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44 Cards in this Set

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Naturally occurring organic material found in the Earth.


A useful mineral found deep deep deep deep deep deep underground

Fossil fuels

ancient organism parts that have been pressed down on to create fuel for electricity

Physical properties

Properties that can determine the mineral without changing the substance

Chemicals properties

Properties that change the substance

Rock cycle

The order of rock transformation from one to another


broken down rocks; are cemented into sedimentary rocks

sedimentary rock

rocks created by sediments eroding, depositing, and cementing

metamorphic rock

rock created by heat and pressure

extrusive igneous rock

rock formed from the cooling of magma AFTER it has left the volcano

intrusive igneous rock

rock formed from the cooling of magma WHILE IT IS STILL INSIDE the volcano

mechanical weathering

the physical break down of rocks

chemical weathering

the chemical break down of rocks


the carrying away/transportation of sediments


the sediments are deposited after being eroded


the measure of mass in an object

continental crust

the outermost layer of earth. the lest dense layer.

oceanic crust

the inner layer of the crust; the more denser part.


the very bottom of the crust


the top of the mantle


the largest layer of earth; it made mostly of molten rock

outer core

the second innermost layer of earth; is made of liquid iron and nickle

inner core

the innermost layer of earth; is made of solid iron and nickle


the force applied at divergent plate boundaries


the force applied at convergent plate boundaries


the fore applied at transform plate boundaries

convection currents

the rotation of hot and cold magma in the mantle; is the cause of tectonic plates moving

theory of plate tectonics

the belief that the earth has plates that are constantly moving


when a older, more denser plate converges with a younger, less dense plate; the older one slides under the the younger one; this will cause trenches and volcanic arcs

hot spots

volcanoes that do not appear on a fault line; these occur when the magma from the mantle leak though the crust; volcano island arcs; example is hawaii

converging plate boundaries

when two plates push together at a fault line

diverging plate boundaries

when two plates push away from each other at a fault line

transform plate boundaries

when two plates push beside each other scrapping against one another; California is an example of this

mid-ocean ridges

small mountain ranges that appear at divergent plate boundaries


a super continent that is believed to have been created once long ago; it is supporting evidence of the theory of plate tectonics

island arc's

a small arc of islands; typically from a hot spot


the area between two plates


large, deep valleys that are found in the ocean at a subduction zone

folded mountains

large mountains that appear at convergent plates

pacific ring of fire

a large ring of volcanoes in the pacific ocean

seismic activity

the time and size of earthquakes


large natural structures; i.e: mountains, valleys, trenches, volcanoes, etc.

sea-floor spreading

happens at divergent plate boundaries; the oceanic crust gets thinned out

San Andrea's Fault

Major transform fault line in California