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368 Cards in this Set

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What is the impact of pressure and wind on the landscape?
Atmospheric pressure indirectly affects the landscape
Changes manifest primarily by changes in wind and temperature
Wind has visible component to its activity
Severe storm winds can drastically affect the landscape
The Nature of Atmospheric Pressure
Gas molecules are not strongly bound to one another but are continuously in motion
The atmosphere exerts pressure on every surface it touches (force exerted on every surface the gas touches)
Pressure is approx 14lbs per square inch near sea level
Atmospheric Pressure
Force exerted by gas molecules
The force exerted by air molecules on all objects the air is in contact with
Factors Influencing Atmospheric Pressure
Pressure is influenced by temperature, density, and dynamic
Density and Pressure Relationships
At higher density, particles are closer and collide more frequently, increasing pressure
Temperature and Pressure Relationships
Warmer particles move faster and collide more frequently, increasing pressure
Dynamic Influences on Air Pressure
Dynamic high
Thermal high
Dynamic low
Thermal low
Dynamic influences work in tandem with influences from density to affect air pressure
Dynamic High
Strongly descending air
Strongly descending air is usually associated with high pressure at the surface
Thermal High
Very cold surface conditions
Very cold surface conditions are often associated with high pressure at the surface
Dynamic Low
Strongly ascending air
Strongly rising air is usually associated with low pressure at the surface
Thermal Low
Very warm surface conditions
Very warm surface conditions are often associated with relatively low pressure at the surface
Mapping Pressure with Isobars
Pressure measured with a barometer
Typical units are milibars or inches of mercury
Contour pressure values reduced to sea level
Shows highs and lows, ridges and troughs
Instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure
The most common unit of measure for atmospheric pressure
An expression of force per surface area
Show areas of high pressure and low pressure
An elongated area of relatively high pressure
An elongated area of relatively low pressure
Pressure Decreases with Altitude
Pressure Gradient
As with other types of isolines, the relative closeness of isobars indicates the horizontal rate of pressure change.
Represents the “steepness” of the pressure “slope” (or more correctly, the abruptness of the pressure change over a distance), a characteristic that has a direct influence on wind
Vertical and horizontal atmospheric motions are called ___
Horizontal air movement
Origination of Wind
Uneven heating of Earth’s surface creates temperature and pressure gradients
Direction of wind results from pressure gradient
Winds blow from high pressure to low pressure
Pressure Gradient Force
Characterized by wind moving from high to low pressure
Winds blow at right angles to isobars
The Coriolis Effect
Turns wind to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, left in Southern Hemisphere
Only affects wind direction, not speed, though faster winds turn more
Geostrophic Wind
wind that moves parallel to the isobars as a result of the balance between the pressure gradient and the Coriolis effect
wind is slowed by Earth’s surface due to friction, does not affect upper levels
Slows the wind and turns it towards lower pressure
Force Balances
geostrophic and frictional balances
Geostrophic Balance
represents a balance between the pressure gradient force and the Coriolis effect
Winds blow parallel to isobars
Frictional Balance
winds blow slightly towards low pressure and slightly away from high pressure
Winds slowed by friction weaken Coriolis, so pressure gradient force is stronger and turns the winds
Wind patterns around high and low pressure systems are anticyclonic and cyclonic, respectively
Close isobar spacing indicates faster winds
Winds increase rapidly with height, pressure decreases rapidly with height
high pressure systems
What are the four patterns of anticyclonic circulation?
1. In the upper atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere, the winds move clockwise in a geostrophic manner parallel to the isobars.
2. In the friction layer (lower altitudes) of the Northern Hemisphere, there is a divergent clockwise flow,
with the air spiraling out away from the center of the anticyclone.
3. In the upper atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere, there is a counterclockwise, geostrophic flow parallel to the isobars.
4. In the friction layer of the Southern Hemisphere,
the pattern is a mirror image of the Northern Hemisphere, with air diverging in a counterclockwise pattern.
low pressure systems
Vertical Motions
surface convergence and low pressure indicate rising motion
Surface divergence and high pressure indicate sinking motion
Rising motion results in clouds and storms
Sinking motion results in sunny skies
Wind Speed
light pressure gradients (isobars close together) indicate faster wind speeds
Wind speeds are gentle on average
Vertical Variations in Pressure & Wind
atmospheric pressure decreases rapidly with height
Winds aloft are much faster than at the surface
Jet streams
The General Circulation of the Atmosphere
atmosphere is in constant motion
Major semi permanent conditions of wind and pressure general circulation
Principal mechanism for longitudinal and latitudinal heat transfer
Second only to insolation as a determination for global climate
The global atmospheric circulation
Hypothetical Pattern of A NonRotating Earth
if earth were a nonrotating sphere with a uniform surface, we could expect a very simple global atmospheric circulation pattern
Strong solar heating at equator
Little heating at poles
Thermal low pressure forms over equator
Thermal high forms over poles
Ascending air over equator
Descending air over poles
Winds blow equatorward at surface, poleward aloft
The Hadley Cells
two complete vertical convective circulation cells between the equator, where warm air rises in the ITCZ, and 25° to 30° of latitude, where much of the air subsides into the subtropical highs.
