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129 Cards in this Set

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The act of assigning information to a location
- must be both unique and persistent (no change over time)
Types of georeferencing:
location defined using distance referenced from fixed location (i.e, equator = 0,0)
Types of georeferencing:
Locations ordered in some manner
- i.e, street address, postal codes
Types of georeferencing:
Place names
- points, areas and lines
Point = a city (small scale)
Lines = a river, road
Areas = cities, countries, regions (large scale)
What is weird about the address labelling system in Japan?
They sometimes don't label their roads so it is hard for tourists to get around
use things like "North of X street and East of 7 street"
measuring the size and shape of the Earth

people who did this:
- Homer
- Anaxamenes
- Pythagoras
T/F: The shape of the Earth resembles a sphere more than an ellipse
False. Earth is an ellipse (A does not equal B)

- Assumes different lengths for each axis
- More appropriate since the Earth is flatter at its poles due to its rotation speed
- Polar circumference = 39,939,539.9 m
- Equatorial circumference = 40,075,452.7 m
- Earth has a flattening index of 1/298.257
What is a geoid? ***
- Based on gravity (What would the shape of the Earth be if water could run freely across the surface?)

Earth is very irregular
Not used in GIS/ cartography
Geographic Graticule
- 3-D network of latitude and longitude
- "Earth as it is"
- coords measured in angles
What is a projection?
Process by which the Earth's spheroid is mathematically transformed onto a flat surface, either on paper or digitally

converts data sets from geographic coordinates to projected coordinates
What are the reasons for projecting Earth onto a flat plane?
- easier to measure distance
- Can measure areas
- can see Earth all at once
- Paper used for maps is flat
What aspects of the Earth are distorted during projection?
- Area
- Distance
- Shape
- Direction
- distorts distance and area (extreme area distortion at poles
- Shrink at mid-latitudes
- preserves direction and shape

- Good for East-West mapping
- Distorts all four properties a little
- Good for thematic mapping
What is Tissot's Indicatrix?
Way of gauging distortion on maps
-a single indicatrix shows distortion along the lines of latitude
Way of gauging distortion on maps
-a single indicatrix shows distortion along the lines of latitude
What are the three types of developable surfaces for projections?
What are the three aspects to the surface of Earth, used for projections?
- Normal = Oriented at polar axis, N-S direction
- Transverse = 90 deg to poles , E-W direction
- Oblique= somewhere in between the two
What is the difference between a tangent and secant projection?
Tangent: developable surface touches the Earth to form a tangent plane, cylinder or cone

Secant: developable surface cuts through Earth to form a secant plane, cylinder, cone
- will hit two lines of latitude
- reduces distortion
Azimuthal Projection
Spherical surface onto a flat plane
- will preserve direction from a reference point
- Resulting projection is circular in shape
Cylindrical Projections
• Straight meridians and parallels
• Meridians equally spaced
• Parallel spacing is the only thing that distinguished different types of cylindrical projections
• Whole world maps are always rectangular
• Scale true along the equator
Conical Projections
Data model
set of constructs for representing real world in a digital GIS environment
- geography represented as objects or fields
Well defined boundaries in otherwise empty space
- recognizable classes
- Dimensionality

0- dimensional points (Property = location)
1- dimensional lines (Property= location, length)
- two end points, points in between to mark shape
2- dimensional areas/ polygons (Property = area, perimeter, location)
Continuous surface
- variables change value at all locations
i.e, soil properties, population density, elevation
Vector Representation
Space defined by continuous X, Y coords

uses points, lines, and polygons to represent spatial features or object in a clear boundary

- object locations defined by (x, y) pairs
- coord pairs used as building blocks for lines + polygons
Lines in Vector Representation
2 points define a line segment
- arc = two or more line segments
- nodes = endpoints of an arc
What is topology?
Concerned with the spatial relationships, not necessarily preserving direction/ distance
i.e, a subway map

- Use in GIS:
- to validate geometry of vector datasets (check to see if polygons closed, lines connected)
- Various operations (i.e, spatial search, shortest path)

