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39 Cards in this Set

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State the 3 objectives of first aid.
Save life, prevent further injury, prevent infection.
State the methods of controlling bleeding.
Direct pressure, pressure point, elevation, tourniquet.
What is a pressure point?
A place where an artery is near the surface of the skin and bone.
How many pressure points are there?
11 on each side of the body.
Describe shock.
Shock is a disruption of the circulatory system.
State the treatment for shock.
Elevate feet 6-12 inches, cover body to maintain heat. Reassure the victim.
What are the 3 classifcations of burns?
First degree, the mildest.
Second degree, potentially the most painful.
Third degree, destroyed tissue, skin and bone.
Describe heat exhaustion.
Heat exhaustion is a disturbance of blood flow to the brain, heart and lungs.
Describe the treatment for heat exhaustion.
Move victim to cool area, loosen clothing, apply cool, wet cloths. If conscious, give salt water.
Describe heat stroke.
Heat stroke is a breakdown of the sweathing mechanism of the body.
What is the treatment for heat stroke?
Douse victim with water, apply cold wet towels, maintain open airway, cool victim.
State the difference between an open and closed fracture.
An open fracture is where there is a broken bone and an open wound in tissue or skin. A closed fracture is just a broken bone.
How do you rescue somebody who is suffering from electric shock?
Do not become part of the circuit. First, try to remove current. If you cannot, remove the victim from the current with a non-conductive item such as a dry board.
What is the treatment for a shock victim?
Describe the methods for clearing an obstructed airway.
First, use a finger and attempt to remove food from the mouth. If the victim is still choking, perform heimlich manuver.
What is hypothermia?
A general cooling of the body.
What are the symptoms of hypothermia?
Victim may appear dead, shallow breathing, pulse faint, body feels rigid.
What is the treatment for hypothermia?
Use warm blankets in a warm room to bring body back to normal temperature.
What is superficial frostbite?
Ice crystals forming in the upper skin layers.
What is deep frostbite?
Ice crystals forming in the deeper tissue layers.
What is the treatment for deep frostbite?
Bring victim indoors. Rewarm the area with warm water or hot water bottles.
What are the symptoms of shock?
Lackluster eyes, shallow breathing, cold pale skin, nausea, weak pulse.
What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion?
Cool, moist, clammy skin, dialted pupils. Victim usually is sweating
What are the symptoms of heat stroke?
Hot, dry skin, uneven pupil dilation, weak rapid pulse.
What is the purpose of the Naval Aviation Safety Program?
To preserve human and material resources.
What is the safety responsibility of the CO?
Require all persons drilled on all safety precautions.
What is the safety responsibility of the Aviation Safety Officer?
Advisor to CO on all aviation safety matters. Manages Command Aviation Safety Program.
What is the safety responsibility of the Ground Safety Officer?
Advisor to CO on all ground safety matters. Manages Command Ground Safety Program.
What is the safety responsibility of the Department Head?
Coordinates department safety program with the units safety officer.
What are the safety responsibilities of the Division Officer?
Ensure personnel comply with safety instructions.
What are the safety responsibilities of the Safety Petty Officer?
Central point of safety in work center.
What are the safety responsibilities of all hands?
Comply with all safety instructions and regulations.
What is the function of the Safety Council?
Review safety related recommendations, set goals and manage assets.
What is the function of the Enlisted Safety Committee?
Meet monthly to discuss safety issues and provide recommendations.
How does human error contribute to aviation mishaps?
Human error is part of nearly every aviation mishap.
How do maintenance and support factors contribute to aviation mishaps?
Mishaps due to improper maintenance, improper priority assignments or lack of QA.
How do administrative and supervisory factors contribute to aviation mishaps?
Mishaps due to unenforced regulations or improper level of supervision. Also mishaps from personnel without qualifying PQS.
How do material failuires or malfunctions contribute to aviaiton mishaps?
Mishaps due to faulty design. Most likely includes human error, for example due to faulty manufacture.
How do environmental factors contribute to aviation mishaps?
Mishaps due to acts of god such as a hail storm. May envolve human error, for example not bringing equipment out of the storm.