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41 Cards in this Set

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How are star temperature and color related?
Blue- hot
Yellow- medium
Red- cool
White- medium hot
Orange- medium cool
What units are used in measuring the distance between stars? Planets?
Light years, 1 AU (astronomical unit) = distance between earth and sun once, 93 million miles
What is the difference between apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude?
apparent- how bright a star seems
based on size, temp. and distance
absolute- how bright it actually is
In the space below, show the life cycle for a low mass star. Medium. Large
Low mass: nebula, protostar, main sequence, white dwarf, black dwarf
Medium mass: nebula, protostar, main sequence, red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf, black dwarf
Large mass: nebula, protostar, main sequence, red supergiant, supernova
How are terrestrial and Jovian planets different?
Terrestrial- Mercury, venus, earth, mars
Jovian- Jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
gassy, less dense, rings
What is the celestial sphere?
The big imaginary dome of the earth, limited. (Truman show)
Geocentric model
Earth is the center, planets orbit
Ptolemaic model
model that predicts retrograde motion, planets still orbit earth
Heliocentric model
Planets all orbit sun
______'s three laws of planetary motion
What are the three laws of planetary motion?
1. Orbits are ellipses
2. Planet moves faster when closer to sun (perihelion and aphelion)
3. Bigger the period- longer the time to orbit
Define perihelion and aphelion
Perihelion - when earth is closest to sun (January)
Aphelion - when earth is farthest from the sun (july)
3 motions of earth in our solar system and what they cause
Rotation: spinning of earth on it's axis, day/night
24 hours
Revolution: around sun, seasons, year, 365 days
Precession: long time climate change, every 26000 years
Explain why the moon goes through phases
The amount of the illuminated side of the moon that is visible to us on earth
What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere
What are the layers of the atmosphere? Describe each in terms of temperature and pressure.
Too many stupid tests
troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, thermosphere
Describe each of the three forms of heat transfer in the atmosphere.
convection - heat rising and cooling, sinking
conduction - direct contact between solids
radiation - indirect heating sun
Which heats more rapidly, land or water?
What effect will a large body of water have on daily/ nightly winds for nearby lands?
water - high specific heat (amount of energy needed to raise temp.)
energy sponge
land close to water- moderate
day- sea breeze
night- land breeze
What effect will a large body of water have on the climate for the nearby land?
More moderate temp.
What are isotherms? Isobars?
Isotherm- lines connecting points of equal temperature
Isobar- lines connecting points of equal pressure
What is air pressure?
Force of air per unit on an object or surface
What causes wind?
convection currents
uneven heating of earth, changes in air pressure
What is the coriolis effect? What causes it?
curving of wind due to the rotation of earth
What do closely spaced isobars indicate? widely spaced isobars?
close- high pressure difference
far away- low pressure difference
What is the jet stream?
river of air, 4 around the whole globe, on tropopause, moves air at top, makes the rest move
What is a front?
named by which one is moving, 2 air masses moving
Describe the conditions associated with a cyclone (low pressure system) in the Northern Hemisphere. Include pressure, temp., winder direction, fronts, and relative humidity/capacity.
Low pressure, hot/warm, converging at bottom, move up, high capacity, low RH. diverge at top. clouds
Describe the conditions associated with an anti-cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere. Include pressure, temperature, wind direction, fronts, and relative humidity/capacity.
anti-cyclone, high-pressure, clockwise, air diverging at surface, clear skies, warm air sinks, low RH big capacity no clouds, clockwise wind
What are renewable resources? Non-renewable?
Renewable- something we have unlimited access to
Non-renewable- limited
Describe the benefits and drawbacks of solar energy
+ nonpolluting, free, efficient
- costly, back up needed
+ controlled easily
- nuclear waste hazards, safety issues, expensive wind
+ dependable, always wind
- noise, cost of land and tech, size
+ clean
What are the layers of the earth? Identify each layer as a liquid or solid
outer coure-liquid
inner core-sold
What happens to temperature as you go toward the center of the earth? Pressure?
Hotter, higher pressure
What were the four pieces of evidence used to support continental drift?
Jigsaw puzzle
fossil evidence
geologic feature
ancient climates
What is the focus/epicenter
focus: under where earthquake starts
epicenter: above
How do developed and undeveloped countries compare in the effects of natural hazards?
Earthquakes: developed, less damage, stronger, building codes
What scale is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake?
rictor scale, seismograph
what is the earths core made of
iron and nickle, flow of outer core: magnetic field