Observed General Circulation
addition of Earth’s rotation increases complexity of circulation
One semipermanent convective cell near the equator (Hadley Cell)
Three latitudinal wind belts per hemisphere
Subtropical Highs
persistent zones of high pressure near 30° latitude in both hemispheres
Result from descending air in Hadley cells
Subsidence is common over these regions
Regions of world’s major deserts
No wind, horse latitudes
Trade Winds
diverge from subtropical highs
Exist between 25°N and 25°S latitude
Easterly winds: southeasterly in Southern Hemisphere, northeasterly in Northern Hemisphere
Most reliable of winds
“Winds of commerce”
Heavily laden with moisture
Do not produce rain unless forced to rise
If they rise, they produce tremendous precipitation and storm conditions
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
region of convergence of the trade winds
Constant rising motion and storminess in this region
Position seasonally shifts (more over land than water)
form on poleward sides of subtropical highs
Wind system of the midlatitudes
Two cores of high winds jet streams
Rossby waves
Polar Highs
thermal highs that develop over poles due to extensive cold conditions
Winds are anticyclonic; strong subsidence
Arctic desert
Polar Easterlies
Regions north of 60°N and south of 60°S
Winds blow easterly
Cold and dry
Polar Front
low pressure area between polar high and westerlies
Air mass conflict between warm westerlies and cold polar easterlies
Rising motion and precipitation
Polar jet stream position typically coincident with the polar front
The Seven (7) Components of the General Circulation
1. Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
2. Trade Winds
3. Subtropical Highs
4. Westerlies
5. Polar Front (Subpolar lows)
6. Polar Easterlies
7. Polar Highs
Most dramatic differences in surface and aloft winds is in tropics
Antitrade winds
tropical upperatmosphere westerly winds at the top of the Hadley cells that blow toward the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere.
Seasonal Modifications in the General Circulation
seven general circulation components shift seasonally
Components shift northward during Northern Hemisphere summer
Components shift southward during Southern Hemisphere summer
seasonal wind shift of up to 180°
Winds onshore during summer
Winds offshore during winter
Develop due to shifts in positions of ITCZ and unequal heating of land and water
Localized Wind Systems
localized wind systems affect wind direction locally on diurnal time scales
Sea Breezes
water heats more slowly than land during the day
Thermal low over land, thermal high over sea
Wind blows from sea to land
Land Breezes
at night, land cools faster
Thermal high over land, thermal low over sea
Wind blows from land to sea
Valley Breeze
mountain top during the day heats faster than valley, creating a thermal low at mountain top
Upslope winds out of valley
Mountain Breeze
mountain top cools faster at night, creating thermal high at mountain top
Winds blow from mountain to valley, downslope
Katabatic Winds
cold winds that originate from cold upland areas, bora winds
Winds descend quickly down mountain, can be destructive
Foehn/Chinook Winds
high pressure on windward side of mountain, low pressure on leeward side
Warm downslope winds
Santa Ana winds
El Nino-Southern Oscillation
warming of waters in the eastern equatorial Pacific
Associated with numerous changes in weather patterns worldwide
Typically occurs on time scales of 3 to 7 years for about 18 months
Circulation Patterns - Walker Circulation
General circuit of air flow in the southern tropical Pacific Ocean; warm air rises in the western side of the basin (in the updrafts of the ITCZ), flows aloft to the east where it descends into the subtropical high off the west coast of South America; the air then flows back to the west in the surface trade winds.
Linked atmospheric and oceanic phenomenon of pressure and water temperature. Southern Oscillation refers to a periodic seesaw of atmospheric pressure in
the tropical southern Pacific Ocean basin.
El Nino
a warming of eastern equatorial Pacific water and subsequent switching of the high and low air pressure patterns
Associated with varied weather patterns in different locations globally
Periodic atmospheric and oceanic phenomenon of the tropical Pacific that typically involves the weakening or reversal of the trade winds and the warming of surface water off the west coast of South America.
La Nina
atmospheric and oceanic phenomenon associated with cooler than usual water off the west coast of South America. Sometimes described as the opposite of El Niño.
Causes of El Nino
other Multiyear Atmospheric and Oceanic Cycles
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
Arctic Oscillation (AO)
The Impact of Atmospheric Moisture on the Landscape
formation of fog, haze, clouds, and precipitation
Short term impacts of precipitation—floods
Longer term impacts of the absence of precipitation—drought
Geologic term impacts (i.e., caves) on Earth’s surface
The Hydrologic Cycle
series of storage areas interconnected by various transfer processes, in which there is a ceaseless interchange of moisture in terms of its geographical location and its physical state.
Chemistry of Water
two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule (H2O)
Covalent bonds
Electrical polarity of water molecule
Hydrogen bonds
Important Properties of Water
exists as a liquid at most points on Earth’s surface
Expands when it freezes; less dense than liquid water; ice floats in water
Hydrogen bonding creates surface tension, a “skin” of molecules giving water a stickiness quality
Good solvent
High specific heat
One of the most striking properties of water is that it is liquid at the temperatures found at most places on Earth’s surface. The liquidity of water greatly enhances its versatility as an active agent in the atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.
Ice Expansion
Because water expands as it approaches freezing, ice is less dense than liquid water. As a result, ice floats on and near the surface of water. If it were denser than water, ice would sink to the bottom of lakes and oceans, where melt- ing would be virtually impossible, and eventually many water bodies would become ice choked. In fact, because freshwater becomes less dense as it approaches its freezing point, water that is ready to freeze rises to the tops of lakes, and hence all lakes freeze from the top down.
Surface Tension
Because of electrical polarity, liquid water molecules tend to stick together—a thin “skin” of molecules forms on the surface of liquid water causing it to “bead.”
The action by which water can climb upward in restricted confinement as a result of its high surface tension, and thus the abil- ity of its molecules to stick closely together.
Solvent Ability
Water can dissolve almost any substance and it is sometimes referred to as the “universal solvent.”
Specific Heat
The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1°C. Also called specific heat capacity.
Phase Changes of Water
water typically exists in three states
Solid: ice
Liquid: liquid water
Gas: water vapor
Latent heat is required to convert water to its different phases
gas to liquid
liquid to gas
Warmer temperatures evaporate more water
Windiness increases evaporation
liquid to solid
solid to liquid
solid to gas and gas to solid
Latent Heat
Energy stored or released when a substance changes state.