Three elements:
- Connectivity: arcs connect to meet each other at nodes
- Containment: area defined by a series of connected nodes
- Adjacency: arcs have directions and left and right polygons
Vector Encoding
- Representation of vector objects in the computer
- Points, lines, polygons each encoded separately
- Spaghetti Data Model
o Structure simple
o No relative relationships
• Each feature has no knowledge of other features that it intersects or is adjacent to
o Generally come from CAD files
Raster Representation
Uses both a grid and grid cells to represent continuous fields such as elevation, precipitation
- each cell has a value that captures the magnitude of the field at cell location

used for both fields and models
Cellular organization
- divides space in a series of units
- each unit is same in size
- Grid cells = most common raster rep.
- JPEG, TIFF, GIF = formats
- requires a large amount of computer memory

Real world is turned into a grid
Represent digital orthophotos, DEMs, categorical data, multispectral images
Cell Values
Cells assigned one value only

Mixed pixel problem: How can you assign values to cells containing more than one feature?

Assignment scheme: Value of a cell may be based on a domination scheme, the most common value at the edge itself.
- may be the value found at the central point
Discrete Raster
- values are integers
- Refers to a limited number of classes
- Pixels with the same value are the same class
- Similar to polygons
- i.e, soil, vegetation class
Continuous Raster
values are "floats"
- i.e, elevation, precipitation
Location Precision
• Location not stored as X/Y
• Cell has an implied location
• Only grid origin is stored
• Locational precision based on cell size
• Cell location refers to centre of cell
pixel size
- Size of the grid cell or picture element, defining level of spatial detail in ground units (i.e, 10 m)
- pixel size = MMU = resolution
- variation within pixels is lost

- increase detail by decreasing pixel size
- small enough grid sizes can effectively replicate vector structures
Decision is based on:
- level of detail required
- features being mapped
- map scale
- storage available, machine speed

There is a tradeoff between detail and storage

Want to get the smallest resolution that will still allow the machine to run/ be effective

1/2 pixel width = 4x data volume
Data compression
A bunch of diagrams!!
Quadtree data model
Uses cells of different sizes, depending on information density
- large cells in smooth areas, smaller ones in more detailed areas
- More efficient storage than run-length coding
- Display/ analysis faster
How to build a quadtree
1. Divide into quadrants
2. If a quadrant is homogeneous, leave it as it is
3. If not homogeneous, subdivide until
- a quadrant is homogeneous/ OR highest level of resolution is reached
Raster vs. Vector Modelling
Raster strengths
- geographic position implicit
- neighbouring locations represented by neighbouring cells
- Accommodates both discrete and continuous data
- Compatible with remotely sensed data

Vector Strengths
- point-line-polygon format familiar
- vector systems have smaller storage requirements
- individual features can be retrieved individually for processing
- a variety of attributes can be associated with feature
- "superior cartography"
- vector to raster conversion
- smooth lines become jagged (lines turned into pixels)
- areas smaller than the pixel size disappear
- problem with mixed pixels?

1. Have vector data
2. superimpose grid surface
3. Assign definite values
4. apply "rules"
5. Reduce grid size (if applicable)
Raster to vector conversion
- works well with discrete rasters, not so well for continuous
- lines typically smoothed
- Issue: where to draw the lines
Geographic Information System
complex system for storing, managing, analyzing and displaying spatial data

Created in the 1960s by Roger Tomlinson
Components of a GIS
- Hardware
- Software
- Humans
- Infrastructure
Elements of a GIS
- Data model
- data acquisition
- data management
- data display
- data exploration
- data analysis
Georelational vector data model
Stores geometries and attributes of spatial features seperately
Object based vector data model
Stores geometries and attributes of spatial features in a single system
Converts from one system of projected coordinates to another system
Lines of equal longitude
- Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich England (0 deg)
- Measure location in E-W direction
Lines of equal latitude
- Equator is 0 deg
- Measure location in N-S direction
Conformal Projection
preserves local angles and shapes
Equivalent Projection
represents areas in correct relative size
Equidistant Projection
maintains consistency of scale along certain lines
Azimuthal Projection
Retains certain accurate distances
Can a projection be both conformal and equidistant?
Nope, they are mutually exclusive
Standard Line
the line of tangency between the projection surface and the reference globe
- tangent = one std line
- secant - two std lines

