasaurus
2. Circulating norepinephrine causes peripheral vascular _________, _________ heart rate, and
_________ heart contractility.
A. vasodilation, increased, increased
B. vasodilation, increased, decreased
C. vasoconstriction, increased, decreased
D. vascoconstriction, increased, increased
E. none of the above
3. All of the following are capable of reducing body temperature EXCEPT
A. increased sweat production
B. diarrhea
C. increased BMR
D. massively increased urine excretion
4. When the feedback signal from the carotid baroreceptors in a normal person INCREASES rapidly the
heart rate will MOST probably
A. decrease and might oscillate
B. increase uncontrollably
C. increase and oscillate
D. remain fixed in spite of this change in feedback
5. When making an analogy between simple diffusion and Ohm’s Law, the diffusion
coefficient/constant corresponds to which of the following quantities?
A. current
B. conductance
C. voltage
D. resistance
6. The “end-product inhibition” mode of closed loop control of cell metabolism causes modification of
A. Enzyme activity
B. Enzyme concentration
C. Rate of enzyme production
D. End product activity
7. In “Viagra” example given in class the amount of C-GMP in erectile tissue determines how much
blood is present and therefore the degree of turgidity. The function of C-GMP in this context is to
_________ while C-GMP is removed by the enzyme ________ so that inhibition of that enzyme leads to
A. relax arterioles, anti-C-GMP, more turgidity
B. dilate arterioles, phosphodiesterase -7, less turgidity
C. relax arterioles, ATPase, less turgidity
D. dilate arterioles, phosphodiesterase-5, more turgidity
8. Select the TRUE statement:
A. In facilitated diffusion, species transport can occur against the diffusion gradient.
B. The major types of diffusion are Simple, Complex, and Facilitated.
C. Active transport always requires ATP.
D. Facilitated diffusion sometimes requires ATP.
9. The formula for blood output from the heart (cardiac output) is
A. heart rate x blood pressure
B. contractility / stroke volume
C. stroke volume x heart rate
D. heart rate / vascular resistance
10. In the blood pressure control system presented in class the “manipulated variables” are
A. stroke volume
B. heart rate
C. heart contractility
D. vascular resistance
E. All of these
11. The sympathetic nervous system activates ___ receptors in skin and muscle arterioles and causes
A. Alpha-1, vasoconstriction
B. Beta-4, vasoconstriction
C. Dopaminergic, vasodilation
D. Cholinergic, no effect
12. The vagus nerve releases _____ in the heart and causes _____
A. norepinephrine, heart slowing
B. acetycholine, heart slowing
C. norepinephrine, heart speedin
13. Including the terminal organ synapse, the sympathetic nervous system (NS) has _____ synapses
outside the CNS while the parasympathetic NS has _____ synapses outside the CNS
A. 1, 2
B. 1, 3
C. 2, 2
D. 2, 1
E. 3, 1
14. When you want to stop an asthma attack you would give a drug which stimulated ______ receptors.
Such a drug is ______
A. alpha1, norepi.
B. beta1, pirbuterol
C. beta2, albuterol
D. M1, AcH
15. Oncotic pressure causing water to ENTER the vascular system is created by ______ inside of
A. Red blood cells
B. white blood cells
C. albumin
D. glucose
16. Plasma sodium concentration is about _____ and intracellular sodium is about _____ with units of
A. 145, 10, milliequivalents/liter
B. 10, 145, milligrams
C. 65, 10, milliequivalents
D. 145, 120, millimoles
17. Smooth muscle can contract forcefully over a much SMALLER range of length compared to skeletal
A. True
B. False
18. The contraction-relaxation time of skeletal muscle is very similar to
A. cardiac
B. smooth
C. neither
D. both
19. The ion which is directly responsible for starting the actin-myosin contraction cycle in muscle is
A. Na+
B. K+
C. Ca++
D. Mg++