For example, evaporation is a cooling process because latent heat is stored and condensation is a warming process because latent heat is released.
Phase Change Processes
condensation: gas to liquid
Evaporation: liquid to gas
Freezing: liquid to solid
Melting: solid to liquid
Sublimation: solid to gas and gas to solid
Latent heat required for each process
Latent heat as a source of atmospheric energy
Latent Heat of Melting
The energy required to melt ice
Latent Heat of Fusion
The energy released as water freezes
Latent Heat of Vaporization
The energy required to convert liquid water to water vapor
Latent Heat of Condensation
Heat released when water vapor condenses back to liquid form.
Latent Heat of Evaporation
Energy stored when liquid water evaporates to form water vapor.
Water Vapor
a colorless, odorless, tasteless, invisible gas that mixes freely with the other gases of the atmo- sphere.
The transfer of moisture to the atmosphere by
transpiration from plants and evaporation from soil and plants.
Potential Evapotranspiration
This is the amount of evapotranspiration that would occur if the ground at the location in question were sopping wet all the time.
Measures of Humidity
humidity—amount of water vapor in the air
Vapor pressure—contribution of water vapor to total atmospheric pressure
Relative humidity—how close the air is to saturation
Saturation represents the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold
Saturation depends on temperature
Saturation vapor pressure
amount of water vapor in the air
Absolute Humidity
one measure of the actual water vapor content of air, expressed as the mass of water vapor in a given volume of air, usually as grams of water per cubic meter of air.
Water Vapor Capacity
The maximum possible absolute humidity
Specific Humidity
A direct measure of water-vapor content expressed as the mass of water vapor in a given mass of air (grams of vapor/kilograms of air).
Vapor Pressure
contribution of water vapor to total atmospheric pressure
Saturation Vapor Pressure
The maximum possible vapor pressure (the water vapor capacity) at a given temperature
Relative Humidity
how close the air is to saturation
Temperature Relative Humidity Relationship
temperature and relative humidity are inversely related
Dew Point Temperature / Dew Point
the temperature at which saturation occurs in the air.
It is dependent upon the amount of water vapor present.
High dew points indicate abundant atmospheric moisture.
Dew points can be only equal or less than air temperatures.
If saturation is reached and air temperatures cool further, water vapor is removed from the air through condensation.
Sensible Temperature
refers to the temperature as it feels to a person’s body. It involves not only the actual air temperature but also other atmospheric conditions, particularly rela- tive humidity and wind, that influence our perception of warmth and cold.
Frost Point
when air reaches saturation at temperatures below freezing
conversion of vapor to liquid water
Surface tension makes it nearly impossible to grow pure water droplets
Supersaturated air
Need particle to grow droplet around, a cloud condensation nuclei
Liquid water can persist at temperatures colder than 0°C without a nuclei—supercooled
Condensation Process
Saturation alone is not enough to cause condensation, however. Surface tension makes it virtually impossible to grow liquid droplets of pure water from a vapor phase. Be- cause surface tension inhibits an increase in surface area, it is very difficult for additional water molecules to enter or form a droplet. (On the other hand, molecules can easily leave a small droplet by evaporation, thereby decreasing its area.) Thus, it is necessary to have a surface on which con- densation can take place. If no such surface is available, no condensation occurs.
has a relative humidity greater than 100 percent
Condensation Nuclei
Tiny atmospheric particles of dust, bacteria,
smoke, and salt that serve as collection centers for water molecules.
Supercooled Water
Water that persists in liquid form at temperatures below freezing.
Adiabatic Processes
dry adiabatic lapse rate: 10°C/1000m (5.5°F/1000ft)
Lifting condensation level (LCL)
Saturated adiabatic lapse rate: ~6°C/1000m (3.3°F/1000ft)
Parcel lapse rates versus environmental lapse rate
Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate
10°C/1000m (5.5°F/1000ft)
Lifting Condensation Level (LCL)
The altitude at which rising air cools sufficiently to reach 100 percent relative humidity at the dew point temperature, and condensation begins.
Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate
~6°C/1000m (3.3°F/1000ft)
Visible accumulation of tiny liquid water droplets or ice crystals
suspended in the atmosphere.
Classifying Clouds
classification (3 primary cloud forms)
Cirrus clouds
Stratus clouds
Cumulus clouds
Cloud Forms
1. Cirriform clouds (Latin cirrus, “a lock of hair”) are thin and wispy and composed of ice crystals rather than water droplets.

2. Stratiform clouds (Latin stratus, “spread out”) appear as grayish sheets that cover most or all of the sky, rarely broken up into individual cloud units.

3. Cumuliform clouds (Latin cumulus, “mass” or “pile”) are massive and rounded, usually with a flat base and limited horizontal extent but often billowing upward to great heights.
Cloud Types
high clouds (over 6 km)
Middle clouds (from 2 to 6 km)
Low clouds (less than 2 km)
Clouds of vertical development
Cirriform Clouds
are thin and wispy and composed of ice crystals rather than water droplets.
Stratiform Clouds
appear as grayish sheets that cover most or all of the sky, rarely broken up into individual cloud units.
Cumuliform Clouds
are massive and rounded, usually with a flat base and limited horizontal extent but often billowing upward to great heights.
Tall cumulus cloud associated with rain, thunderstorms, and other kinds of severe weather such as tornadoes and
Cloud Families
High Clouds
clouds over 6km
generally found above 6 kilometers (20,000 feet). Because of the small amount of water vapor and low temperature at such altitudes, these clouds are thin, white, and composed of ice crystals. Included in this family are cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus. These high clouds often are harbingers of an approaching weather system or storm.