Standard parallel if it follows a parallel
Standard meridian if it follows a meridian
Central Line
Define the centre of a map projection
- much like x and y lines on a coord grid
False Easting
Assigned to x-coord
False Northing
Assigned to y coords
Transverse Mercator
Secant cylindrical
- uses std parallel
- conformal
Definition requires:
- scale factor at central meridian
- latitude of origin
- longitude of central meridian
- false easting, northing
Lambert Conformal Conic
- conic = good for mid-lat
- greater E-W than N-S extent
- secant conic
- first + second std parallels
- central meridian
- lat of origin
- false easting, northing
UTM Grid System
Earth's surface divided into 60 zones
- Each zone covers 6 deg of longitude and is numbered sequentially
zero dimension (0)
- only the property of location
What are the advantages of topology?
- Ensures data quality and integrity
- Can enhance GIS analysis

What are the main advantages of shapefiles?
standard non topological data format in ESRI products
.shp file stores geometry
.shx file maintains spatial index of feature geometry

- can display more rapidly on monitor than topology data
-non proprietary, interoperable (can be used across different software packages)
defines how many instances of one class can be associated with another class through multiplicity expressions at both ends of the relationship
describes the whole-part relationship between classes
- a type of association, except that the multiplicity at the composite (whole) end is 1
- multiplicity at the other end is 0 or a positive integer

- a census tract is an aggregation of a number of census blocks
describes a type of association in which the parts cannot exist independantly from the whole

- ex: roadside rest areas along a highway cannot exist without a highway
Type inheritance
defines the relationship between a superclass and subclass

subclass: member of a superclass and inherits its properties and methods

Ex: a residential area is a member of a built up area but it can have properties such as lot size that seperate residential areas from commercial or indiustrial
Triangulated irregular network (TIN)
approximates the terrain with a set of nonoverlapping triangles
- each triangle assumes a constant gradient
- flat areas have fewer but larger triangles
- highly variable areas have denser but smaller triangles

Commonly used for terrain mapping and analysis
- point, line, polygon features
What are the two general forms of data capture in a GIS?
What is an example for each in a raster + vector GIS?
1. Primary:
- Raster (Remote sensing, aerial photog)
- Vector (GPS, VGI, Surveying)
2. Secondary
- Raster (Scanning maps, DEMs from maps)
- Vector (Digitizing maps)
Remote sensing/ aerial photography
- Collect data about Earth's surface without touching anything
- Info derived from measurements of electromagnetic radiation
- Resolution is a key factor (Spatial, temporal, spectral)
What is secondary raster capture?
What are three reasons why its useful?
- Scanning of maps, aerial photos, ect
1. Reduce wear + tear, improve access
2. Provide geographic context for other layers
3. Backdrops for onscreen digitizing
What are procedures/ reasons for georeferencing a raster?
- Define existence in physical space
- Establish a relationship between raster + vector data and projections + coordinate systems

- Align raster with control points
How do you align a raster with control points?
1. Match raster to vector data with known coordinate system
2. Add spatially referenced data to the frame first
3. Identify ground control points that link locations in each data set (best with known/ obvious features)
4. Try to put points at corners
5. As you place each point down the raster the image will shift
What is RMS error?
- Difference between the "from" control point to the corresponding "to" control point after transformation
- describes how consistent the transformation is between the different control points
- Large errors can be removed
What is the difference between updating and rectifying a georeferenced image?
Updating: Produces a "word file"/ updates "on the fly" (doesn't actually save anything)

Rectify: Produces a new raster dataset that is georeferenced
On-screen digitizing
- Primary input device is the mouse
- continuously sends a set of X,Y coords to computer
Manual digitizing: Tables and Tablets
- Lay map on table?
- Table has built-in electronic mesh (spacing determines amount of resolution)
Manual digitizing: Digitizing puck
- Mouse like device, transmits the location of a point to the controller
Some rules to follow when digitizing
1. Digitize what you really need
2. Use the best level of accuracy according to your task
3. Input data as separate themes (point, line, polygon)
4. Choosing the right amount of points is difficult, use common sense
What is "snapping" in georeferencing?
Snapping automatically connects features
- prevents dangles
- features falling within snap distance are automatically connected

1. Edge snapping
2. End snapping
3. Vertex snapping
Primary vector capture: Surveying
- Locations of objects determined with angle + distance measurements from known locations
- Uses field equipment + ppl
- Most accurate for large + small scale area
Primary vector capture: Global Navigation Satellite Systems
 GPS(NAVSTAR)–developed by US army
 GLONASS–developed by Soviet Union
 GALILEO–currently being developed by European Union
 COMPASS–currently being developed by China
How does environment impact accuracy?
1. Signal blockages
- Common in valleys
- Caused by regional topography
- Related to satellite constellation

2. Signal interference
- common on engineering sites
- caused by electric noise
- often the result of microwave antennas

3. Signal Obstructions
- Common under dense canopies
- Caused by vegetation, buildings
- Results in multipath signals (more than one signal trying to get from the satellite to you)
What is VGI?
Volunteered Geographic Information
- Citizens volunteer to contribute to geographic data
- can be good in catastrophic situations
Levels of measurement: Nominal
- Simplest form of measurement
- Placing observations into one of two mutually exclusive categories
- Only want to know if values are the same or different
- a=b, a does not = b

- Land use categories
- Ecozones
Level of measurement: Ordinal
- Objects are placed in some rank order (1,2,3, high, medium, low)
- Order is meaningful but magnitudes are not

- average age at death
Level of measurement: Interval
- Objects are ordered
- Magnitude between objects is meaninful
- 0 is meaningful

Level of measurement: Ratio
Objects are ordered
- magnitude between objects is meaningful
- how many times one object varies from another
- a/b
- 0 means an absence of data
- Hamilton municipal election percentage
Sources of tables
dBASE files
INFO files
Excel spreadsheets
Microsoft access
ASCII text files
Feature attribute table
- Stores attributes of map layer
- Has special fields for spatial information
Standalone table
- Stores any tabular data
- NOT associated with spatial data
- OID instead of FID
What are the 3 field properties?
1. Length: the total characters a text file can store
2. Precision: The total number of digits a numerical scale can store
3. Scale: The number of decimal places
What are naming rules for data types? (dBASE files)
- No more than 10 characters for dBASE (shapefiles)
- Use only letters, numbers
- Must start with a letter, no spaces
- Must be unique within table
Types of Data:
- Short
- Long
- Float
- Double
- Text
Short: Integers stored as 4 byte binary numbers
Long: Integers stored as 10 byte binary numbers
Float: floating point values (1.29987)
Text: Alphanumeric strings
Date: Date format
BLOB: Binary large object
Relational Model
- Each column or field represents an attribute
- Each row of attribute values represents a tuple
- Table is called a relation and is:
- Composed of a set of tuples
- Each tuple occurs only once
- tables connected by "keys"
Primary Key vs. Foreign Key
Primary Key: One or more attributes whose values uniquely identify a tuple

Foreign Key: one or more attributes in a relation which identify the primary key in another relation
Types of relationships:
- One tuple in Table A is related to one tuple in Table B and vice versa
- Provinces to Premiers
- Principals to schools

- a tuple in Table A is related to many tuples in Table B (a tuple in Table B is only related to one tuple in Table A)
- Provinces to cities

- a tuple in Table A can be related to many tuples in in Table B and a tuple in Table B can be related to many tuples in Table A
- students to class
- stores to customers
What are the two basic types of maps?
- General reference (road maps, topo maps)
- Thematic (land use types, biomes)
What are some examples of nominal point data?
- Types of buildings, types of settlements
- Symbolization must be legible + distinctive
What are some examples of nominal line data?
- Political boundaries, roads, rivers
- Symbolization distinguished by character of lines (colour, bolded, dashed)
What are some examples of nominal area data?
- Land use, geologic formations, vegetation
- Symbolization

- Distinctive colours
- Patterns often good choices
What are some examples of ordinal point data?
- Size of settlements
- Proportion of French speakers

-Intensity best distinguished by shading
- Size/ amount best distinguished by size of circle
What are some examples of ordinal line data?
Roadway congestion
Political boundaries
What are some examples of ordinal area data?
Suitability of soils for a certain crop
- major vs minor manufacturing areas

Discrete vs. continuous phenomena
Continuous: temperature, precipitation, elevation

Discontinuous: populations of settlements
- Assumes a gradual change between sample points

- based on contours
- Process of drawing isolines is "interpolation"