Middle Clouds
clouds from 2 to 6 km
normally occur between about 2 and 6 kilometers (6500 and 20,000 feet). They may be either stratiform or cumuliform and are composed of liquid water. Included types are altocumulus and altostratus. The puffy altocumulus clouds usually indicate settled weather conditions, whereas the lengthy altostratus are often associated with changing weather.
Low Clouds
clouds less than 2km

Low clouds usually are below 2 kilometers (6500 feet). They sometimes occur as individual clouds but more often appear as a general overcast. Low cloud types include stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus. These low clouds often are widespread and are associated with somber skies and drizzly rain.
Clouds of Vertical Development
Grow upward from low bases to heights of over 15 km occasionally

A fourth family, clouds of vertical development, grows upward from low bases to heights of as much as 15 kilometers (60,000 feet). Their horizontal spread
is usually very restricted. They indicate very active vertical movements in the air. The relevant types are cumulus, which usually indicate fair weather, and cumulonimbus, which are storm clouds.
A cloud whose base is at or very near ground level.
Radiation Fog
results when the ground loses heat through radiation, usually at night. The heat radiated away from the ground passes through the lowest layer of air and into higher areas. The air closest to the ground cools as heat flows conductively from it to the relatively cool ground, and fog condenses in the cooled air at the dew point, often collecting in low areas.
Advection Fog
develops when warm, moist air moves horizontally over a cold surface, such as snow- covered ground or a cold ocean current. Air moving from sea to land is the most common source of advection fogs.
Unslope Fog or Orographic Fog
is created by adiabatic cooling when humid air climbs a topographic slope.
Evaporation Fog
results when water vapor is added to cold air that is already near saturation.
The condensation of beads of water on relatively cold surfaces.
usually originates from terrestrial radiation leaving and surface cooling
Moisture condensation on surfaces that have been cooled to saturation
Will appear as water droplets
occurs when air temperature lowers to saturation point, when the saturation point is below 0°C (32°F)
Will appear as large numbers of small white crystals
Stable Air
Air that rises only if forced.
parcel is negatively buoyant, will not rise without an external force
Unstable Air
Air that rises without being forced.
parcel is positively buoyant, will rise without an external force
originates from clouds
Condensation insufficient to form raindrops
tiny cloud drops collide and merge to form larger drops
Ice Crystal Formation
Bergeron process
Ice crystals and supercooled droplets coexist in cold clouds
Ice crystals attract vapor, supercooled drops evaporate to replenish the vapor
Ice crystals fall as snow or rain
Forms of Precipitation
rain: liquid water
Snow: cloud ice crystals
Sleet: snow melted and frozen again before hitting land, ice pellets
Glaze (Freezing Rain): water falls as liquid, freezes to surfaces
Hail: strong updrafts are required
liquid water
cloud ice crystals
snow melted and frozen again before hitting land, ice pellets
Glaze or Freezing Rain
water falls as liquid, freezes to surface
Strong updrafts are required

Rounded or irregular pellets or lumps of ice produced in cumulonimbus clouds as a result of active turbulence and vertical air currents. Small ice particles grow by collecting moisture from supercooled cloud droplets.
Convective Lifting
Air lifting with showery precipitation resulting from
Orographic Lifting
Uplift that occurs when air is forced to rise over top- ographic barriers.
Rain shadow
Area of low rainfall on the leeward side of a mountain
range or topographic barrier.
Frontal Lifting
The forced lifting of air along a front.
Convergent Lifting
Air lifting as a result of wind convergence.
A line joining points of equal numerical value of precipitation.
What regions have high precipitation?
What regions have low precipitation?
deserts and Poles
Precipitation Variability
Interannual Variability of Precipitation
Acid Rain
Sources of Acid Precipitation
Principle Acids
Measuring Acidity
Damage from Acid Precipitation
Distribution of Acid Rain in the US
Air Masses
An extensive body of air that has relatively uniform properties
in the horizontal dimension and moves as an entity.
Properties of an Air Mass
large (diameter > 1600 km), Uniform horizontal properties, Recognizable entity; travel as one
Origin of Air Masses
remains over a uniform land or sea surface long enough to acquire its uniform characteristics
Air Mass Classification
two letter classification system
Lowercase letter indicates moisture content
c —continental, dry
m—maritime, humid

Uppercase letter indicates source region
P—polar source region
T—tropical source region
A—arctic source region
E—equatorial source region
North American Air Masses
Continental Polar (cP)
Arctic (A)
Maritime Polar (mP)
Maritime Tropical (mT)
Continental Tropical (cT)
Equatorial (E)
clash over midlatitudes between polar and tropical air masses
A sharp zone of discontinuity between unlike air masses.
Four Primary Frontal Types
cold front
warm front
stationary front
occluded front
Cold Fronts
cold air advancing
protruding “nose” of cold air
faster than warm fronts
lift warm air ahead of cold fronts
identified by blue line with triangles pointing in direction of frontal motion
Warm Fronts
warm air advancing
gentle slope of warm air rising above cool air
slow cloud formation and precipitation
indicated by red line with semicircles pointing in the direction of warm air motion
Stationary Fronts
no advance of air masses
Occluded Fronts
cold air overtakes warm air
Cold front catches warm front, removing the energy of the storm (which is the warm air)
Occlusions mark the end of the cyclone’s life
Marked as a purple line with alternating triangles and half circles in direction of advancing cold air
Atmospheric Disturbances
Midlatitude disturbances—i.e., midlatitude cyclones
Tropical disturbances— easterly waves and hurricanes
Localized severe weather—thunderstorms and tornadoes
Midlatitude Disturbances
i.e., mitlatitude cyclones
Midlatitude Cyclones
exist between 35–70° latitude
Roughly 1600 km in size
Central pressure near 990 to 1000 mb
Converging counterclockwise circulation in Northern Hemisphere
Circulation creates fronts
Westward tilt with increasing elevation in Northern Hemisphere
Tropical Disturbances
Tropical Cyclones
A storm most significantly affecting the tropics and
subtropics; an intense low-pressure center that is essentially circular in shape. When wind speed reaches 119 km/hr (74 mph; 64 knots), they are called hurricanes in North America and the Caribbean.
A tropical cyclone with wind speeds of 119 km/hr (74 mph;
64 knots) or greater affecting North or Central America.
Easterly Waves
A long but weak migratory low-pressure trough in the

oriented N–S
Little cyclonic circulation
Convergence behind wave, divergence ahead of wave
Can intensify to tropical cyclones
A relatively violent convective storm accompanied by thunder and lightning.
A localized cyclonic low-pressure cell surrounded by a whirling cylinder of violent wind; characterized by a funnel cloud extending below a cumulonimbus cloud.
Weather Changes Behind Front
Cyclone Movement
steered by jet stream
System has a cyclonic wind circulation
Cold front advances faster than center of the storm
Life Cycle of a Cyclone
cyclogenesis to occlusion
the birth of cyclones
Midlatitude Cyclone Occurrence and Distribution
typically 6–15 cyclones exist worldwide
More numerous and better developed in winter than in summer
Move more equatorward during summer
Midlatitude Anticyclones
anticyclones—high pressure systems
Subsiding, diverging winds at the surface
Flow is clockwise around an anticyclone
Move slightly slower than cyclones
Relationships of Cyclones and Anticyclones
occur independently, but have a functional relationship
Anticyclone follows a cyclone
Anticyclones typically reside behind cyclone’s cold front
Categories of Tropical Disturbances
Tropical Depression
What are some characteristics of hurricanes?
prominent low pressure center, winds spiral inward
Steep pressure gradient and strong winds
Warm moist air enters storm to form rain and release latent heat
Eye wall and eye
Anticyclonic winds aloft, divergence aloft
Origin of a Hurricane
over warm water
A few degrees N or S of equator
No significant wind shear
Hurricane season
Hurricane movement
Irregular tracks within the flow of the trade winds
Typically begin moving east–west, some curve poleward
Eye of a Hurricane
The nonstormy center of a tropical cyclone,
which has a diameter of 16 to 40 kilometers (10 to 25 miles) and is a singular area of calmness in the maelstrom that whirls around it.
Hurricane Movement
Hurricane Tracks
Hurricane Life Span
Damage and Destruction of Hurricanes
high winds, torrential rain, and isolated tornadoes
Primary destruction— storm surge flooding
SaffirSimpson scale
Storm Surges
A surge of wind-driven water as much as 8 meters (25 feet) above normal tide level, which occurs when a hurricane advances onto a shoreline.
Saffir-Simpson Scale
Classification system of hurricane strength with category 1 the weakest and category 5 the strongest.
violent convective storms
Accompanied by thunder and lightning
Atmospheric conditions prone to thunderstorm formation
Thunderstorm Formation Stages
cumulus stage
Mature stage
Dissipating stage
Cumulus Stage
Mature Stage
Dissipating Stage
electric discharge in thunderstorms
Separation of charges due to ice particles in a cloud
Positive charges on Earth’s surface
Lightning Types
cloud to ground
Cloud to cloud
Within cloud
Cloud to Ground
Cloud to Cloud
Within Cloud
The sound that results from the shock wave produced by the instantaneous expansion of air that is abruptly heated by a lightning bolt.
deep low pressure vortex, typically less than 400 meters in diameter
Fast winds, sometimes in excess of 300 mph
Originate above ground, water vapor condenses into funnel cloud
Contains vapor and debris
Funnel Clouds
Funnel-shaped cloud extending down from a cumulo- nimbus cloud; a tornado is formed when the funnel cloud touches the surface.
Tornado Formation
vertical wind shear creates rotation with horizontal axis
Horizontal rotation tilted into vertical by thunderstorm updraft
Mesocyclone and tornado development
Supercell Thunderstorm
Cyclonic circulation of air within a severe thunderstorm;
diameter of about 10 kilometers (6 miles).
Strength of a Tornado
Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF Scale)
Classification scale of tornado strength, with
EF-0 being the weakest tornadoes and EF-5 being the most powerful.
Tornado Classification
Tornado "Hot Spots"
A funnel cloud in contact with the ocean or a large lake;
similar to a weak tornado over water.
Storm Watch
Weather advisory issued when conditions are favorable
for strong thunderstorms or tornadoes.
Storm Warning
Weather advisory issued when a severe thunderstorm
or tornado has been observed in an area; people should seek safety
Climate Classification
need a consistent climate classification scheme to understand numerous climate regions
Earliest known scheme was by the ancient Greeks 2200 years ago
Classified three major climate regions
Early Classification Schemes
Temperate Zone
Torrid Zone
Frigid Zone
The Koppen Climate Classification System
Köppen climate classification system
Based on a database of annual and monthly average temperature and precipitation
Four of five major groups classified by temperature
Fifth group classified by precipitation
Subdivided the five groups further based on temperature and precipitation relationships
The modified Köppen classification system
The Modified Koppen Climate Classification System
Koppen Letter Code System
Three letters; first describes group, second describes precipitation, third describes temperature
Chart showing the average monthly
temperature and precipitation for a weather station.
The Value of a Climograph
World Distribution of Major Climate Types
weather records. How do we explain their locations?