- never split/ bifurcate
- extreme lows/ highs symbolized by pair of isolines
- Data areas are made proportional to the values being mapped
- Areas scaled + used as symbols
- like a homunculus
Dot maps
- dots are placed at points to represent numbers of phenomena being mapped
-investigate factors that control distribution
Chloropleth maps
Conventional for density/ ratio data
- Sequence of shades
- Shades assigned to value classes
What are the two approaches to standardizing data?
1. Rate (i.e, cancer death rate/1000 ppl)
2. Proportion/ percentage (i.e, population change)
What are the first five (of seven) types of classification methods?
1. Equal interval
- Data split into equal number of classes
- does not consider underlying distribution
- calculated as range/# of classes
2. Defined interval (specify interval size)
- Specify interval size
- Number of classes will be determined based on interval size + range values
3. Quantile/ percentile
- Data rank ordered + equal # of observations placed in each class
- identical data should not be placed in different classes
- Calculated as total observation/# of classes
4. Natural breaks
- Minimize difference between data values
- Computed via algorithms
- Considers underlying values of data
5. Geometric progression
- classes are created so that interval width increases at a multiplicative rate
- Considers the underlying distribution of data
- Example: if the first class is 2 units wide, the next would be
4 (2 × 2), then 8 (2 × 2 × 2), and so on...
What are the last two (of seven) types of classification methods?
6. Arithmetic progression
- Classes are created so that the interval width
Example: if the first class is 2 units wide, the next would be 4 (2 + 2), then 6 (2 + 2 + 2), and so on...

7. Standard deviation
Classes are created by adding or subtracting standard
deviations from the mean of the data
- Effectively creates bipolar data (values are compared to the mean)
- Considers the underlying distribution of the data
Rules of Classification
Number of classes = no more than 11, no less than 4
- Include all data values
- no overlapping classes
- classes should capture underlying distribution
- Maximize differences between classes
- Minimize differences within classes
When is a serif font acceptable in a map?
When is a sans-serif font acceptable in a map?
Physical features
oceans + lakes (ALL CAPS AND ITALICS)

Sans serif: cultural features
a statement of how distance on a map relates to distance on the ground
- should always use round numbers
- usually at bottom

Verbal statement
Representative Fraction
Graphic Scale
Local Functions
Create an output layer where each cell value is a function of the same cell from the input layer

For example: output cells are directly related to input cells
Create an output layer where each cell value is a function of the same cell from the input layer

For example: output cells are directly related to input cells
Focal/ Neighbourhood Function
Create an output later where the value of the cell is a function of its neighbouring cells on the input
- often used for spatial aggregation, slope, aspect

The neighbourhood is defined by a window that is moved over input layer cells
- 3x3 ce...
Create an output later where the value of the cell is a function of its neighbouring cells on the input
- often used for spatial aggregation, slope, aspect

The neighbourhood is defined by a window that is moved over input layer cells
- 3x3 cells is a common window size
Spatial Aggregation
down sample a large raster layer to reduce it to a smaller number of cells
- As window size increases, detail is lost
Averaging Method
Computes the average value of all cells over window + uses as the value of aggregated cell
Central Cell Method
Uses the central cell in the window as the aggregated value
Median Method
Computes median value of all cells + uses as aggregated
Zonal Focus
Create an output layer where the value of the cell intersects of falls within the input zone layer

The zone = all of the areas with the same value
- used for parceling, zonal statistics
Create an output layer where the value of the cell intersects of falls within the input zone layer

The zone = all of the areas with the same value
- used for parceling, zonal statistics
Identifies clusters of spatially contiguous cells with the same values + reclassifies then by giving each cluster a unique value
Identifies clusters of spatially contiguous cells with the same values + reclassifies then by giving each cluster a unique value
Category-wide Overlay
Goal is to obtain relevant data for computing statistics (totals, averages, ect)

- two input layers to create one output
- Use cells on one raster as a "cookie cutter" to extract values from others
Distance functions
Used to measure distance from source cells

Used for:
- Proximity
- Straight line distance
- cost-weighted distance
- shortest path calculations
What are the 5 M's of GIS
Defines the position of the ellipsoid relative to the centre of the Earth

- Defines how the graticule is seated over the ellipsoid
- Both a datum + ellipsoid are needed to define a Geographic Coordinate System
What are the four components of a Geographic Coordinate System ?
- Datum
- Spheroid
- Prime Meridian
- Unit of Measure
Albers Equal Area Projection
- Poles not represented as points but as arcs (meridians do not converge)
- Latitude lines unequally spaced concentric circles