Tropical Humid Climates (Group A)
molded by the tropical latitudinal regions
Winterless climates; little temperature change
Moisture is prevalent
Precipitation influenced by ITCZ
Tropical Wet Climate (Af)
Monotonous climate
Daily temperature range exceeds annual range
High humidity
Rainfall multiple times a day
High solar angle year round; ITCZ influences rainfall
Tropical Savannah Climate (Aw)
lies north and south of Af climates
Seasonal alteration of wet and dry periods due to position changes of ITCZ
Smallest rainfall amounts of tropical regions
Tropical Monsoonal Climate (Am)
regions with prominent monsoonal wind pattern
Extensive rainfall during highSun season
Cherrapunji, India averages 425 inches
Cloud cover reduces temperatures slightly in summer versus spring
Dry climates (Group B)
over about 30% of land area worldwide
Lack of uplift or lack of moisture
Typical in subtropics
Marine deserts
Subtropical Desert Climate (BWh)
lie near subtropical highs
Precipitation is scarce (rare) and unreliable (highly variable)
Precipitation that does form is short lived and intense
Hot temperatures
Large diurnal range of temperature
Subtropical Steppe Climate (BSh)
typically surrounds BWh climates
Separate desert climate from humid climate
Extremes are muted in steppe regions
Cooler temperatures
More rainfall
Seasonal concentration of rainfall
Midlatitude Desert Climate (BWk)
Desert climate characterized by warm sum- mers but cold winters.
far removed from oceanic influence
Meager and erratic precipitation
Most precipitation occurs in summer
Cold winters, overall cooler temperatures
Greater annual temperature range
Midlatitude Steppe Climate (BSk)
occupies transitions between desert and humid climates
Greater precipitation than midlatitude deserts
Less temperature extremes than midlatitude deserts
Mild Midlatitude Climates (Group C)
transition between warmer tropical climates and colder severe midlatitude climates
Hot summers, mild winters
Highly variable precipitation amounts
Mediterranean Climate (Csa, Csb)
Mild midlatitude climate characterized by dry
summers and wet winters.
modest annual precipitation in winter, summer is virtually rainless
Mild winters and hot summers
Clear skies especially in summer
Most is Csa (hot summers); Csb climates have mild summers and are more coastal
Humid Subtropical Climate (Cfa, Cwa)
Mild midlatitude climate characterized by
hot summers and precipitation throughout the year.
warm to hot summers; high humidity (Cfa days are hot and sultry)
Precipitation reaches summer maximum, some drop off for winter
Winter temperatures in Cfa regions are mild; typically cooler than mediterranean climates
Marine West Coast Climate (Cfb, Cfc)
Mild midlatitude climate characterized by
mild temperatures and precipitation throughout the year.
influenced by onshore flow from midlatitude westerlies
Occurs when no topographic boundaries inhibit flow of maritime air inland
Frequently cloudy with precipitation
Temperate climate
Wettest of the midlatitudes
Severe Midlatitude Climates (Group D)
nly in Northern Hemisphere
Continentality—remoteness from oceans
Four recognizable seasons; long, cold winter and short summer
Subdivided into two types based on temperature
Humid Continental Climate (Dfa, Dfb, Dwa, Dwb)
Severe midlatitude climate characterized by
hot summers, cold winters, and precipitation throughout the year.
dominated by westerlies and associated frequent weather changes
Warm summers, cold winters
Generally low precipitation; higher amounts near coasts
Winter precipitation associated with cyclones; summer with convection
Subarctic Climate (Dfc, Dfd, Dwc, Dwd)
Severe midlatitude climate found in high latitude
continental interiors, characterized by very cold winters and an extreme
annual temperature range.
winters are long, dark, and bitterly cold
Summers are short; spring and fall pass quickly
Coldest temperatures; little precipitation
Largest annual temperature ranges (i.e., 90°F to 98°F in Verhoyansk, Siberia)
Polar Climates (Group E)
receive little insolation
No average temperature above 50°F
Extremely dry, but classified as non arid
Tundra Climate (ET)
Polar climate in which no month of the year has an
average temperature above 10°C (50°F).
southern boundary the “treeline”
Northern boundary border of any plant cover
Long, dark winters
Brief, cool summers
Little precipitation
Winters not as severely cold as subarctic climate region
Ice Cap Climate (EF)
Polar climate characterized by temperatures below freezing throughout the year.
mainly Greenland and most of Antarctica
Permanent cover of ice and snow
Ice plateaus; high latitude with high altitude
Very limited precipitation, essentially polar deserts
Highland Climate (Group H)
High mountain climate where altitude is dominant
control. Designated H in Köppen system.
nearly infinite variations from place to place
Altitude more significant than latitude in highlands
Exposure (whether a slope is windward or leeward)
High diurnal temperature variations due to thin, dry air
Global Climate Change
changes in climate on long time scales
Weather is “noise”, climate is longterm signal
Episodic events (i.e., El Niño and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation: PDO) versus longterm global climate change
Numerous time scales to consider (i.e., temperature)
70 million years, clear global cooling trend
150,000 years, temperature fluctuated
10,000 years, sharp warm up
150 years, warming trend relative to last 1000 years
proxy measures of climate (i.e., ice cores, tree rings)
Oxygen isotope analysis
Lighter versus heavier isotopes
High 18O/ 16O ratio, glaciation
study of past climate through tree ring analysis
Oxygen Isotope Analysis
Oceanic Sediments
Coral Reefs
ratio of 18O/ 16O in coral reefs
Height of old reefs
Ice cores
Ratio of 18O/ 16O serves as a thermometer
Provide direct atmospheric composition measurements
Pollen data
Radiocarbon dating
Ice Cores
Pollen Data
Causes of LongTerm Climate Change
atmospheric aerosols
Large quantities of aerosols can block insolation and lower temperature
Result from volcanic eruptions or asteroid impacts (years, decades?)
Anthropogenic impacts
Climate Change Causes (cont.)
solar output fluctuations
Sunspot activity related to solar output (years)
Variations in EarthSun relations
Shape of Earth’s orbit
Inclination of Earth’s axis
Precession of Earth’s axis
Milankovitch cycles (tens of thousands of years)
Greenhouse gas concentrations
Greenhouse gas concentrations related to temperature
Evidence of CO2 increase being anthropogenic
Feedback mechanisms
Positive feedback mechanisms
Water vapor feedback
Roles of the oceans
Absorb large amounts of carbon
Methane hydrates
Heat transfer from low latitudes to high latitudes
Climate models
General circulation models (GCMs)
Numerous assumptions
Accuracy of the models
Atmospheric Aerosols
Solar Output Fluctuations
Variations in Earth Sun Relations
Eccentricity of Orbit
Milankovitch Cycles
Combination of long-term astronomical cycles
involving Earth’s inclination, precession, and eccentricity of orbit; believed at least partially responsible for major periods of glaciation and deglaciation. .
Greenhouse Gasses Concentration
Feedback Mechanisms
The reflectivity of a surface. The fraction of total solar radiation that is reflected back, unchanged, into space.
Positive Feedback Mechanism
Water Vapor Feedback
Roles of the Ocean
Methane Hydrates
Climate Models
General Circulation Models (GCMs)
Evidence Of Current Global Warming
of 9 warmest years on record occurred since 2000 (since 1880)
Global temperature increasing at 0.13 °C per decade
Ocean temperatures increasing to depths of 9800 feet
Sea level rise
Temperatures in Arctic increasing at twice global rate
Sea ice in Arctic decreasing by 7.4 percent per decade
Ice caps and glacier melt leading to sea level rise
Temperatures on top of a permafrost layer have increased by 5.4 °F
Number of intense tropical cyclones increased since 1970
Amount of water vapor in atmosphere increased
Changes in precipitation amounts
Concentrations of carbon dioxide correlated with temperature
Carbon dioxide concentrations correlate with increased anthropogenic greenhouse gases (CO2 increase also correlated with the end of the last ice age: see new study published in late February)
Carbon dioxide increasing at a rate faster than observed in last 800,000 years
NJ climate
Consequences Of Global Warming
projected climate in the upcoming century
Climate will warm at about 0.4 °F per decade
Changes will be greater than those observed during 20th century
Estimated increase of temperature from 3.3 °F to 7.2 °F
Sea level rise
Stronger tropical cyclones
Increased precipitation
Potential Climate Change Impacts
managing climate change
Knowledge: Develop a better understanding of the details of future climate change.
Mitigation: Reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
Adaptation: Increase the resilience of society to climate change.
Leadership: Raise public awareness of the challenges posed by climate change and the need to mitigate and adapt.
The tropical humid climates exist at tropical latitudes and are characterized by warm, constant temperatures and rainfall
Dry climates exist near the subtropics and are characterized by hot, dry conditions
Mild midlatitude climates constitute a transition between warmer tropical climates and cold severe midlatitude climates
Mild midlatitude climates typically have long and hot summers and mild winters, and have modest precipitation
Severe midlatitude climates only occur in the Northern Hemisphere
Severe midlatitude climates have long, cold winters and short summers, and have large annual temperature ranges
Polar climates receive little insolation and are permanently cold and dry
Highland climates depend on elevation of mountainous terrain for their climate characteristics
Creative paleoclimatology methods are used to understand the Earth’s past climate
There are multiple factors that influence longterm climate change
Global warming is related to the increase in carbon dioxide release by humans
The Structure of the Earth
understanding of Earth’s structure based on minute fraction of total depth (less than 8 miles)
Good deal of information inferred by geophysical means
Four regions of Earth’s interior
Earth's Hot Interior
Four Regions of Earth's Interior
Outer Core
Inner core
depth of 5 km below ocean to near 20 km below land
Less than 1% of the Earth’s volume, 0.4% of Earth’s mass
Moho discontinuity
Mohorovicic (Moho) Discontinuity
The boundary between Earth’s crust and
extends to depth of 2900 km (1800 miles)
Largest of four shells
Makes up 84% of total volume, 67% of total mass
Three sublayers
Rigid rocks—lower mantle
Three Sublayers of the Mantle
rigid rocks
Tectonic plates consisting of the crust and upper rigid mantle. Also used as a general term for the entire solid Earth (one of the Earth “spheres”).
Plastic layer of the upper mantle that underlies the lithosphere. Its rock is dense, but very hot and therefore weak and eas-
ily deformed.
Rigid Rocks
lower mantle
Outer Core
molten, extends to depth of 5000 km
Inner Core
dense mass with radius of about 1450 km
Primarily made of iron/nickel or iron/silicate
Two zones combined make up 15% of the Earth’s volume and 32% of the Earth’s mass
Magnetic field of Earth controlled by outer core
Magnetic poles not the same as the axial poles
Earth's Magnetic Field
Plate Tectonics and the Structure of Earth
"Continental Drift"
Plate Tectonics
The Composition of Earth
naturally formed compounds and elements of Earth
Characteristics of Minerals
Found in nature
Specific chemical composition
Contains atoms that arrange in patterns to form crystals
Important Crustal Minerals
silicates—combine oxygen and silicon, the most common elements in the lithosphere
Oxides—elements that are combined with oxygen
Sulfides—combination of sulfur and another element (i.e., pyrite, Figure 133)
Sulfates—contain sulfur and oxygen
Carbonates—lightcolored minerals that are composed of a combination of carbon, oxygen and an element (i.e., limestone)
Halides—derived from word “salt”, salty minerals
Native elements—gold and silver
combine oxygen and silicon, the most common elements in the lithosphere
elements that are combined with oxygen
combination of sulfur and another element (i.e., pyrite, Figure 133)
contain sulfur and oxygen
lightcolored minerals that are composed of a combination of carbon, oxygen and an element (i.e., limestone)
derived from word “salt”, salty minerals
Native Elements
gold and silver
composed of many minerals
Fewer than 20 minerals make up 95% of the composition of crustal rocks
Surface exposure of bedrock.
A layer of broken and partly decomposed rock particles that covers bedrock.
characteristics of different rocks
Three Major Rock Groups or Classes
Igneous Rocks
igneous—“fiery inception”
Magma—molten rock beneath Earth’s surface
Lava—molten rock when it flows onto Earth’s surface
Classification of igneous rocks is based on mineral composition and texture
Texture based on how rocks cool
Those formed by cooling and solidification of molten rock
molten rock beneath Earth’s surface
molten rock when it flows onto Earth’s surface
Solid rock fragments thrown into the air by volcanic explosions.
Two Types of Igneous Rocks
Plutonic (Intrusive) Rocks
Volcanic (Extrusive) Rocks
Plutonic (Intrusive) Rocks
hose that form within the Earth
Rocks cool beneath Earth’s surface
Surrounding rocks insulate the magma intrusion, slowing cooling
Individual minerals in a plutonic rock can grow to large size
the most common and well-known plutonic (intrusive) rock; coarse-grained rock consisting of both dark- and light-colored minerals; forms from felsic (relatively high silica content) magma.
Volcanic (Extrusive) Rocks
form on Earth’s surface
Cool rapidly
Generally do not show individual mineral crystals, but can if the crystals are formed from shattered rock that was explosively ejected
Fine-grained, dark (usually black) volcanic rock; forms from mafic (relatively low silica content) lava.
Sedimentary Rocks
external processes cause rock disintegration
Material transported by water as sediment
Over long periods, large amounts of sediment build to large thicknesses
Exert enormous pressure, which causes particles in sediment to interlock
Chemical cementation takes place
Forms sedimentary rock
Strata—horizontal layers of sedimentary rock; sometimes tilted into vertical by Earth processes
Two primary types: clastic and chemical/organic ___ rocks
Form as a result of transport of mineral material by water
Small particles of rock debris or organic material deposited by water, wind, or ice.
horizontal layers of sedimentary rock; sometimes tilted into vertical by Earth processes

Distinct layers of sediment or layers in sedimentary rock.
Bedding Planes
Flat surfaces separating one sedimentary layer from the next.
Clastic (Detrital) Sedimentary Rocks
composed of fragments of preexisting rocks
Also known as detrital rocks
Shale is an example
Conglomerate; composed of pebblesized fragments
Chemical and Organic Sedimentary Rocks
formed by precipitation of soluble materials or complicated chemical reactions
Limestone and coal are examples
Organic sedimentary rocks such as coal form from remains of dead plants and animals
Metamorphic Rocks
rocks which were originally igneous or sedimentary and have been drastically changed by heat and pressure
Causes a “cooking” of rocks
Rearranges the crystal structure of the original rock
Contact metamorphism: rock contacts magma and is rearranged
Regional metamorphism: large volumes of rock are subjected to heat and pressure over long time scales
Limestone becomes marble; sandstone becomes quartzite, shale becomes slate
Two primary types, schist and gneiss
Contact Metamorphism
rock contacts magma and is rearranged
Regional Metamorphism
large volumes of rock are subjected to heat and pressure over long time scales
Hydrothermal Metamorphism
Metamorphism associated with hot,
mineral-rich solutions circulating around preexisting rock.
Foliated Metamorphic Rocks
Nonfoliated Metamorphic Rocks
metamorphic rocks with narrow foliations
road, banded foliations
The Rock Cycle
processes where rocks can transition from igneous rocks to sedimentary rocks to metamorphic rocks
The transition cycle through the different rock types
Continental and Ocean Floor Rocks
sedimentary rocks make up 75% of the continents
Sedimentary cover is not thick
Continental crust: sial (silicon and aluminum)
Ocean floor crust: sima (silicon and magnesium)
Ocean lithosphere is more dense than continental lithosphere
Ocean crust can be subducted into the asthenosphere
Continental and ocean floor rocks possess different characteristics, which are important in geophysical processes
recognition of differences between oceanic crust, continental crust, and mantle
The recognition of the differences between continental crust, oceanic crust, and mantle
The Study of Landforms
topography—surface configuration of Earth
Landform—individual topographic feature of any size
Elements of landform study
surface configuration of Earth
individual topographic feature of any size
Landforms are characterized by structure, process, slope, and drainage
The study of the characteristics, origin, and development of landforms.
Elements of Landform Study
The difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points in an area; the vertical variation from mountaintop to valley bottom.
Some Critical Concepts
internal and External Geomorphic Processes
Internal: originate from within Earth, increase relief of land surface
External: originate from sources above the lithosphere, such as the atmosphere or oceans; decrease relief of land surface
Internal and External Geomorphic Processes
internal and external geomorphic processes are responsible for the relief of Earth
Internal Processes
Geomorphic processes originating
below the surface; include volcanism, folding, and faulting.
External (Denudation) Processes
Destructive processes that serve to
denude or wear down the landscape. Includes weathering, mass wasting, and erosion.
The present is the key to the past”
Processes which shaped the landscape of the past are the same that will shape the future
Uniformitarianism allows us to use geologic time to infer what happened in the past based on the present
the theory that changes in the earth's crust during geological history have resulted chiefly from sudden violent and unusual events. Often contrasted with uniformitarianism.
Geologic Time
past periods of time over which geologic processes operate
Scale and Pattern
An Example of Scale
an example of scale—five perspectives Horseshoe Park
Pattern and Processes in Geomorphology
The Pursuit of Pattern
major landform assemblages of the world
What are some of the impacts of storms on the landscape?
Storm conditions can result in widespread damage through flooding and wind damage. Can provide diversity in vegetative cover, increase lake and pond size, sculpt coastlines, etc.